Devastation is in a horrible place

I just started maining this class this season. Why does it get 0 love from blizzard ever. I mainly PVP but do raid and also am around 2880 IO in keys

-AOE is only good in low target high health cleave adds such as fights like Silken Court or the first boss in Mists. The best think you can do is save a 12 stack pyre but by the time you build a new one trash is usually already dead. A full Fire Breath does nothing as the dot is normally still up when things die.

-We have decent defensive CDs but so do most classes, except those classes are also passively tanky. It is incredible how much better Aug is at living than Deva. It is night and day

I would like to see our armor get buffed a bit and Inherent Resistance to go to 10%. OR buff our self healing.

-Idk where to even start. Our mobility is all we have. Critical Damage is below far to many classes for what Deva is. Right now the top classes compete pretty well on the meters with Deva. BM and Ele are overtuned, however they do the same dmg on details as Deva does EXCEPT their damage is 100% ST while ours is AOE. ST damage is way more terrifying than AOE.

-Sleep walk having a CD is a crime
-We have 0 self sustain. People complain about our mobility being too high…that may be true in some cases vs some classes. But A LOT of classes have high mobility. What they do not have is a 25 yard range and have to use a CHANNELED spell to do damage

-Blue school is the only school that does damage. Fire breath is just for a mass disen and some bonus dmg. Living flame is laughable to use more than 1 time

-Dragonrage feels overnerfed in Pvp. Most of the time people just try to toe to toe you which for a CD like that shouldnt be an option. It feels more like DH meta or Warrior Avatar now.

-Even with near infinite hover…Deva still has a 25 yard range which means any ranged character will have free reign on them at all times. I cannot pull back and do damage or pull back and help use my 5 second Sleep Walk on a healer since that is the only real place it gets max value unless you catch someone

-Deva right now feels strong into some class and comps and WEAK as hell into others. I think these changes will help them compete in PVP more and you will see them on the ladder finally

-Disintegrate should be unkickable
Lower PVP damage a bit (5%-10%) but make it have a perma aura mastery. It is the same thing with DH Eye beam. Using it to juke with is just as bad as getting kicked on it because you lose the recourses and benefits either way. Right now the entire class revolves around Disen. There are a million ways to stop it. Not just CC or kicks either…blinks, FD, Netherward, grounding, or simply just getting 25 yards away

-Sleep walk no CD
Very obvious but w/e. Sort of insane how the only close range caster in the game does not have a spammable cc but warlock has ever single DR

-Buff Attuned to the Dream OR Buff Panacea
We need to be able to have some more self sustain. Those are the best defensives in
game and right night Deva’s is below fricken HUNTER…A class that does not
even have an actual spam able heal

-Buff Fire Breath initial damage across all empowered levels and lower dot dmg.

-Buff Living Flame and Azure strike by 3-5%

-Remove Crippling Force or change it to cause perma frost to last double
with Disen being unkickable…this talent would be gross

-Give Deva Blistering Scales
This would be nice and will help us play with other classes. Deva last peels so
cleaves can crush your partner. This would be nice to put on a warlock

-Buff Source of Magic
I have used the a ton of times and my healer can still easily go oom. I am sorry but what is that? That should be a + for queing with a Deva is that your healer cannot go oom. It is the one thing we bring to the table and even that is awful

Deva shouldn’t be the tankiest but def should be more tanky right now. Yeah they can move a lot but also have to be close to really do any damage. Right now Deva does not excel over other classes anywhere. I have spoken to many Evokers and they all say the same thing. They are never someone’s first choice to que with because the class is literally just a glass cannon and they do not even do that well.


IMO, Devastation plays fine (PVE PoV, I dislike PVP) but just needs to be tuned to be more competitive such that it’s comparable to Aug.

Also yeah it could use something like a personal blistering scales, thing’s made of paper.


I pressed enter before I was ready. I made the suggestion to give Deva Blistering. It lets them bring more to the table. Aug is incredible in keys and Deva is trash. That CD would close that gap by a lot actually

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Absolutely. I actually really like the playstyle of Devastation, it’s relaxing and has a great aesthetic; it just needs more personal survivability and some tuning, minimum. We’ll see what the future brings, of course!

I’d like to be able to play it again without being a pariah.


Welcome to the party.


We are quite good on large packs too, but somewhere in between we need to increase damage, yes, and in general we need a Pyre damage buff.

What kind of PVP do you mean? Outrdors, duels, RBGs, arena or Solo Shuffle?
Each of these aspects in PVP is completely different and spec is different in any of them.

But not many have immune to movemen’t slow effects almost 24/7.

Instant one is good, plus it have a chance to give you Essence Burst and Scarlet Adaptation somtimes buffs it well.

Lol what? No, nonsence.

Agree here, we have PVP talent tho, this not that critical.

Think that only Emerald Blossom have to be buffed and if we speaking of healing, I wouldn’t mind reducing the mana cost of healing spells.

Yeah, agree.

Or by 30 - 50%.


It’s okay in current state, 0.25% per empowered lvl, up to 1%.

I would prefer an increase in our damage instead, we have pretty good defense and our mobility compensates for all of its weaknesses.

I feel your pain here and can completely relate. This season, I’ve played all the top-performing and less-popular classes and specs. I eventually got bored and re-rolled a brand-new Devastation Evoker, mainly because I wanted to go against the mainstream and not just follow the meta.

However, it feels like the developers abandoned us around the middle of Dragonflight when they introduced the Augmentation Evoker. I enjoyed playing my Devastation Evoker during Dragonflight Season 1, but since then, it’s all gone downhill.

In any Mythic+ group I join, other casters with lower item levels are dealing more damage and have better utility and self-sustain than we do. Why would anyone bring a Devastation Evoker when they could pick an Enhancement or Elemental Shaman, Hunter, Mage, or even an Augmentation Evoker to supercharge the team?

I really hope that the Blizzard development team hears us and addresses our issues so that in patch 11.1.0, we’ll be more viable.

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It looks like Blizz dev trying to defense their mistakes and brainwash every other Dev evokers that everything is fine with the spec and thats why it is the 3rd one from bottom in the M+ rankings

What exactly do you not like about what I wrote above? What do you disagree with?

Maybe with this? Where I wrote that Living Flame needs 30 - 50% damage increase?

I am for an adequate approach, there are downsides, and believe me, I feel them myself, but I don’t want to become the meta, fotm faceroller, for which everyone plays, we need balance, through gradual, sensible changes.

No need to be disingenuous, this topic describes not only the problem of our damage in M+, many other aspects are touched upon here, with which everything is in order, specifics are needed.

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The spec is not different depending on which aspect you are running. There is literally only 1 spec for Deva that works in all aspects of this game. But this game is balanced in pvp around 3s.

-But A LOT of classes have high mobility
But NONE of those classes have a 25 yard range and their main spell is a channel. Also that is an honor talent slot

-Living Flame is laughable
I said it is only worth pressing 1 time

-Disintegrate should be unkickable
Not nonsense, not my fault you cannot see why it should be unkickable

-Sleep walk no CD
It is not an honor talent that you can run often

-Buff Living Flame and Azure strike by 3-5%
Your suggestion would make them overtuned

-Give Deva Blistering Scales
This would close the PVE gap between Aug and Deva. Give Deva a reason to be in Keys. Let Deva help their partners more than just rescue

-Deva shouldn’t be the tankiest but def should be more tanky right now.
A damage buff is a bad idea. Deva is already pretty solid in that department but they are paper outside of Wall. As stated before high mobility with a 25 yard range is not ideal. It controls where you play, you need to always play pushed up. You have to hug the other team while playing on a pillar. ALSO Hover is not Fel Rush. The hover CD is not short…you dont go far. The best thing it does is lets you move while hovering. VS melee yes this stops dmg on you till they reconnect. VS casters this literally does nothing besides keep you at a range they can always hit you. Deva needs to passively take less damage somehow or heal it back themselves better

No, it is, not sure you are high rated PVP player, if you don’t understand this, for example in the open world or in a duel with the same DH, you need a certain tactic, a sequence of using control spells or dealing damage, I’m not even talking about a fight with a good sub rogue, 1 vs 1, in the arena everything is completely different, there is a healer, there is teammate which supports you and peels, in Solo Shuffle and RBG are another story. In each of these PVP scenarios you need to play differently and you feel differently, somewhere you are overly effective (as for us, this is in most cases), and somewhere you are very weak.

25 yards because we have massive area of ​​effect splash burst damage that few others have.

You have to spam it when procs (in PVP scenario) and as I said sometimes it boosted enough wih Scarlet Adaptation.

This is an ability that deals the vast majority of our damage, and even when it inerrupted, you still have 3 - 4 of the schools of magic, red one, green, black and even bronze, use other abilities at this time depending on the situation (not only press 1 button to win, be flexible).

Here I agree with you, the only thing is, I would probably like more if all such control spells had a cooldown, like Polymorph, Fear, Cyclone, etc, all that insane spam CC spells.

I meant more the PVE aspect, there this spell is usually on the last lines in damage, I don’t think that this will change the picture much as a whole (atm, the total of the talents that we have increase the damage of Living Flame by 30%, but we ignore them, since this is not the main spell for dealing damage), in PVP it is okay in principle, there is no need to change the damage there.

This is tanky thing, I don’t really want us to be tanky, our trick should be elusiveness and dangerous massive splash aoe damage in 25 yards, we love devokers for this very reason, don’t we?

I think differently, we have 2 walls reducing damage by 40% for 12 seconds! We have a heal of 100% of the damage received, a shield of 30% health when using Rescue, self-healing, high mobility and powerful control.

Okay, whatever you say.

Hero talent resets its cooldown after using DB, now there are no problems at all with mobility, and there weren’t any before, you just need to use these spells wisely.

You can slow movement speed of any caster by 80%, they can’t even slow you down at all, the only place i feel like i’m at a disadvantage compared to other casters is in epic battlegrounds where the casters in lane are sniping each other from 40 yards, Ashran is the best example, but often there are a lot of other things you can do on those epic battlegrounds to be effective.

We already have a lot of passive effects and talents that reduce damage, yes, we are not tanks, but we are harder than some classes, about healing yeah, agree here, in general, my advice to you in any hopeless and difficult situation is to look for a way to solve it and to your surprise, you will find them.

I am not great with the forums but

-Your point 1
The post talks about “spec” not play style or anything. Your reply does not make sense. Deva has 1 viable spec they run in not only pve but pvp. Maybe 1 or 2 small talent changes. But it is just straight down the right side and middle. ALSO always Scalecommander. Flameshaper is utter garbage at the moment

-Point 2
Massive is sort of a hit and miss. You counter Deva by spreading. You feed into Deva by grouping up. It is the same way with DH. Deva is much less threatening if you spread. Also it isnt massive. Fire breath is a pretty small cone width wise and as stated before if you spread you counter it. Deva is very good into melee cleave comps which is where they excell

-Point 2
You do not want to spam it. There is no point to doing that. Yes it can generate essence burst but you really want to use it with Scarlet Adaption / Iredes. With the way the game currently is you will have a ton of Disen procs that it just is not worth to pres a weak Living flame unless you have no option.

  • Point 4
    Red - Living Flame (stated before how to use) / Pyre (not worth pressing in Pvp)
    Green - Sleep Walk (Has a cd and does not get much value unless it goes on healer)
    Bronze - Blessing of the Bronze (yeah go ahead spam that)
    Black - Deep Breath (this is ironically the best option for keeping pressure but you want to use it in a way you get the most value. EX. Resetting both hovers with hover off cd and when you can max value out of both essence moves and 2x bombard. You cannot do that while kicked)

Point 6
-What is the highest cr you have played at? I do not think you understand how important it is for Deva to be tanky with a 25 yard range. AND as was stated…this ability will allow Deva to be stronger with other classes such as casters. Currently Deva has very few class options to que with

Point 7
-Next time you do an arena match…look at healing done. Deva hardly heals. Hunters heal more…HUNTERS

I do not want to reply to the rest of your posts. It just seems you are speaking from inexperience and are talking about casual PvP which is not what has been mentioned

Thanks for holding our scaly backs Brother!

Giving devastation Blistering Scales would solve the defensive issues I think.

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Almost none of the unavoidable damage we take is physical, though.

In many cases our practice gives us more armor than plate wearers-- we’re already pretty well equipped to deal with that.

If you wanted scales to offer any real survivability, you’d have to add a magic damage reduction component to it, or something like a slowly regenerating absorb shield.

Or they could make Defy Fate a class talent.

Agreed, I’ve been saying that since Aug came out.

Give it to the class side with a special effect for each spec.

Aug gives aoe shield, dev does a blast wave that heals and damages everything in range, pres gets a turbo aoe heal.


YOU like devoker for that reason. I hate the 25 yard restriction and I also hate how paper thin it is.

I support baseline Blistering Scales and Defy Fate.


I am against putting Blistering Scales on Dev. If it was moved it would be to the general tree, likely becoming a choice node with SoM.

If there’s a problem with the damage spec, the solution shouldn’t be to take things directly from augmentation. If I wanted to play augmentation I would play augmentation. If tanks are dying from melee swings, I didn’t pick a DPS spec to babysit the tank and even then that doesn’t change anything because augmentation would still exist.

Just buff our damage through the roof and call it a day if we are in a bad spot because the number of keys that would require an aug for survival are remarkably slim.

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I think blistering scales would be ok, albiet if it was in a weakened condition.

However im 100% fine with what we got right now.