Devastation Evoker is FINE? HAVE YOU EVEN TRIED MAGE?

And it’s less mobile then a mage lul

Seems clear they want all mail classes to have it. Why not keep it unique and remove it from the clothie? It doesn’t belong.

Either give it to all and make it a party/raid CD, or remove the outlier.

Did the spirit of Billy Mays inhabit your body? Calm down, Problematic.


It really is, and with half the range. And no portals. And it makes me HORRIFICALLY SAD.

I don’t like this DPS!

AND my character can’t be thiccque!

You’re saying ret doesn’t have utility? What is wrong with you. The spec gushes utility.

Have you tried it in arena…

Idk exactly what problems people seem to be having with preservation, but I’ve had minimal healing problems and keeping up and even in a LOT OF raid/boss fights of surpassing my guilds main healers.

Devastation DPS can feel underwhelming but with a little time it’s pretty easy to get used too. I will it can seem or feel less forgiving than other classes but overall, it’s not bad.

I truly believe there are people who are complaining just because like every xpack there’s changes and people tend to be afraid and lash out against change.

I also think currently a big problem right now is a lot of people see a new shiny class, and want to gear it up asap, and are queueing as healers to speed up their queue times bringing a black eye to those who are or do plan on making this their main. So, then those who get in LFRs or Dungeons who have no intention of actually healing are clueless to what they’re doing and just suck then complain yet once again it can feel weird and be less forgiving but it’s Imo a really smooth healing class.

And yes… evoker can be pretty freaking mobile just learn the class lol.

As for the perceived tank “shortage” most the evokers currently in game will end up deleted or shelved. It’s just something “new and shiny” and those who have access to it want to give it a shot. Which also ties into the problem/s I mentioned previously.

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Not when the general paladin tree is so poorly designed you lost spells going into dragonflight effectively. And it isn’t like you are using the new 5 talent points on them because you are locked into the bottom for throughput.

Is Arcane so bad that people not even mention it?

Devastation feels like Melee spec with a 25yd threat range. Not a bad thing.

Has lots of mobility, can talent into some nice defensives(30% DR for 24 seconds is pretty nice) and can offheal and burst heal with Emerald Blossom especially if you take Panacea.

On top of that a 75% Armor bonus off of Mail Armor.

That’s a whole lot of crying over a class that has some bulk to it for a caster.

Can’t really say the same about say Enhancement Shaman.

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Where is the armor bonus? Is it a talent?

It’s a passive. Check your spellbook under Evoker.

Tempered Scales - Your dragon scales increase your armor by 75%.

Oh shnap just a base passive? Hype

I was honestly hoping Devastation was going to be my new main. I don’t much like the other ranged classes (outside of hunter), and I am not a melee player. I have played hunter primarily since BC, and evoker being the first ranged class added since launch, this felt very promising. After taking it through the starting zone and a few dungeons, I am disappointed. It’s not nearly as mobile as people claim. The rotation doesn’t feel cohesive. There is no flow to it.

If we’re talking PvP, I’m afraid devastation will be one of those specs that does a ton of damage and that’s all it will have. The utility it brings I agree pales in comparison to other specs in that format

Have you considered it’s not the spec that’s bad but just the person playing it?


My biggest issue with Evoker is that Living flame is a cast time among instants and a channel and that puts a frown on my face.

If it was more like a ranged crusader strike I would feel much better.

38 specs in the game to choose from… nobody is forcing you to play something you don’t like. A new class came out, clearly you don’t like it, pick something else, it’s not hard

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Have you considered not being condescending?

They bring being capable to switch into a healing spec.