My 2cp is that the Dev feels incomplete, the buffs we got to our defensives were nice, our damage isn’t horrible, but the rotation we need to do that level of damage is clunky, and part of that is the mobility issue, in ST we can count on 20 secs of hover out of 40 but if that lines up with us needing it vs. escaping mecanics can’t always be counted on. And casting either of our more AoE spells to move while casting feels bad on the damage count. Couple that with the shorter range forcing movement more often and the rotation feels disjointed.
And honestly I don’t feel for Dev at least the reduced range is just a gimmick that doesn’t show a trade off.
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I enjoy Dev /shrug, opinions and such.
tbh idk why they tried to make a another mobile caster dps. One is always going to be better than the other. Mage already fills the mobile caster niche and has 3000 pounds of utility to make it work and the damage to back it up. Devastation was doomed to be outclassed ever since the design was “mobile damage caster”. Mage already has monopoly on this because not only are they same archetype, they have THREE separate playstyles in that archetype. The niche is covered.
They should just make Hover a toggle like burning rush. if it needs to cost something, they can have it drain a bit of mana while on, or slow essence regen or something… but honestly, the cost for being able to cast while moving should just be the 25-yard range.
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I’m not blessed with beta access. That spell rotation sounds an awful lot like frost mage. Is it similar?
I saw a dracthyr with an axe. Why? Do they melee?
Dracthyr might but evokers don’t
I killed so many evokers on beta i ended up with a nice set of dragon scale armor but i don’t wear mail so its useless just like the evokers i destroyed. They worst defense than demon hunters lol.
It is true that they are sales pitch of this expansion but still it doesn’t mean that you are forced to play it as I said to the OP.
I have played Demon hunter during Legion, but my main is still Windwalker monk.
This is the first new class I probably won’t touch at all aside from just messing around with it here and there, its playstyle seemed pretty boring when I played it on the beta. Devastation doesn’t feel “real” to me, it’s like controlling an NPC or something. Between DH and evoker it seems like blizz is only going to be taking a very minimalist approach to new classes now
If you haven’t felt how oddly inadequate TS and mail armor are on Evoker for being in the mechanics zone then I don’t know what to say. It feels like it’s anti-armor.
Yup it’s going to be hilarious seeing all these people running around as the DPS spec not getting picked for any pugs because the spec sucks, at least the healing one is good, but yea good luck to anyone out there trying to get a range slot as the DPS spec.
I pray to Elune that Blizzard will fix the Evoker before official expansion release.
For a class that is advertised as advanced and mobile, it falls very short of those things.
If you’re going to advertise a class as mobile, it should be more mobile than a Mage rather than less mobile.
Tank spec in the future would be ideal as well.
You get up to 3 charges of Hover,
you have rescue, verdant embrace and deep breath for quick movement.
After Deep Breath you can even return instantly to your starting point.
You also have Zephyr to add extra movement speed…
Evoker are highly mobile.
And Evoker don’t need a Tank spec
We do not get 3 charges of hover, we get 2 charges and the ability to use it again every 2 minutes assuming we aren’t holding time spiral for something.
Rescue requires two stage targeting and both it and verdant breath require a target so it’s not always viable.
Deep breath can work provided you’re needing to move in a straight line, not over anything that could deal damage to you, and not over anything you don’t want to deal damage to.
Recall right now is an okay talent but it’s moving a point away from better throughput, and is only useful if you will need to quickly return to where you just left.
Zephyr is on a 2 minute cooldown and like Time spiral is a raid cooldown that isn’t likely to just be for your personal movement needs.
We are pretend mobile, we have a lot of tools to “move” with but only a couple of things that we can guarantee will be what we need when we need it.
And no they don’t but Drachtyr sure as hell do.
Is it bad, or do you just suck? 
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I’ve played turret casters all my life so the playstyle isn’t hard to adjust to, but good god it would have been so much better if they built around being highly mobile during filler and your burst required you to turret. Empowered skills don’t feel impactful enough to require being so stationary, and disint should be castable while moving or not get interrupted by activating hover.
It’s just little things that make you feel it.
Totally cool with point out evoker problems, hope they get fixed, but let me encourage the devs to not “fix” evokers by gutting mages to make evokers look better in comparison. This shouldn’t be a concern but with Blizzard’s track record with class design it totally is.
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I don’t have beta and I’m not going to give Blizz $50 on a product that seems extremely iffy to me. If DF gets good reviews around two months in, then I will buy the game and try Evoker.
It definitely is not fine, and I have been having a hard time finding anyone saying that. The class was gutted in approximately the last 3 months of the current build - what was once tentatively strong now slaps like a roll of Charmin. It just isn’t a good class - it isn’t even a baseline BAD class like elemental shaman of old.