But he also said “easy”. So It’s good and it’s easy and it starts at level 50 but ret out represents them by 200%?
Seems to me that Ret might be in a better spot and most Devs are just playing Draco Cheese
But he also said “easy”. So It’s good and it’s easy and it starts at level 50 but ret out represents them by 200%?
Seems to me that Ret might be in a better spot and most Devs are just playing Draco Cheese
If you want a serious response
Ret has more accessibility to a very good very easy comp (ret warr fw) and has been popular all xpac and is historically one of the most popular specs in the game overall in terms of numbers of players
This is dev’s first ever xpac ever and has access to both dk/dev which is very good and dk/assa which is also really good
Funny enough, assa/dev should never lose to an rdruid team.
I would unironically q with you to help you get glad if only to see how you reach some conclusions.
I wouldn’t queue with you.
I’d hope not, would make the case of being a carry super easy.
ret rep is consistently high due to its overall popularity as a class/spec regardless of how good or bad it is in a given meta
ret obv strong right now but rep has very little, if any, to do with it
daily reminder that rep means virtually nothing when determining strength
He said he didn’t want a carry.
Although I think I’d have liked to see him stick to his main instead of fotm into Dev from Enh.
Lets say it’s hot outside and icecream sales go up for businesses in an area, would you say that people suddenly like ice cream more, or would you say that people are buying more icecreams because it’s hot outside?
Hey man I wouldn’t be carrying. I actually genuinely want to see how he formulates some of his conclusions. I do like knowing the why’s behind things.
I’d even tryhard to win every game
Seems to be consist to me.
Every melee that isn’t assa or ret is mediocre or worse right now
Casters have more options
so do you think outlaw/arcane are bad rn? cuz they are the lowest rep’d non tank specs in the game atm
half this thread is arguing that dev is actually nuts in current meta, and you even argued that dev is easier to level given they start at 50, yet they are 19th out of 39 specs rep wise
sin is probably the strongest spec in the game rn- 6th highest rep btw
Meh, I rerolled because it was good and fit better with my partners I found success due to it.
The reality is the skills translate when it comes to melee to melee and gearing is easy so why would you handicap yourself
If WW wasn’t bottom two melee then I would’ve stayed on it all season
We playing hte same game?
They are niche. Classes that are easy and good will have a higher representation. Outlaw and Arcane are in the same bracket as Fdk.
No, no, absolutely not. FDK isn’t even bad in draco/bigdam.
I’m not sure why the representation argument gets brought up at least 10 times a day. It’s not a hard thing to figure out and only requires a high school education.
FDK is one of the easiest specs in the game which means you’re just arguing to argue
feral is insanely good right now, still bottom 5 rep wise
arms warrior has had seasons where they aren’t good- still consistently top 5-7 rep wise because it’s a popular spec/class
Shout out mental illness tho.
No feral is clinically sane
Because feral is Hard,
Because Fdk is Bad and only Niche
It’s it’s bad it can still get rating but be low rep because it’s Cheese or Niche.
If it’s Good but it’s hard it can get rating but be low rep because… well, It’s hard.
If it’s easy but bad it’s not going to be high rep but it can still get rating if it’s niche for some comps.
Now, If it’s easy AND good. something something Ret paladins.