Dev LF assa rogues/dhs/healers

Great job on the heals brother! We stunnted on them foos.

Was you 2 using gamer words and planning your next highschool party?


Link rescue bind pls

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I typed 5 letters 2 weeks ago and you’re still seething.

Why are you guys even arguing?

You typed a lot more than 5 letters princess.

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I’m not sure. I’d rather just have this thread for anyone who wants to make a serious glad push.

I’m going to stop responding tho.

Link rescue keybind

dev enhance when


You’re too good. I want to earn this on my own with relatively skilled players. Ty tho.

lust static fly breath I’m telling u we’re cooking

Yeah Static Flame breath is huge

Griefers may apply

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I already kicked one rogue who goes by “mvp” something, who tried to do that.

He was just tellin u the truth lil bro

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imagine kicking someone for just telling you what you shoulda done

Ret in the target every game in ret/war and ret/dh

You’re welcome to try ret if you want lol

It’s obviously a strong melee right now but it’s not as easy as dev


Then why are there so many rets?

Was it because he was overqualified


classes can be good without being popular