Bro legit stood there tanked damage all game and didn’t stop a single set up and is typing with the utmost confidence
You realize Dev is way more broken/fotm than Ret right?
And then you have your rdruid sitting 40 yards away PvE healing while all you have to do is occasionally hoj trap and win games. And if the rdruid wants to drink it doesn’t matter because ret is a second healer. I have no idea how you don’t have glad already playing that broken spec.
The irony from the assa/dev player is unreal
Yeah, it’s pretty easy, but at least we can die. Both of us are relatively squishy.
Not really lol maybe you do
Bad devs can die. Fixed it for you
Eh, even they take a while.
Assuming they have rescue bound. Average one isn’t comfortable doing anything other than spamming damage, let alone using rescue, timestop, etc.
I mean, it’s a lot easier to die on dev or assa than ret paladin. I’ll give Cov respect tho, he’s a very solid player and despite our differences I always admit that.
Swole does not but we eventually had to tab to his rogue (knowing swole won’t press any of his buttons to save him)
I actually had poor positioning. I should have stacked on the rdruid when you guys were on me. That’s hard to do tho because the rdruid will push back and you guys will trap my healer. Overall rets are nightmare comps to go against. Your spec needs to be gutted to unplayable levels because I’ve personally had enough of this ret filled xpac.
Link ur rescue keybind
Same is said about Dev. Its broken. I’d rather fight pretty much any other cept maybe afflic over dev
Assa/aff and dk/assa are the only two more “I sleep” comps
Other than splay but that’s exclusively because ret/surv
There’s prob more ret glads than any other spec by a huge gap. Maybe Dhs have a close amount.
Link ur rescue bind
I just checked. The top 300 rets are 2500 lol.
Link rescue bind
As a gladiator evoker I’d recommend having the rescue ability keybound for both teammates.
I was there for this!