Dethrone mechanic messed up my alt guild

Irrelevant now. Either get your friend to log in and fix it or find a new guild.

this wouldn’t of been done if i had know about the feature. which i did not.

Whats in the past is in the past. Complaining here isn’t gonna get your guild back.

choices we make usually pertain to things we know. it really wasn’t a choice because i didn’t know about this “feature” because i made the guild over 15 years ago. and yes i was the original maker of this guild. i can’t remember which character i made it on. but yes i got the signatures and originally made the guild. literally the only reason this isn’t resolved is because hes not technically advanced so anything to do with guild creation, inviting, opening a ticket, you name it never gonna happen for him.

No one here can do anything about it. If you wish to see a change to the Guild Dethrone, post on General Discussion, the devs do not come to the CS forums for suggestions or feedack.

Making a new guild is easy as snap now. You just need 5 signatures, I think it still costs 10g but that one daily quest and done.


Mate, this forum is folks want to help. Being hostel towards others because you’re not getting an answer you want isn’t going to end well. More so when stuff like this will get the thread lock.


Unfortunately posting here wont get it transfered regardless while u mite disagree with there statements anyone in good standings can post in a topic.

I mean this in the kindest way possible, but I would advise you dislodge that massive chip on your shoulder. Arguing with folks isn’t going to do a blessed thing but get the thread locked and put your posting privileges in jeopardy.

You don’t have to validate anything to us here - this forum is one for players to assist other players. And I gave you what you can try and do. When they tell someone to go to the forums, they mean to post in the appropriate forum to try and leave their feedback as to what can be done better or differently. We, as your fellow players, can do nothing but provide you with information. There are no GMs or Devs on this forum. Absolutely nothing can be resolved by posting here specifically.

So please, submit your ticket. Tell them you were the original creator of the guild, you were dethroned and the person who dethroned you cannot/will not bein resubbing to do this manually. Heck, link my post if you’d like. You will likely get an automated/templated response at first. That is fine and expected. Just hit the option to the tune of “I still need help”, and it will kick the ticket back into the queue for a GM to review.


this i did 5 days ago. theres no chip i’m just trying to get my point across as i’ve typed this out many times now. all i did was click the link they gave me and tried again.

There has been a dethrone option in game since the start. The early version required a ticket to a GM. If the Guild Leader was gone more than 30 days a high ranking guild member could request the guild be given to them.

The second version started to automate that - in that if the Guild Leader was gone for more than 30 days it automatically offered GM to the next rank down, and so on until someone accepted it. That version had issues though, esp for family guilds.

Current version that has been out for many many years now, if the GM is gone for more than 90 days the game offers GM to the next guild rank down, up until rank 3 I think. Anyone below rank 3 won’t get offered the option to take control of the guild. That lets a GM set guild ranks so that nobody can take over even if they are gone for years.

You willingly gave GM to another person. At that point the guild was theirs - and they did not dethrone you. You were not forced out of your GM position. Maybe you mean they demoted you so your guild rank did not allow for the automated system to offer you GM again?

When CS can’t help because of policies, they will tell you to post a suggestion asking for a policy change. To do that, you can use the in-game suggestion feature, or post on the General Discussion forums where CMs look for feedback. THIS CS specific forum is an Information desk mostly to help guide folks through tickets, support articles, and explain policy.


Even then, it could be requested via a GM.

While a GM may make an exception due to your ticket, it’s VERY rare and unlikely, so be prepared for that. I think some folks here just want you to be prepared for that.

I thought if you dethroned someone, it left them at a rank high enough to take over later if you disappear. Anyone remember? I mean, that wouldn’t change the current result, but it WOULD indicate the friend demoted you. But not useful to the situation, really.

I wish you luck in getting your guild back. If it makes you feel any better, unless you have a lot of gold in there, most of it isn’t worth anything at this point (given your long absence).

It seems like the op handed over the guild to their friend willingly before they left the game. So it’d be a hard pressed to get the guild back.

The Dethrone System went in with Patch 4.3, that’s November 29, 2011, while it has changed a bit since it was initially put in, whoever was guild leader was would have been able to control who had the dethrone option by placing members in the appropriate ranks.

From what I can see, the character you are referring to joined in 2013, after the dethrone system was implemented, which is also 4 years after the character that is currently guild leader.

To be clear, our Support staff recommended that you submit your feedback/suggestions to our Game Developers, as they are the only ones that would be able to change a game system. They referred to the Community forums, which would be any of the ones outside of Support. Support governs this forum, Technical Support and the Bug Report forums. For this subject General Discussion would be best.

To set expectations, when the Guild Dethrone was first introduced there was a great deal of feedback provided by the player base. With that feedback the system was updated to how it currently functions today. While I understand your frustration, the system is unlikely to be changed without some serious input from the overall player base.

As I believe all points have been covered and it is unlikely we can provide anything else useful, I’m going to lock this one up.

I hope your friend has a change of heart and can transfer leadership to you. Good luck.