Dethecus Horde Reconnections

On a related note to LB, I’m/we’re looking for a few people to reconnect with who have disappeared.

  • Darthnihilus
  • Greymist
  • Guntz
  • Kakao
  • Matador
  • Yamato

If you’re out there and reading this, let me know

@Gralsh Great to see you still around! Not sure if I’m playing classic, but if I do I’ll stop by and say hello!

Edit: Opps forgot to say I was Avarius in Kabal way back.


Did anyone ever figure out why Gaultier’s corpse was in those dudes’ BWL instance or is that still a mystery? <3

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I remember you. Nice to see you playing again

Did you by chance play a DK named TacoDeep in WoTLK?

Was a Tauren hunter named Jaood in SWLPP from Archimone to Dethecus and Dentarg. I remember grandma, wordplay, troylol, uncensored, and others. Coming back for classic and seeing if anyone is coming back as well.

I’ll be playing casually on Blameux Horde, hit me up - Dugrim, Gee#1929

Denri - Orc Warlock. Played mostly in the guild Horatii during classic then Rest In Pieces during TBC.
Tsaurkanon/Gods of Warcraft better make a comeback!
Gatorg, if you’re out there, I still hate you.

If anyone from Months Behind is reading this hmu on discord?? replaying with Vimy (gladiator) and john


  • Hydral

wow, liljr. that brings back some memories. was in kinfolk through tbc
toon was ikulla troll rogue

Hi folks!

CT / UDKM here although I swung both ways on Dethecus.

Alliance: Druzaltep (NE team rouge), Neuromancer (human scum warlock)

Horde: Robitussen (troll priest kek) and an undead something

Let me know what server we’re rolling on (whitemane?), see you in the spire to stack skeletons.

ps Sawce is fat

i used to play an undead rogue called deadtrent
cant remember my guilds name unfortunetly

but wondering if a Tauren shaman by the name Doblea is out there? aussie bloke if that helps


whitemane yes. sawce will be even fatter.

Windfury Totem and 1.5s heals are coming for all of you

I’m still friends with Kakao, I sent her a link to your post here.

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Hey I was in Defiance and played a fury warrior named Vanic. You were the shaman class officer right?

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Hey dude! Yeah, the guild kind of fell apart when BC launched but for a few months before that we were farming MC and Ony and just breaking into BWL. I think I remember you but it has been a super long time so the memory is fuzzy. You gonna run classic?

Change in plans, MB is going Blaumeux. Queues are for losers.

Whos all coming back for classic?

I still have a screenshot of you and Beat talking about Freddy Mercury’s awesome mustache. <3
Lucid will be rolling on Fairbanks. I think Gryss and some of his new guildies will be there too. Hope to see you there. Hit me up! Justizia#1235 :slight_smile: