I did not =(
ikulla! I remember the name, but it has been so long tho lol
Justizia, recognize my name at all? Could be vague, lol
Jep, Aurenz will be on Fairbanks with the same MO.
Definitely sounds familiar. Remind me?
Yep, me and a few people I’ve met over the years are going to Stalagg. If I remember we had downed Razorgore and Vael in BWL. I think we raided a bit in BC too, but I do remember the guild sort of falling apart after that. Had some good times in vent though. The sound of Taurok saying wait for sunders is burned into my brain.
Taurok! Yes, him and his wife were both german and pretty awesome. I’m rolling incendius (EST) with a few real life friends. Best of luck man, glad I connected with at least one person from all that time ago
Hey, I definitely remember Bonnie and a couple people from Hu Dat Noodle House, I was a warlock, Joll, and we were 3 frenchies; Gabobi (troll hunter) and myself
Queues are indeed for losers, but I’ll be waiting on Stalagg anyway because I’m lazy and stupid.
Hi Skullz! I was in all those guilds with ya!
Ogkush - Undead mage!
OG waddup, been a minute.
Going Stalagg
Ghool - undead priest (also Zoombie, undead rogue)
I ran Social Disease for most of classic.
I don’t either really. Is everyone still rolling whitemane? One of my other vanilla servers is as well
Switching servers is for losers. Just ride it out, losers.
Queue’d up for Whitemane. See y’all soon!!
22k+queue for White man
5 hour queue time
Looks like they nailed the vanilla experience. Hopefully those that did log in are magic carpeting around for maximum authenticity.
Hey. I think Darthnihilus has been gone since BC, but I’m not sure what happened to the others.
That’s a shame. The rest of us hang out on a discord at least (Oxi, Malvado, Shadovv, etc). Ziiro#2310 on discord
Haste is alive on Fairbanks, if anyone from dethecus is still looking for a home. Overpower and myself and a bunch of other people from dethecus are back and playing again. Hit me up @zerospeed #1612 bnet
gosh i miss dethecus
i miss it too!