Dethecus Alliance Reconnections

Gwydion here. Eventually got fat and became Gwod.


Sup Malinar, Shizo. Long time no see. Does Popo still play? Wouldn’t his kid nearly be an adult by now?

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Wow. So fat.

Popo isn’t playing atm, but I’m in contact. He has two kids now I think.

Add me on the thing: tychoscience#1141



[This exists to reach the 10 character minimum and to convince the software that my post is a complete sentence].

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Lol were you the character who exclusively spoke in third person? I think I remember you :smiley:

  • Thenos

Feanah/Mattx if you remember me! :smiley:

RUDE!..yeah :(… also im the real mattx!

yeah, i remeber you. Still talk to WIllowe and goatee from time to time.

but i did most of my raiding with Furys edge.

Oh hey whats up guys.

Amisp - NE rogue. I was in finding emo briefly with some RL friends (Wyrm and Ela) but did my raiding in Furys Edge. I saw Nazuul up there! I also remember Darkfist, Wumpus, Parl, Akuma, Nevets. Just saw Moreno on here too!

I went to commander rank in pvp and played a lot with saga guys in that. Mexiding comes to mind and whoever their GM paladin was.

To be honest, a ton of the names on here are familiar, I just never played much with all of you.

What server are you rolling on Nazuul?

Drogo - Gnome Warlock in After Hours. Then became Samwir/Samwur - Resto Druid/Enhance Shaman in PreLoaded/Saga

Hey Moreno! That’s a name I remember. I haven’t been in touch with anyone from the old guild in a while, but Llednar still plays. He didn’t really start raiding with us till BC though.

Gwydion! now that’s a warrior i remember. Long time no see man. You, Vong and Danoria are the reason i made a warrior in BC.

Hey! How’s it going?

I remember you. You’re thinking of Tremere I think. He was leading the pvp group for saga when ranks came out.

If you find him, let me know… tell him Faile still owes him a smack upside the head for mining when he was supposed to be tanking. ; ) Good to see people haven’t forgotten.

What about Jack? (Dwarf hunter… hilarious guy)

And you had a 12 year old brat in that guild that EVERYONE made fun of… I ran with you guys a couple of times in BWL. (Faile, NElf Hunter, <Falcon’s Fury> leader.

YARR!! I washed up on the shores o’Dethecus ‘n found meself as a NE Hunter, Faile. Cap’n Faile, o’ the Falcons Fury , a fine bunch o’ ragamuffins if e’er there was one.

When that no good bloke Angwe kept beatin’ us down in Menethil Harbor, twere an infamous bit o’ shamin’ going on fer me mates… (We posted a “how to avoid that bastage Angwe” thread on the guild website… LOL)

I rand a PUG for Molten Core, Calethomson was our main tank, and I wish I could remember all the folks we had in that group… I know there were some folks from . We had a VOIP server of some sort, and Teagen, a mage, is one of the few names I can remember from that time.

There are several people I would love to find… including that Nelf hunter that helped me out when I was level 20-something.

Hope to hear from some folks soon!

I found some old vids and uploaded them to youtube. Garbage quality of 2004 or 2005 of course, but still kinda fun.


I remember you as well! Tremere was indeed who I was thinking of. He invited me to my first ever raid when saga was short one for an MC clear. I got past the first boss and was so pumped to be tagging along that I had forgotten to repair and my weapon broke. Mexiding told me to just stay in the raid and not die rather than admit I forgot, even though I couldn’t attack. My night went from my first time ever in MC and getting carried by the top guild on the server to faking a disconnect out of shame. Still one of my favorite nights in vanilla.

/wave Feanah/Mattx