Dethecus Alliance Reconnections

Nazuul Human Priest Furys Edge. Looking to reconnect with some people for classic release. Knoll, Recoome, Xanothis, Drakenfel, Caithar, Ogian, Cyrsh, Nevets, Montivar, Eggot, Imataquito, Parl, Jazz. comes to mind. If you rolled with furys edge then come roll again because we are getting ready to play classic.

Selfish - Female Gnome Rogue - Forgot guild name but Clan leader was SwordFury I think it was Chaos something for the guild name

Other guild - Relentless

Other players I remember;
Maz (you traded your human rogue for a druid)
Skot I know you in real life your brother is Brian :wink:
KT - Female Night elf who got me in NAXX
Jubilee - Gnome rogue
Sayain - best DPS Rogue on the server I believe

Clans I raided with;
Not Recruiting
ChaosTheory (I think that was my final guilds name)

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wow dead realm i only recognize 3 people

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Where the hell is Vir and/or Gnoblin? Come back bbs

OH yeah!! A bunch of us made Epilogue after Prophecy. :slight_smile: Then eventually turned into Phoenix for BC!

My character’s name was Guenevere- Human Priest…I remember being in the guilds: Prophecy,Preloadad,Genesis,Final Judgement. The people I do remember were Klump,Carexis,itsokimhere,druidchamp, and a tons more. Vanilla wow brings back the memories.

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Ye old days. Still read your name as Vurdewhis


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How’s Nortia (sp?) doing?! Hope she’s still enjoying her ZG Tiger :stuck_out_tongue:

PINDAR!!! Its Herrmanis the NE hunter

yeah buddy, I was in DS and DA with you guys. good times

Hey Toni, I don’t remember when we actually were in a guild together, it was either vanilla or BC, but good to see familiar names out there

/wave hello c:

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Y’all look familiar. Was a trash warlock Ettecoud <3

Hey! and she is doing good, she doesn’t play wow anymore but it was the raptor she got. So its gone to waste LoL

i was on and off my NE warrior Nime.

sup dude! Pleae don’t fall asleep during raids again

It pleases me someone remembers this, even if it is you

Intro time.

Liance, human warlock.
Also Wubsy, forum troll

I was in many guilds, most notably M E R C I L E S S and Not Recruiting.

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Hey everybody! It’s been a while. let’s see here… here’s the goods:

Sagewind - Human Female Mage
Kaylantra - Night Elf Female Druid

I started out in 1 or 2 small guilds of no consequence, but shortly after joined Ministry of Magic, and then joined Eclipsed till the end of vanilla.

Ministry of Magic: casual guild that died a very slow agonizing death after the GM quit wow without transferring leadership to someone else. But I was in this guild till after I was lvl 60. I could almost always be found in IF spamming LFM UBRS (15 man run at the time) trying to gear up.

Then I joined…

Eclipsed: Raiding guild. Originally was pwnstars, but changed names once they began seriously raiding. We were a… mid tier?.. raiding guild. We began raiding after the high end raiding guilds so we were a bit behind on progression. We did MC ZG BWL ONY AQ20 AQ40. We didn’t quite get to Naxx. At one point we had so many backup people that we could run 2 full MC raids at the same time. After BC launched we transferred to Ner’zhul and became Premonition.

People I remember:
It’s been a long time… I only remember a few names. Unicrom - our fearless leader. Willowe and Goatee - backups at the time but later became heads of the guild. Verac and Adogisback - the kids of the guild. There might be a few more I would remember if I were reminded.

I also played with several IRL friends like Llednar(gnome warrior), Booyah(gnome warlock), and Shenanigans(gnome warlock).

I remember Adogisback got our first epic raiding item from MC, and after killing bosses we would always tease verac by saying: “OH! Look what dropped! [Verac’s Balls]” (he was like 13ish at the time)

Lots of fun memories, like all the mages exploding after garr and trying to see who could ice block highest in the air. Or the World PvP before every raid because our raid times were the same as a horde guild’s raiding times. lol

Hit me up if any of you guys are gonna play classic again.

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Started on Dethecus as alliance, buddy of mine and I started the guild “Jesters of doom” hit lvl 60 and switch over to Horde where we joined up with “CT” till we eventually quit the game/realm right around the time AQ came out.
Mondragoran (rogue)

Mondragoran/Cptnplnt (shaman)