Destruction spec bonuses

No, I disagree with “seasonal play styles”, at least in this context.

Having it modify your rotation or gameplay is great, but there are plenty of ways to do that without forcing you into terrible talents that nobody plays with because nobody likes them. In what world is that good game design?

Yes, boring is bad, but so is arbitrarily forcing terrible play styles that nobody wants. Have them come up with better ways to change up our gameplay mechanics. If anything, this is showcasing how much people hate being pigeonholed into bad talents. You don’t seem to understand that though.


Yes, we have more mobility for a few reasons. There were some talent changes like madness that helped and dimensional rift does make us more mobile. However, that came at the cost of taking a capstone talent that people don’t want that directly competed with a fantastic capstone talent.

Oh wait, that’s top tier game design. What am I thinking. That’s flawless.

Not to mention dimensional rift could use some QoL updates, but all they did was bump the damage just to make dps competitive.

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Aww, I didnt know that they removed mota. Why’d they get rid of it?

Based on everything I’m reading here, some PvE Warlocks like DR and some do not. All PvP Warlocks love DR and especially the S3 2pc bonus. Nobody, whether a PvP or PvE player seems to enjoy CDF (despite how cool it looks).

Why don’t we put DR where CDF is in the tree: get rid of the talent nobody takes or likes. Then Raging Demonfire (the next tier talent) can become Dimensional Mastery (again, just a placeholder name) which grants the S3 bonuses.

This way PvP Destro players can get an ability they love and want while allowing PvE players to skip a talent that they feel may cause button bloat. Similarly, this would still let players pick Chaos Incarnate as that is the preferred choice for Mythic and Raiding (from my understanding).

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imagine your mini game mattering. Clearly blizzard doesn’t believe it does anymore been some of the worst pvp in wow in a long time.

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Yeah, really cool, a bunch of green peanuts zipping around while you stand there posing like a fool.

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That would be Blizzard. By designing tier sets to force specific spec builds with little to no variation of personal agency. Same thing they did for pretty much every class and spec in the S3 tier design.

Yes, lol. I literally said it looks cool but is awful. Even if you could cast it while moving it still wouldn’t be worth it a lot of the time. Not sure if you thought I was defending it or not, because I absolutely wasn’t. Other than, I suppose, the people who designed the graphics.

I was just saying that I don’t think it looks cool in a manner crass and flippant is all.

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That could work, but I don’t expect to see any talent tree reworks along those lines until maybe the expansion.

At least I think they said that the fated season is only going to be like 4 months instead of a longer tier, which means we have less time to deal with the fallout of whatever happens.

You know, as soon as I posted that I thought to myself, “No… that won’t happen. S2 was built around CDF.” :frowning:

However, I stand by my suggestion as from this thread and what I know of other Destro players, DR is preferred over CDF. I’m not saying you have to like either, but looking at those two abilities alone, the vast majority of players would pick DR.

I hope that Blizz keeps this in mind for future expansions: we really need to say goodbye to CDF and putting DR there just makes sense. Personally, I think it DR the feel of Destro quite well, in addition to being instant which is another level of use.

Longstanding Destruction player here… PLEASE, S3 IS SO COOL! FLAME RIFT IS AWESOME!

I will however suffer S2 if I must, since Channel Demonfire is at least visually fun to cast (even if I hate it in PvP).

Just… please, no S1! Its so boring gameplay wise… How about this, yeah? If Blizzard does retool/rework some of these set bonuses, give S3 variation for its choice talent.


(2) Set Bonus: Bolts from Dimensional Rifts now deal 25% of damage dealt to nearby enemies, and Immolate periodic damage has a chance to grant a charge of Dimensional Rift. Chaos Incarnate grants each Soul Shard consumed a chance to grant Chaos Maelstrom, increasing your critical strike chance by 10% for 10 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Dimensional Rift can now summon a powerful Flame Rift which blasts 20 Searing Bolts that deal Fire damage and an additional Fire damage over 10 sec. Chaos Incarnate causes your critical strikes to deal 208% damage instead of the usual 200%.

Is it lazy, and just mashing together S1 and S3? SURE! But its ‘freedom’ to have the awesome S3 benefit I adore, and let PvErs enjoy their S1 tier…


Personally, I’d just like to see Dimensional Rift become baseline for Destro Locks? That was so much fun from Legion, and let us talent stuff like Flame Rift, or the old Rift-support talents, like giving Incinerate a chance to restore a charge of Rift.

(Or, more realistically, separate Dimensional Rift from Chaos Incarnate, then give Dimensional Rift branching talents higher in the talents? I think it could work… like Dimensional Rift could replace Channel Demonfire, than replace Raging Demonfire with either a 2-point talent based off granting charges of Dimensional Rift! (like the 2-set bonus from S3, or the old Artifact ability for Incinerate to have a chance to grant charges), or make it a split talent. Like option 1. Unlock the powerful Flame Rift, and option 2 is Immolate periodic damage has a chance to grant Dimensional Rift!)

Or do something different, a 2-rank talent that gives Immolate periodic damage a chance to reduce the cooldown of Dimensional Rift, and a stacking empower that leads to a Flame Rift!)

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Whys a dk commenting in the warlocks forum

GOOD. You PvP folk have been the absolute BANE of PvE being able to thrive lmfao.

It’s Depressing how many people voted for the S1 Tier Set. It’s just flat stat increase. This season has been the most fun with Rift Tier, esp for high movement fights, and it’s great seeing all the damage done by it.

I agree with the thought process of not being pigeonholed into taking certain spells and talents, which is why crappy S1 is winning. However, pvp should have a different vote. if PVP gear could come with a different set bonus, that only works in pvp, like how the items go up to 489 would be gg. But blizz isn’t in the customer service industry, so don’t expect anyone to care…

Ironically, no one really playing destro in pve atm anyhow, and its really only popular in pvp. food for thought???

You should read my posts above… great minds think alike. :slight_smile:

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Wrong on both counts.