Destruction spec bonuses

Give us a Curio type item, that turns into a tier cloak. that will allow us to wear a 4pc and a 2pc set bonus. I am LOVING s3 destro 2pc =)

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This is a great idea!

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For anyone confused as to why Season 1 is winning over the other 2, it’s because there are a deceivingly large amount of players who are tired of pointless button bloat being added to the base spec they love to play.

Why should someone who loves what the core Destro Lock is about, be forced to take additional skills that don’t comfortably fit into the rotation, or fit with there thematic they have for the spec?

Why should I have to use DR or CDF when they are both clunky, annoying abilities to micromanage?

Idk about anyone else, but when people wanted tier sets back, I dont think everyone meant tier bonuses.
They meant class specific armor that fits the theme of their class, tier bonuses are pointless garbage majority of the time.


Are you shocked? I mean both the S2 and S3 tier bonuses have been almost universally trashed and dunked on because no one wants to be forced into some stupid talent that people don’t like just to not throw away their tier bonus.

The S1 tier set bonus is generic and boring, but at least it’s not channel demonfire or dimensional rift. I could see how dimensional rift might be good in pvp, but locking people into this spec is stupid and should never have happened. I’ll take the boring generic over that almost every time.


I love your answer.

Shadowlands’ Destruction Warlock is by far the best and most fun I’ve had in a while.

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In raid, the S3 tier bonuses are less annoying. In M+, while it does give some more burst and mobility, I find it annoying to use. There are too many dungeons with tiny adds or spitefuls and things that will accidentally eat rift charges since rift will not retarget. If they made rift retarget similar to channel demonfire does, I’d have much less of an issue.

That being said, being forced into a specific build and capstone talent is incredibly stupid. You are forced to use it or just suck. That’s one of the main reasons people hated the S2 bonus so much. “Hey, there’s this ability that no one takes, let’s force everyone to use it”.

There are so many better things that could have been done that aren’t boring buffs and don’t force you to take talents that nobody wants.

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How did you not expect S1 to win?

Yes, it’s incredibly boring and generic, but it also doesn’t force us into a specific style of play that nobody really wanted. S3’s dimensional rift is less terrible than S2’s channel demonfire, sure. But it forces you into taking a specific capstone talent and set bonuses shouldn’t do that.

There are much better ways to give interesting tier bonuses besides “here are some terrible abilities that no one takes but we are going to force you to use them”.


Why is the most boring one winning

Because boring and generic is more appealing to most people than being forced into taking talents that no one ever used and didn’t want to use for the sake of tier set bonuses.

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I just popped in to check on this, only played lock a bit in s1. Surprised its winning lol.

But I kinda get it. The main reason I play destro is for chaos bolts. Im more surpised subsequent sets didnt buff it.

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Would be funny (not really) if players who don’t play certain specs vote for the worst tier sets for others…

S1 is the second worst tier set bonus for both pve and pvp

someone is sabotaging locks

S3 is the way to go for both pve and pvp


It sounds perfectly plausible that people dont want to use demonfire or rifts

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it’s even hard to believe that s1 is winning.

s3 is so much more fun


You are part of the 5% that are seriously into pvp. Im at 1800 this season and i agree pvp is fun, but expecting the game to be dictated by it is a laugh lol.

This would require them to buff every single tier bonus in the game from every season. Wayyyy too much tuning work.

yes please.

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Does this not answer your question?

Says who?
That is exactly what tier sets should do. Grant seasonal play styles.
Majority of votes are for these tier sets that buff random talents (Season 2 & Season 3 combined is 54%). EU is majority S2+S3 combines too. So the premise that people dont like them and prefer passives is fundamentally flawed.

So instead we just have the terrible ability in its default status but at least we get crit. Because that’s what the Destruction tree lacks, passive modifiers.


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This is such a stupid argument because S1 and S2 was just filled with destro mains complaining about immobility. S3 quite literally resolved that by making rift viable in all pillars of content.


Yeah, no one wanted to be forced into using specific talents for S2 and S3. Don’t get me wrong, S1 is incredibly boring and generic. This just shows you how much people don’t want the devs to constantly force them to use talents no one ever does.