(Destromath) Old Timers?

Wow, where to even start…

Cathya, yes UD rogue in bc/wrath but UD priest Moneystacks in classic.

Gyesha, sorry I never came on I took a break right after we spoke.

Lotzahots, yeah that’s me. I was both.

Trigr, bro we gotta talk lol. What did you do to Tier!?

Fox, yoo we used to chill on the isle all the time. Some random alliance I ran into recently brought us up ahaha.

TRAKA, BRO you are truely timeless!

Bridgetmack, so many countless battles on the isle. You have to come back. Don’t worry you can still bubble hearth. Ppum is back!

West, yoo the big homie is still around. I miss Binger and Heritage. Also Cleanex!

Wrathy, my bro! Miss you man.


Tigree, hey there!

Blez, yoo what’s good we used to kick it all the time.


Roll on Whitemane classic

Anyone interested in rolling Horde for classic hit us up on Whitemane PvP.

Damn, didn’t think I’d ever see you again lol. You hitting up classic?

It’s crazy just how much the old server communities left a lasting impression. I’ll run into people I used to feud with back in the day, and while at the time we might have been enemies, we were still all apart of Destromath (until Cata killed it) so it ends up with us all being apart of that same club.

Hopefully Classic can emulate that type of experience, cause that stuff brought the game to life.

I’m going to be on Herod - Alliance if anyone’s interested in joining up.

Of course people would remember you nerwen! Whats up! Still have any contact with other old EPU people?

As the last member of this guild, I felt I needed to make a post. Hey all!

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Alo Tauren Druid
Huckleberry Orc Warrior

Was a casual tryhard back in the day…still doing the same. Looking forward to the simpler game…LET’S GO!

Yea, I remember your priest, dude. I’ll be playing on Stalagg-PvP if you are around.

Magejr, Grief knights of Rockius (A) BC, WOTLK. Hello fellow senior citizens.

Korriman, I was in clan red hand also Pathoran Night elf Hunter, you’ve heard anyone else from CRH?

You used to be on Alli right? Human rogue? I was in Momentum, Taken and GoF at some point or another.

WoW nostalgia. I was just randomly looking up if any old destro guilds were still active and came across this.

I doubt anyone remembers me.
Pleione, gnome mage.
Regret, Momentum, Black Talons

Some Souls of FxC players have started playing Horde on Rattlegore. If you want to join us, reach out via whisper to Wrathy in game or on Discord - Wrathy#3554

Wrathy! Me and Brookz are on Rattlegore too!

LF any former Semi Serious or any old Destromath friends on Rattlegore!

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I used to be horde in Vanilla. My first was a Shaman named Earthfury and I can’t remember any other names besides Soulcrush that I used back then

I was definitely in Semi Serious! I forgot as who though ugh like 10 accounts ago

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Come check in on Rattlegore! It’s a west coast PVP server just like Destromath.

RIP Destromath…

Sanctuary ended up rolling on the Classic server Kurinnaxx horde side in case anyone is interested in joining us.

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Moneystacks, Dade, Lotsahots, Pincusion, I remember those names cause the moment it went down you guys were sighted in /gchat, I’d be down to get in some world PvP action haha. HOTA and PEX were some great guilds I remember throwing down againt.

Was part of by the way. Not sure if this toon is still part of it or not.

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Traka, you have never not been on… nor have you played anything besides your 35 Troll hunters.