(Destromath) Old Timers?

Hey! I doubt I will find someone at this point, but is there anyone on here who used to play on the Destromath server during Vanilla, Burning Crusade, or WoTLK?

Feel free to say hi if you used to play then!

Used to play on Vanilla, then quit right before AQ was released. I remember a bunch of guilds from then - some active now and most gone - Fatalis, Black talons, Get of Fenris, Havock, Sanctuary, Paradigm, Momentum, Masquers, CSM, Panda express, Reading is Fundamental, and more.
10/28/2018 08:38 PMPosted by Tenju
Used to play on Vanilla, then quit right before AQ was released. I remember a bunch of guilds from then - some active now and most gone - Fatalis, Black talons, Get of Fenris, Havock, Sanctuary, Paradigm, Momentum, Masquers, CSM, Panda express, Reading is Fundamental, and more.

Which of these guilds are still active?

Did you play under the same name?
HI there buddies!
10/29/2018 10:07 AMPosted by Cathya
10/28/2018 08:38 PMPosted by Tenju
Used to play on Vanilla, then quit right before AQ was released. I remember a bunch of guilds from then - some active now and most gone - Fatalis, Black talons, Get of Fenris, Havock, Sanctuary, Paradigm, Momentum, Masquers, CSM, Panda express, Reading is Fundamental, and more.

Which of these guilds are still active?

Did you play under the same name?

We still exist. :P
The Colonial Space Marines exist still! Today is an awesome day! Never have I feared a tauren than to see <Colonial Space Marines>.
We were originally <Adroit> from launch days and merged with <Panda Express> used to roll with 'Benny' and the boys. Esmerelda was a top PvP Mage from our guild. Those were fun days. I was 'Wrecktangle' Orc/Shaman.
Hi Cathya & Atena! Miss you guys...

Cathya you need to lvl that rogue!

Bumping this hoping to bring out some more Destro old timers…

Soooooo many good times on Destromath, I know more of us are out there.

Wow many of those guild names bring back my bg memories, especially PEX and that troll rogue Greenmachine! I reached rank 11 Lieutenant Commander as Thegame -Dwarf Hunter, my guild was (Order of Laibach) led by the one and only Grand Marshal Paladin - Einheit and Field Marshal Dwarf Warrior - Toporock. Hail! My rl friends were in a top pve guild their names were Laimmigra - NE Rogue, and Crazymidget - Dwarf Hunter.

I played on Destromath from 2006-2008. I was an undead priest named Gyesha, in a guild called Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Many good memories… our guild leader (Pincushion) lived in LA area and we went to his house for a pool party and a few of us went to Disneyland the next day. Xelkath, Hells Undead (she came all the way from Okinawa to join us), an a few others. Man, good old days. I just recently created a trial account on Destromath… yep, with an undead priest named Gyesha again. Wish I could connect with the old group and play together again.


Wow, Gyesha!

My original character was Moneystacks, a priest in HOTA. I miss so many of those players; you, Soothing, Gumbie, Papajack (Priest Love).

Sooo many more, Fult, Walleye, Audethop, Nomi, Rasp, Zanister, Tarjak, Vorgon, Grimshade, Faraday, Domew, Astareal… trying to remember more and I’m ashamed I don’t. So many mages, warlocks, hunters, druids and shamans I don’t remember.

I don’t play on Destromath anymore but I have a couple toons still there with assets if you need anything.


Moneystacks!!! Well, i paid and got the full version… gonna remake Gyesha and maybe something else too… so if u have no plans on coming back to Destromath, im sure I coukd use stuff. Are u gonna play classic in the summer? I’m pretty stoked about hearing they are bringing it back.

I’ll hop on destro later and see if you’re on, wow so cool you see you again really. This guy pretty much taught me how to play my priest in a raid atmosphere.

I encourage more people to post, use this as an example, reconnecting with someone I spent tons of time with 10+ years ago.

Also, shout out to Cathya again hoping he sees this!

10 more levels and ill be where i left off, lol… never saw u online money!

Serotin from the secret tech/evilami crew here. Can’t believe some of you still play

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I was looking for the old forums so I could see if I could still download my vanilla pvp video from back in the day, but I cant remember where the hell I uploaded it or where I would even start lol

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Were you Dade on Destromath? Or were you Moneystacks? Cause if you were Dade the rogue On destro, I cursed you for a hell of a long time! lol. always used to find me on sunwell plateu on my Lock, Reapper/Human.

Get of Fenris is still rolling hard! We have a discord and website and are already recruiting for classic launch! We are currently playing on private servers to get our edge back and plan on going hard with our progression and pvp!

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Reviving a dead thread but I played on Destromath from 2005-2009 as a NE warrior. Did a lot of PVP and some raiding with Santuary. Good times!

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