I was some kind of mage on Destro. Can’t remember. I came over with a lot of Socom friends.
Was in Clockwork and something else.
Slambo, JL, FIshbulb, DeeP? Anybody know/remember them? It’s me, Hick.
I was some kind of mage on Destro. Can’t remember. I came over with a lot of Socom friends.
Was in Clockwork and something else.
Slambo, JL, FIshbulb, DeeP? Anybody know/remember them? It’s me, Hick.
Malazar – Tauren Hunter
It has been so long, I’d be shocked to see a familiar name pop up. Mostly raided and pvp’d with Corruption alongside names like Doontock, Coods, Skaim, Tbon, Husher, Guinevere, Deathlord, Strikez, and Shrivelle. Hollar if anyone’s still around!
Buffalosolja - tauren shaman
Monts - gnome warrior
People I Remember:
Thong - undead warlock
Porfia - troll mage
Tonsoffun - troll mage
Maz - troll shaman
Doogle - orc warlock/gnome warrior
Gixsa - tauren druid
Shad - ???
Stean - night elf druid (lol)
Shadowelth - night elf rogue
Msv - tauren druid
Tbon is part of our group, hes playing classic
COVET? is that you? i was in tilt and g unit. kizu and thunder with bottomless
Originally Thunder and Kizu
DO you still keep in touch with Rog/Yumi or any of them?
Raynorxx Troll rogue
Omr Orc Warrior
The Revelation Guild until Sunwell
Gyesha, undead priest. Was in Horsemen of the Apocalypse ( HOTA ). Miss that group. Our GM (Pincushion) lived in Southern California and a bunch of us had a party there, BBQ, Saltwater Pool, avocado trees… and then disneyland the next day. My kid even made $$$ leveling peoples fishing for then during the BBQ.
Milou, lolret paladin in Great Men in History and we’re still around though we ended up reforming on Proudmoore Alliance around the end of Draenor after we’d been away from the game and have been raiding with many of the same old people since then. Recently we’re raiding classic on Atiesh with many familiar “faces” again.
You can find us with a /who “Great Moments” or my Battletag is Milou#1514 so come say hi!
Also, hi MalcomX!
Hello All, I was a nub back in vanilla days, was in a small guild called Dynasty Eternal, who later broke up and a lot of members join with Apex and Nuclear Ninja Assassins, My character in Vanilla was a Undead Rogue named Cantusloopus, in BC I made a BE paladin named Jellobiafra.
Hey there, I am Dade, some may remember me as Moneystacks.
Lots of familiar faces here.
Noones posted since May which makes me sad.
I’m playing on Rattlegore in the guild Fire.
Long live Destromath!
Comebackid - Shaman from Clockwork. Looking for any old friends. Currently playing on Atiesh for wow classic with CSM. If any old friends want to play some classic hit me up!
Some of us are still here Money. I remade Gyesha, got her staff, then started playing a hunter. Now ever so slowly doing a mage. I’m on Blaumeux.
Phix - Guerilla Unit
I miss all of my Gunit people. If any of you are still around, Feenix#1352. I still play live and would love to hear from you!
Disstress: Orc Shaman from Bringer of Ouchies
I was also an undead priest named Tatersalad.
Myrddraall Checking in!
Hanahmontana here, was in the guild Zero Resilience with my bro Skillen and his friend Smalltoaster, I transferred to Firetree sometime around then as well and was in Vanquish.
Shout out to Painshot/Ggsus. Holla if you want to PvP again. Skillen and Smalltoaster don’t play anymore but Nerve/Weebins still does.
first great men result, hiiii!
Brickbanana, seem to be on wrong account or some new char from a couple years ago.