Radjii-60-Troll Mage also was in very briefly back in vanilla on Destromath. I’ll be rolling on Blaumeux server as a Troll Priest.
Guilds were Tilt and CSM very briefly
Not much longer now see you guys horde side on whitemane!
Bive was my melee hunter, and Biev was my warrior. I used to stand outside Ogrimmar dueling most of the time, or in PVP.
I was in multiple guilds but the last I remember was Resurgence.
I’ll most likely be playing on Whitemane or Incendius.
Discord: virus#1337
Duran, Tauren Warrior, Panda Express, reporting in! Looking to pvp again!
Souls of FxC
Pretty much my youth was spent here. Hopefully I’ll see some familiar faces out there
Bill! Nekris here. I sent you an invite on discord Paco#9473
Nekris here. Sent you a discord invite Paco#9473
Hey guys, Nekris from RIF/Prometheus/Ascension. My discord is Paco#9473
Wrathizol here, A group of Lambda Lambda Lambda / Souls of FxC players have started playing Horde on Rattlegore if any one is interested in reaching out and joining, whisper Wrathy in game or reach out on Discord - Wrathy#3554
I had a troll shaman in vanilla/BC named Drewciferr. Was in a guild called ROFLCOPTER which later changed its name to Great Men In History towards when I quit. Started on Aegwynn but then we transferred to Destromath. Can’t remember if the guild I was in transferred to Destromath and merged with ROFLCOPTER or if ROFLCOPTER was on Aegwynn then transferred later. Can’t remember.
I do remember some cool people like Ecplecticos, Aggitator, Nyara or some other spelling sounding like that, and a bunch others whose names escape me. I remember drunken naked boxing in Dire Maul.
I was horde side, Subbie Troll Hunter and Jefus Tauren Druid. Both were in Cake or Death. Playing horde side on smolderweb currently.
Drull here, wassup Subbie!
Wrathizol!!! I was considering if I should give Classic a shot, figured I would come on here and see if I found some of the old gang. This is Tanek (Tuaren Shaman). Ill see if I can catch you in the game.
Medraq/Fiagaí [Cake or Death] (+ Mystessa more recently)
Other toons on Venture Co & Emerald Dream.
Playing Horde on Deviate Delight in [Hordes Against Humanity].
Castzilla mainly pvp transferred through guilds looking for Dubeeashtray and kushter
Rhafal (hunter) / Eyohi (mage). I was in Souls of FxC for a while. Ran a lot of stuff with Colonial Space Marines, as my ex was in that guild (Knolan / Adzam / Brita). I only really played on Destro in Vanilla; when BC came out, I created other characters and played on Alleria, but Rhaf is still on Destro. shrugs Not really expecting anyone to remember me, but I figured I’d throw it out there.
Tanek, awesome to hear from you. Hit me up in game, My rattlegore toons are Wrathy and Wrathie, or just add my battle ID Wrathy#1470.
Sinn, Undead Mage Inglewood Orc Shaman
Tilt, Panda Express
holler at your boy!
Looking for old PEX people - it’s Rawiswar rank 11 human warlock - Rog are you still playing? Yumee?