Destro lock

Every time


Remembering what it was like to queue into Double Destro most of Legion & BFA S4:

I still have PTSD


Just needs sburn nerfed, chaos bolt buffed.

I’ve played a few rounds, don’t think destro is that horrifying. I main one myself, pillaring helps, i’ve found so far hunter, ww and fw to be the most annoying classes i’ve faced, demo too tbh. Pet specs shouldn’t be in pvp. :slight_smile:

Lmfao demo and destro were 2 specs that were right up there with them just not as bad. On top of that had ways to counter ret,
Maybe you’re new?.

destro / boomkin are 2x better than every other spec in the game

sub / fire / arcane / sp / ele / demo are all s+

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Week 1 ret paladins were not the end of season ret paladins.

I really miss the days when people had a main and didn’t reroll every tuning pass


destro base 650k hp, doesnt cast, does top damage.

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nah, destro is not near as strong as ret was… just insinuating that is utterly absurd for you to say

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they should have to choose between having good damage, good defensives, good self healing, good cc and high elf

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ima have to disagree until I see 4 destros in one shuffle, and 5000+ games played in the last 24 hours being purely from destro with everythign else barely summing up to that


better nerf ww then

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Ret is dead in S2 so lol, keep seeing warlocks

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Its really not

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Yea Destros are a bit overtuned right now, def needs to tone down a bit.

so we’re just gonna act like the spec didn’t get an entire rework and people wanted to play it & try it out? On top of the spec being really strong. People act like when the new shiny toy comes out people don’t immediately huddle to it.

Ret was absolutely broken on a lvl thst had never been seen in WoW.

Stop trying to misinform, destro and rework ret on release arent even in the same universe.

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Who Tf was even talking about rework ret on release they literally were nerfed that same week and even then destro an demo werent far off. Destro is faceroll busted rn little warlock u can be delusional if u want to, but it’s okay y’all will get nerfed soon.