Destro lock

Welcome to ret pali 2.0 its time, r y’all gonna qq as hard for this spec like you did ret or let be bust beyond belief.


Seeing as this is the 40th post this week I think it’s close


Destro finally viable after 20 years


warlocks been this broken for all of s1 alrdy i think ppl gave up to qq bcuz theyre well protected childs by blizz same thing with mages

not even jesus can explain why warlock cc was untouched from the universal cc nerf

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Should make a montage and climb to fame.

So who’s broken this season?

is my MM hunter still Leet and destroyer of all things?

Just look for whatever is being geared in bgs by players on unchained glad mounts


Bro r u new to destro or something. Jk, but seriously tho it needs a nerf. Still want it to be viable tho so nothing too harsh.


Its sarcasm bro

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You didn’t let me finish editing my comment doood.

Sorry got trigger fingers while bored at work


All good I completely understand.

Destro was viable last season, up until the ret pally rework.

I have to wonder what this thread is about. I don’t think anything really changed with destro? How would it be better than demo atm?

He was being sarcastic, but yeah it was still very viable at this point by the way

Demo just made people forget how much they hate destro


I dunno, ‘viable’ in the sense that it can work, but having to fight ret+warr until I tanked from 2k to 1700 in RSS made me stop playing RSS altogether.

Destro was disgusting still last season

You’re personal experience doesn’t reflect the spec as a whole


I’m pretty sure fighting extremely overtuned ret paladins in literally every single match was actually a universal experience.

It was a universal experience, but locks had the best experience probably out of any other class. Maybe warriors too?

Also out of all the specs, destro probobably played the best into ret (assuming the ret had a brain. If it didn’t, demo would probably slap it around harder)


Destro did fine into ret. You have amp weakness and nether ward

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Reflecting HoJ from Mongo rets is still the best feeling in game rn