Destro lock pvp

Any good in P2? Succy playstyle ala Drakedog viable in today’s world?

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It works ok the damage is there, its just kinda outshined by other casters who can pull the similar kind of nuking with less setup. It’ll work better in P3 when you get deathcoil.

Just do yourself a favor and dont roll alliance.


Its okay but its reliance on hardcasts is unfavorable in this current meta

This. The hardcasts with zero knockback resist = bad time.

I rolled a ret paladin because warlocks suck so bad in pvp and now I am having the time of my flippin life. I can actually farm bloods in stv, top the scoreboard in bgs, and simply take part in pvp.

I don’t think deathcoil is going to save warlocks though. A new phase will likely only exacerbate the issues. Every other class is instant cast nukes, i dont see that changing.

For the future, if the phase 3 runes are real, getting backdraft will help a ton with sub 2sec CBs. Also deathcoil.

If you don’t have instants you die in SOD

Destro is closer to overpowered than it is to being weak right now… It’s not really mechanically any different from regular vanilla, you just launch a green or orange ball instead of a purple one to start your combo in sod.

That being said, there are some changes… Most notably, priest homonculi will basically 100% shut you down the entire time they’re active, if they are directly cast on you, and they’re immune to fear as well… That one thing aside, if you knew how to position in pvp to be able to cast in normal vanilla, you will be fine in sod p2… We can be crippled while focused, but there’s very few classes that are even threats to us overall…

Our biggest counter class historically is ranged hunter, and they’re not doing so hot right now. Boomkin can be another problem class since they can stun when they nuke, have high spell resists (of you try and control them with fear or seduce it seemingly always breaks super fast), and they have the mobility to moon fire you then jump back out of range before you hard cast… Then shadow, but only with homonculi being used on you. If they cast it on anyone else, you’re free to blast them, and at least in bgs a soft counter to them.

Beyond those, rogues and feral can both put a beating on you, but again, positioning makes you an incredibly unattractive target… They have to waste time stealthing around a battle to even reach you, then when they open, they’re surrounded by enemy players and usually something like 60+ yards from their nearest healers/peelers.

Warriors and rets, should never touch you in bgs. Ditto melee hunters. I can’t speak for shaman, tremor totem never seemed that reliable on my shaman alts in Classic/vanilla, but grounding, earth shock, and ability to “throw” earth bind totem are probably a decent kit to at least get some melee uptime

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As someone that plays multiple lvl 40s this just seems like a lie. Unless you in bad groups casters gain way more coins on average. No way a ret getting more coins than me in stv. I get like 500-700ish on melee and on casters im getting 1k+

No it’s not too much hard casting to do any sort of real damage

Outside of your immolate conflag you’re basically a useless hunk of meat

Most people have a trinket so succ sleep is mid at best now


So basically stated how close they are to being bad more than being closer to “overpowered”

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Destro PvP is terrible with hard casting spells. The only real viable PvP spec is 0/31/0 in demonology. Soul link, haunt, master channeler, and fear feels busted at times.


If you work on your positioning a bit more, you’ll find that destro is able to free cast nearly all the time.

Destro is our strongest spec right now for bgs, with frankly overpowered killing potential. Pure affliction is pretty close, despite what the haters say, it does just fine rotting people.

Demo on the other hand, dramatically limits your output, for a survivability “gain” that is worse than just getting better at positioning.

I won’t link my channel here, but can search my name on YouTube for some examples on positioning. First 3 videos are 24-0 in my full pvp set, 11-2 wearing irradiated set (both deaths from being the last alive at lm vs 5+ trying to spin flag), and 16-0 wearing my full gnomer gear (and being sub 1500 hp unbuffed) in a game my team got stomped in.
I’ve also got a 31 affliction video I was debating on uploading (though probably won’t make many aff videos, the spec is strong in bgs, and fun to play, but a bit weak on the “excitement factor” for viewing purposes.)


No. No ability to survive anything

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Idk man… it sounds like a meme but running 5 ret or 4 ret with feral wild strike I get about 1k-1.3k… fight on the outskirts just far enough away to get the buff and you run in everyone press ds with some lucky crits groups melt…

No. Soul link spec is the only viable pvp spec. It’s a bit janky without instant corruption but it’s playable with the master channeler dot, and basically nothing can kill you 1v1 except a crafty balance druid that knows to kite their dots in cheetah form.


Druid goes OOM in 4 shapeshifts. I dont see a balance druid having enough mana to DoT & Cheetah Kite a warlock to death, unless your fel pup misses the Innervate devour I suppose.

They have higher range on their dots than a warlock. Drain life is 24 yards, and CoA is 30 yards, and master chaneler falls off once they get out of range. Druid dots and starsurge are 40-42 yard range. Warlocks have zero mobility. The druid only needs to shift once or twice at most to get a kill. My only chance is if I have swiftness pots or get the jump with a fear. Also skilled druids will root the fel hunter, but this isn’t even necessary generally.

Most balance druids I fight in the world suck and don’t manage this well, but the more skilled balance druids definitely hard counter warlocks.

My experience against balance druids is w key them until they stop to cast and then pet silence and kill with incinerate, immolate, conflag. If you get within 20 yards, it’s basically a free kill.
I could see them being a big problem if they exclusively range 36 you and rot + starsurge tho.

Brother I had to “like” your post simply for mentioning Drakedog, the legend. Drakedog is who got me into Warlock back in the day. Eryx got me into Rogue, but that’s another topic.

From my point of view: Destruction feels like Destruction at 60 but at 40. It does the great damage numbers that you want it too. Yet, it requires the CC of your Succubus in order to truly work in 1v1s, which is exactly how Drakedog liked to play.

Right now, your baby is: Seduce, curse of elements, Demonic Grace, Chaos Bolt, Immolate, Conflagrate. As long as you get that off you’re going to more than likely drop someone.

With that aside, they also feel like a Destruction warlock. Very squishy if a melee can stay on you. They are also more vulnerable to Rogues in phase 2 than any other time I can remember.

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Yeah this is what I do against most druids. They usually think they are just going to nuke me and stand hard casting in close range, so I just double fear bomb and rot them and get fel hunter spelllock on them.

But the more skilled druids will run away immediately and do the rot + starsurge trick. My only counter to this is swiftness pots.

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