Succubus lol
Anyone with a brain is gonna trinket/racial (if undead) it. Then your only gimmick as destro is done for, and good luck getting casts off after that. No coil so you can’t even get a breather.
Sl/haunt is just way better
Succubus lol
Anyone with a brain is gonna trinket/racial (if undead) it. Then your only gimmick as destro is done for, and good luck getting casts off after that. No coil so you can’t even get a breather.
Sl/haunt is just way better
Delvin, I think everything you’ve said within this topic has been spot on. I personally enjoy using swiftness pots to kill Druids who try to kite me like that. I generally hate using them, but for a Druid using that tactic? I’ll waste the coin.
This is true. I find a better way to attempt a kill is to iron grenade into a fear. When they trinket that is when you Seduce. If not, in reality, players will wait in the Seduce until you start to cast Chaos Bolt. They will then trinket it, forcing you to stop your cast and re-Seduce which is now a DR reduced version. Rogues will play this type of game to the point your CC is on DR and you can do nothing about them on you. It’s annoying and feel emasculating.
This is true
Thanks guys. As good as affliction might be, I’m a destro Lock for life. So im glad its at least semi-viable in certain situations.
I have a prediction that Warlocks will be total monsters by lvl 60, due to talents and runes.
They will be crazy next phase when they get UA, and soul link warlocks actually have access to instant corruption. Low range on dots will still be a problem for classes that know how to kite tho since we cannot get grim reach until 60 (as soul link spec).
Lal. I can barely cast fear which is 1.5 sec. Now you wanna stand there and cast a chaos bolt ? Anything that’s not instance is almost garbage in PvP atm which all of these crappy instance abilities they gave out for free.
To get a fear off you have to know how to fake cast/bait interrupts. Or if it’s a caster just do it into a spell lock, and do it twice in case they trinket.
Nobody is fake casting at this level of burst. Maybe against a poorly geared warrior
We in it for the long run bois
That was not my point dude. I am not talking about juking. That’s not a problem. The problem is they added so many instant abilities that casting in PvP is becoming outdated. Most classes have bunch of OP instant crap that one shot people, meanwhile you are hiding behind a bush and trying to get off a fear.
Agreed about the burst meta, soul link spec just makes the dps from runes just barley managable where people actually have to make skilled plays to have a chance of killing me. The 30% damage reduction from wsg needs to be brought back and stacked with the current 30% stam buff, and applied universally (world pvp AND bgs).
but with that considered fear is often your win condition and a major part of your value in group pvp. You don’t necessarily need to hide to get one, if you are focused you have to bait interrupts. You can usually take some hits to bait as soul link, esp in bgs with the stamina buff.
That can be a solution. But I’d rather see the introduction of resilience to vanilla.
Agreed, but there will be an inevitable meltdown from raiders who are offended that pvp gear exists. Universal modifiers is a compromise.
I always liked the BC style of separating PvP gear from PVE ( for the most part). I don’t really like to see PvE people in PvP. And totally think if you are fully PvP geared you should be able to destroy the PVE bois.
intensity is knockback resist.
Yeah. Just take a look at wsg now that bis pve bracers are available. Raiders who have zero interest in pvp going afk, or zugging with no regard to objectives, and instantly quitting at the first minor disadvantage because “muh effeciency”.
I’m fine with some bis items to be from pve to encourage playing all aspects of the game, but there needs to be resilience to keep this nasty burst under control.
I feel a deep hatred for people like this. These kinds of people are hellbent on ruining the game… and then they complain when everyone quits, and blame Blizzard.
Blizzard really needs to take a note to not repeat the mistakes of OSRS, where pve players who never pvp instant downvote any and all changes to pvp because they are offended that it even exists. In truth all these players would still play the game if pvp wasn’t even in at all, they are just mad that the devs even give consideration to people who enjoy pvp.
Its so strange that they care at all. Very miserable people IRL is all i can think.