Destro infernal

Can I know why Infernal is so dumb?

I know i know, other specs oneshot but there’s counterplay. What’s the counterplay to 5 infernal rotting the whole game.

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Aren’t you always telling people to suck it up when they complain about ret cuz iTs PrEpaTcH? Kinda hypocritical to make a post like this doncha think


I mean do you even read ?

Where’s the line the infernals guy

i love that no matter what they do to destro it’s still full stupid

this looks like a disgusting combination of the awful legion RoF destro spec that did frostdk tier unavoidable damage all game
and all of the completely obnoxious design failures of bfa destro

cant wait : )))))))))))))


Where’s the counterplay to 15k slams? Or random ele 1 shots? Or sub drest/reaping/cold blood? Or mages doing 60% of your hp in instants? There being counterplay is irrelevant when all of this will go away in a month lol.

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I mean there’s no counterplay to random slams or ele oneshot but its still possible to beat them easily.

I’m fine by losing to mistakes that cost me the game quickly, that goes with the fast pace. But lock just drop infernal and start summoning more and more and then vision proc on top of it which make them have 5-6 infernals that make you los the destro from his chaos bolt so you both rot from 6 infernal in los and die from unhealable damage

But why does it matter if theres counterplay or not? It’s prepatch dude who cares. Just seems pointless to complain about something that will soon be irrelevant

this is important to keep in mind

however it’s not the tuning right now, it’s the design that will continue to haunt us

the damage it’s doing now is irrelevant but do you think that post tuning a destro dropping 6 infernals on your head on accident is good design? even if they’re moderately weak good rng could make them overwhelmingly strong

this then is just another big daddy gushers style issue
if a bad lock can fail to set up his go or damage over and over again because he plays his spec poorly
why should he be granted free no thought damage that’s only gate is rng?

the 1600 turbo that gated murklock with their innumerable stops for his chaos bolts should have been rewarded with him reinacting a full on gushing wound scenario likely accidentally creating more pressure than them playing better than him?

EDIT: gosup is significantly less toxic than i thought
**it’s only active during infernal not as passive vop **
retract most of what i said


Does destro have access to more than one infernal every 3 minutes after they lose vision of perfection?

they turned gosup into vop now

but it’s only during the infernal so not nearly as obnoxious as i thought it was when i made that post


The design of RoC is infinitely worse than GoSup. During gosup you has to execute on spending shards during that window the right way, so building to those big bolts and using that ramp properly was everything

GoSup was a tuning problem, not a design problem. Good play was rewarded, the ramp had some variation based on RnG, but understanding your timing meant a lot. How you managed that window meant a lot towards a kill in PvP or a parse in PVE

It got replaced with reign of chaos, which is just RnG infernals on top of your one you get to drop every 3 minutes. They have a chance to spawn when you spend shards. Sometimes you’ll get 0 or 1 and sometimes 5.

The dmg is passive at that point. It’s not about executing the ramp anymore, its not about finding the window/target to CC and hit that big 2 shot, it’s just about spamming shards to get passive dmg from rngbois.

It sucks in both PVE and PvP in terms of gameplay. It’s probably a bit overtuned in PVE in m+ But it’s all they have. The spec would be worthless in PVE if it became under tuned.

Bleh. Just a bad talent all around.

buff dh

nuff said

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1shots are not comparable to

The latter has counterplay

Deal with it.

Can destro just go back using infernal in BG’s only.

I’d like it a lot more if all the damage infernal’s doing there was baked into incinerate and backlash procs or something. Not a chaotic pet. Especially not one that’s spawning more chaotic pets.

Also make incinerate not look like crap again please & thank. Literally every NPC in the game casts a better looking version of the spell and it’s so annoying.

Also can they really really stop trying to make the spells curve. Soulfire would look great if it didn’t arc. It looks like you’re tossing a ball to your kid.


Watching war buffs

Watching stormkeeper

Watching drest CD

Actually think all of those can be played around. Just kiting/avoiding damage/using dmg reductions makes it kinda fine I think

I kinda think he has a point something like infernals is different than a CD like darksoul

I mean you can run from infernals though, just is kinda funny that it’s their biggest dmg


What? You don’t like gently rolling a sparkler across the ground at your opponent??

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off topic but i just want to express how amazing it feels to q into destro without conflag root…it’s like i can play the game now


One-shot the lock before he can spawn his infernal army.