Destro infernal

It is, my friend and I did 2s as a Rogue/Mage and lost a Destro lock…He literally popped infernal, hit his conflag 5 times and did over 70k damage. 20k was infernal, 22k was his concentrated flame, he literally just popped infernal and let it walk around to kill us…not to mention his absurd healing…22k passive heal from soul leech, great game blizzard glad you nerfed DH heals :+1:

Have you played against hunter with his 10s root? good luck bud :smiley:

pls explain

Hard CC the lock during infernal as best you can to stop the shard spending. Likely gonna run memory of lucid dreams and just drop RoF all over. IDK if running behind pillar is the move, probably just continue to play normally, dispel the DS, and hard CC. If you all go pillar you all get cleaved down.

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I was looking at my warlocks tooltips for learning purposes and I realized, Infernal Immolate hits for like 15% less damage than incinerate. But in other words it’s just auto-casting incinerates every 1.7 seconds, per infernal.

Destro’s literally better at demo’s job than demo is.

Man i miss when incinerate looked pretty and did damage. Not infernal doing dam. :frowning:

Seems like something i’ll keep in mind when playing against destro then, thanks for the insight.

I prefered when Chaos Bolt was a cooldown, did around the same damage as right now and incinerate was the filler actually doing damage. It wasnt frustrating to play into because you could kick incinerate and have a breathing room.

Bring back incinerate instant proc, Chaos Bolt back to CD + Boost incinerate damage, tone down infernal damage by a huge margin.

Now its funningly enough still a oneshotter chaos bolt spec + a rot spec with infernal and immolate and flame, it’s really weird

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Me looking through my Hunter’s spellbook.

Are you talking about Trap + Binding Shot? Harpoon + Binding Shot? Or is this hyperbole 10 secs?

binding shot is 8sec, its what he meant I guess