this is why black lists need to come back, squish all bgs back into one thing and allow people to choose what they want to block (up to 3 imo) this 15 timer for leaving a bg that I HATE and will NEVER play again and having to wait to queue again is stupid… ive also chatted with other people that STRONGLY agree with this
if you leave before that start of the battleground/arena (anything with a timer) you shouldn’t be penalized
I’ve seen it too in epic bgs… there is overwhelming support for blacklist judging by all the constant moaning and groaning I see in the chat box at the start of Wintergrasp/Ashran matches.
The vast majority of players obviously had no problem with blacklist feature, at worst they had a neutral opinion of it.
There is a very very tiny minority that actually wanted blacklist removed (for whatever strange/bizarre reason) - personally I’ve never known or met any such player inside the game. These small minority players seem to “only” exist on the forums, hmmmmm
agree there are maps i never want to play again. id wait longer to avoid getting ashran, wg and dwg
I find it fascinating people use their own anecdotal experiences of pro as “overwhelming support”, “vast majority of players”, and against “very tiny minority”, “only forum existences” when the only time we got actual insight from Blizzard (aka facts based on a much larger dataset than your personal experiences) was that 1/5th of all bg queuing people used the system at all. Even if all the players in that 1/5th agreed with you, that is still not a majority.
if thats true then why take it away? lets wait a little longer to avoid the maps we dont like
Blacklisting needs to be back does not need to be two like before just give us back 1 option only very few people here dont like it and are against it majorty of people i see in game on here want it back
Quit being a scared little person and stay.
Be careful Pyro, too much truth and logic…
It is more fact-based from people that actually have access to data than the self experiences from the same people in all blacklisting threads chanting for its return.
I don’t know why it was removed. They may have thought that between removing Strand and moving the 40-player maps to their own queue - arguably the problem battlegrounds - the issue was largely solved. Another theory could be that because a minority used it, there wasn’t an issue removing it. Another could be that between the changes and a dwindling player base, the impact on the queue system and battlegrounds themselves wasn’t worth the benefit. We don’t know.
I struggle understanding why people don’t specific queue for maps they do like. I don’t like pet battles, so I don’t do them. I know the response is always “rEwArDs” but given that conquest literally falls out of the sky and that PvP has never been so unrewarding, I don’t agree with it as a strong argument when it comes to sacrificing my fun… in a game… that I pay for.
I don’t do wpvp, no interest in that or waiting around for supply drops. I don’t have flying either and I’m not going to get it. I need the conquest from bgs, that’s all I do these days.
Conquest does not rain from the sky when all you do are bgs.
That very very tiny minority is called blizzard. They have access to much more sophisticated data surrounding blacklist’s impact on queue times and the occurrence rate of particular BG’s than we have.
While I would like the blacklist back too.
Its people who feel the need to leave because its not their favorite BG has ME going into in progress battlegrounds time, after time, after time. Yes, that’s right, three times in a row for people who can’t deal with it even though they signed up for it, leave and I have to go in to try to help out rather than just sitting there afk’ing.
My personal feelings is that people who leave them, when the queue up again on any alt (by their battlenet account id) should have to BACK FILL in progress ones over and over til their name falls off the list.
Honest question, you really feel that people will stay in their favorite BG’s even if they are losing? That’s why we have deserter.
When I started playing this character I did stay in obviously losing bg. I needed the practice and at the time was having run regardless. Playing resto was new to me. Wg and ashran eventually dealt with the ‘fun regardless’ feeling. There are days I would rather deserter than those 2 maps. Sr or bust and the current ashran, neither do it for me.
Tonight I am trying the idea of queuing for a single epic instead of a random epic. Picking ioc and just gone past 1 hour on the queue time. Queuing for a specific map (ioc) is not working out too well.
It is your prerogative to not do any of the many other activities that award conquest. Just doing everything listed in the casual tab in a week when there is no brawl active rewards 120 conquest. You can up that to 180 per day just by doing 1 set of assaults - the most rewarding being the kill 1 mob quests. That means you can overcap in 3 days with minimum playtime. I haven’t even suggested PvP Islands which reward more conquest than regular battlegrounds, each time, and even give you currency for losing.
At any rate, having a blacklist system doesn’t impact your reward gain. “Random” for extra rewards should mean “random” and not “random but minus, this, this and this”.
I think it should be longer and affect the player’s entire account to discourage people leaving BGs. Also, leaving a BG should count as a loss. But I agree with blacklisting. As a primary horde player I had 2 BGs that most horde blacklisted, they removed the one that most alliance blacklisted but now we’re forced to run the 2 that we obviously don’t want to run.
At the very least, this should happen. It’s odd that deserter would be less detrimental to players with multiple alts. Why? It should affect everyone the same.
This here is what I assume was the major issue and the reason blacklist was removed. The majority of your faction just blacked out whichever two BG’s you were less likely to win which tanked their occurrence rates, even for the people who wanted to play them.
And the gameplay was awful too. If it wasn’t because the majority of the enemy team was a bot, it was because the other people didn’t know what to do / were undergeared, so the maps were no fun.
Wasn’t about winning, both BGs I blacklisted back then had bot issues and some bias in starting positions. Rather than fix them they just force us to run them.
Maybe instead of making the punishment for leaving more severe, they could increase the reward for staying until the end?
If I’m in a BG where my team just doesn’t even try to win I will leave as soon as I identify the issue.
Deserter isn’t account wide so I’m back in another BG on another character in under 3 minutes.