Deserter timer

Which is exactly why it should be account wide. We don’t want people cycling through battlegrounds across a variety of characters until they “indentify” a win.


I think we need to do both, even when rewards were better people were still leaving.

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I agree, but until they do that I’m gonna keep avoiding idiots on my team as much as possible

People will start throwing games on purpose if they change deserter its fine the way it is now at least if people leave the next person can help turn the tide

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People can still leave, it’s just that it will count as a loss and the debuff will affect their account. It’s not devastating, just giving people some reason not to leave. The current system gives practically no negative effects. It’s not meant as punishment, just trying to help people who are being punished by others leaving.

I mean, given I have been in many games recently where the backfill has taken upwards of 3+ minutes to come in, making someone sit through one of their losses isn’t the worst thing in the world.

People like Desperado cycling through battlegrounds to find a win is a very annoying and frustrating experience for his teammates, and for the person that replaces him.

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How so? If he choses to do that, that’s his choice. What do you find “annoying” about it? Sounds like veiled jealousy more than anything logical.

Playing multiple alts has always come with increased benefits/perks for the player willing to maintain such alts, nothing new about that. If player A has 10 characters, and player B has only 1 character, then person A will enjoy more benefits/goodies from the game in general; it’s simply a side-effect of playing the game more.

For example, I farmed my Keystone Master this season fairly quickly… because I maintain and play 3 different tanks (Guardian Druid, Prot Pally, Prot Warrior). I think it took me a little over ~2 1/2 weeks of casual M+ runs (mostly using my own key) from when I did my very first +15 to when I got the acheev and mount.

If I played “only” 1 character it probably would have taken longer. But because I put in the work/did all the chores to maintain 3 different tank toons I quickly knocked out most of the dungeons on +15 or higher. Once I was getting repeat/duplicate keys I simply started applying to pugs to finish out the 2-3 missing dungeons I still didn’t have on +15 or higher.

You get out what you put in, and players that maintain alts invest more into the game then a person that “only” plays 1 character.

There is this strange tunnel-vision/fixation on the player that leaves a losing bg, but I never see anyone asking “why?” such a player is leaving in the first place. Until that specific question is addressed, players will continue to bail out of bad/losing bg teams.

This tunnel-vision focus on the “symptom” (people leaving) doesn’t make much sense to me to be honest… shouldn’t the focus be on the “cause” (bad teammates/not doing objectives, low DPS, not killing healers, etc)? Logically you would want to address/fix the cause of a problem, not the symptoms.

Simple math. Let’s say you decide to leave 5 BGs because you don’t like the team, that’s 5 people whose queues are compromised by 1 person doing it not to mention the 9+ other people per event who might find themselves at a numerical disadvantage for a long time waiting fora back fill. So you disadvantage a dozen other players so you can pick and choose which “random” BG you want to participate in?

I don’t understand why people are treating it as painful that they might have to take a loss and actually live out the debuff or, God forbid, stick out a BG so they don’t hose other players. I think I’ve left 2 BGs in my entire history, both of those were back fills.


What on earth would I be jealous about? I have multiple toons across both factions. I disagree with the concept of “desertion until I win” and the annoyance stems from basically what @Ulfred said. I know you are a serial deserter so you will never agree with me.

You’re right, it’s his choice to do so but imo cycling through battlegrounds to find a win goes against the spirit of competition, and that one person impacts not just themselves but their teammates. 9 or 14 other people are down 10%/7% of a team, potentially for a long while and the person that has to join an in-progress game. The more people that do this, the worse the situation gets. This expansion has been terrible for desertion, and perfectly good games have been lost because 20%+ people leave after the first mine caps or the first flag is scored.

I have no problem with people leaving for legitimate reasons or if they are just not feeling it. I have a problem with people who commit to a battleground and then see it isn’t going the way they want so leave, only to jump on an alt to do the same thing again.


I can see that, but I also don’t care. I’m not going to stay in a game where my team doesn’t care about winning. If my team is trying to win and we lose the game, I’ll stay til the end because it was a good game and worth my time to play even if we lose. I leave games with people who just join “for fun” (hint: winning is fun) and don’t make any effort to play their role in the battleground

People feel entitled to my time and effort, but I’m just not interested in trying to carry a group that doesn’t even try

Exactly why we need deserter account wide. Deserters need to be placed in their own deserter queue to back fill in progress BGs.

Me either friend, makes no sense logically. If the team isn’t trying to win, if they’re obviously goofing off or PvPing on roads, what’s the point in sticking around? This is especially true for people who only have a limited amount of playtime.

Like I said, there is this tunnel-vision fixation on the person who leaves a losing bg/bad team… but not a single word on “why” or “the cause”, total silence on the underlying cause (which is usually bad/underperforming teammates). The issue won’t get better until the underlying cause is addressed… as long as bad players/bad teams exist, people will continue to leave from such teams.

But anyways, the devs are fine with people leaving casual bgs as they wish, and that’s all that matters. Random bgs are hardly a “serious” matter, they don’t even punish M+ leavers and M+ leaver “complain” threads are constantly popping up over on the GD forum.

In some cases it isn’t even the deserter penalty or bad players/teammates, but rather bad bg design/map design that encourages people to leave.

For example, Wintergrasp is sooooo imbalanced in favor of defense that the smarter players on offense will simply leave once the first teamfight is lost… the dumb/lesser experienced players will stick around and (most likely) get farmed for the next 30+ minutes.

In these cases where the actual bg/map design itself encourages leaving (ex. Wintergrasp), a few minor tweaks to the map/changes here and there would probably eliminate most (if not all) of the incentive to leave early.

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It’s not true nowadays… I won a game as attacker yesterday in 13 minutes and barely won another as defender with the last wall at 59 percent .

Most games are very competitive now because ppl have learnt to fall back to East Spark, block the way south and they work on the West wall from BT.

The only BG which is a steam rollers is Ashran for horde . Even AV, Ally is winning a lot more with the rush to base , ignore IBT strat.

He already said why though. His team is bad and not trying. It’s randoms though and that’s gonna happen to everyone.

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Nah, Wintergrasp is still the worst one by far.

Ashran you might see like 4-5 people leave after a rough opener or wipe, but it’s nothing like what sometimes happens in Wintergrasp with 15-20 players leaving in the first 5 minutes.

It’s a side-effect of bad bg design, have you ever seen 20 players afk out of an Alterac Valley? I haven’t either :man_shrugging:

Fix/correct the underlying bg design issues, and the leaver issue will disappear “overnight”. Address the cause, eliminate the symptoms. Pretty simple.

Uh yea plenty of times. Usually it’s alliance that leave though.

I typically leave not because we are losing but because ppl are trolling . Like wasting time killing Balinda in AV while we are behind in all timers and Ally are in the base , or going to docks in IOC , running bombs etc and then arguing about it when called out for it .

If you want to screw up on purpose then go ahead without me :man_shrugging:t4:

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To be fair, you also tend to run with premades (from what I remember), so that might explain it. Sure… players will afk out when facing down a premade (aka a rigged match), it makes sense. I would leave too if I found out the other team is a premade.

Random pugs vs random pugs? I don’t think I’ve ever seen 20+ players afk out of an AV in the span of 3-5 minutes. It’s very rare.

No. I queued against premades. Only ran a handful with a premade. AV premades were boring to play with, fun to play against imo. Just last night I queued two epics on my Druid alt. First was an AV which horde won with having 500 reinforcements left. That game the Alliance roster re-filled at least once. Second was a WG offense that horde won in less than ten minutes :joy:

Right, and that’s fine. I have done that on occasion too where the game is no longer fun and I’ve made the decision to leave and take a break. Judging from your posting history, you don’t strike me as the type of person who would leave only to jump back in immediately on a different character and repeat.

The random queue is not only for the map, but also the players. Sometimes you’ll get people who play like bricks rolling over their keyboard and other times you’ll get the equivalent of The Avengers who just wipe up everybody and everything. Take it as it comes, make a call on if it’s fun and leave if you have to. It’s only an issue if you’re doing that more than you complete battlegrounds.