The way it has been programmed, to allow a majority rules to kick someone else is working. But the intention of having a kick system to remove players who are not doing the content they signed up for, is being abused.
Let’s go back a bit, about 11 years ago to be more precise, when the Dungeon Finder tool was first introduced. What was the intention of that system? To allow random players to join a group together and complete a dungeon without the need to scout of players.
Since the games introduction the types of content has expanded, from heroic dungeons to mythic and LFG raids, now IE and Warfronts, some of which are in the Dungeon Finder, some are not, some queued via a different method, but the same intention, to group with random players of random skill at a minimum character level and iLVL.
So what is the intention of a queue system? For like minded players to join up without the need to trawl through an LFG channel and seamlessly join a group to do said content.
Normal and Heroic dungeons would be the norm, a tank, healer and 3 DPS to work together to complete the content. LFG was introduced to allow players who did not have the time to find a raiding guild or follow a set schedule to still experience the raids, Warfronts were just another raid type where you needed X tanks and healers to ensure you could get through the content and PVP was to allow X number of players vs. the same number of players to fight and win under certain circumstances.
IE was designed for, count it, THREE players to fight the NPC’s or other players, collect azerite and win. Three, not 1 or 2, but 3.
Anyone who is found the be abusing the system and go against the way it was designed and intended to be played can be reported and as it has been in the past, banned for doing so. You try be smart in WSG and glitch somewhere with the flag so you cannot lose the flag, you get banned. In LFG, all raid scenarios and all versions of dungeons, basically in any instance, if you find a way to abuse a mechanic to make it impossible to lose, you get banned.
Content is made with a certain intention to do that content, being AFK or simply being a tool and not participating, was not the intention. No one in any game industry is going to make a game that allows players to simply be there and gain something out of it unless it is an AFK specific game like you find on mobile devices.
The game does have set measures in place that will kick someone for being AFK automatically, but that is easily circumvented in that you just auto run in a wall or use a keyboard clicker to make your character jump once every 30 seconds.
So in comes the intention of the VTK system. How it is programmed is one thing, a majority rules was and is still the easiest way to program the system. But what was the intention of the VTK system? To remove players from a random queue who are not doing the content as it was designed.
No system was designed with a “WTS” mindset. No system was designed to be completed with players AFK. No system is designed with players in mind who simply do nothing either. And I dare you to find me any examples of any games that are designed from scratch to allow players to ‘participate’ and gain rewards when they are in fact not participating.
Therefore if you are not doing the content as it was designed, the VTK system should be able to be used to remove you and allow someone else to take their place, someone who, oh I don’t know, wants to be there and wants to do the content.
But sadly with so many queues you end up with players selling runs, players joining and piss farting around, players purposely trying to make the run fail and even though you want to follow the system as it was intended, unless you follow the way the system was programmed, you cannot remove them.
But on the flip side you get players joining a random queue with random players who want to be there, who want to do the content, but because you have the majority you can abuse the system and kick someone for any reason, which means you are most certainly following the majority rules how it was programmed, but you are most certainly not following the way it was intended, to remove someone who should not be there.
And this is what you cannot seem to understand, the intention of a certain system is X, but using it to do Y is going against why any system or queue was put in place in the first instance and like all systems if you abuse it, you should get banned.