Deserter Debuff "No Show" is Now Account Wide

u can’t add account wide deserter unless you provide efficient solutions for these problems:

  • premade vs pug (BGB solution: only duoQ is allowed)
  • replacements being put into sh*tty bgs (BGB solution: no replacement at all)

otherwise people will just AFK and (rightfully) spit on blizzard even more

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No it’s says queueing at the same time isn’t against the rules. Nowhere does it say dropping queues over and over again until everyone gets the same game is ok.

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Which isn’t what any of you argue until you realize arguing “queue syncing is exploiting” isn’t supported by the blue posts then you move the goal posts but yeah go on.

We don’t need a blue post, the TOS says exploiting isn’t allowed. Again, there is no goalpost.

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And the blue post said syncing queues wasn’t exploiting so there is no argument unless you’re making one to troll, which going by your posting history is plausible.

You’re arguing with a person whose only purpose to show up at Christmas parties is to tell everyone’s kid that Santa doesn’t actually exist… and that their parents have been gaslighting them all these years.

There is no blue post that says sync queue isn’t exploiting.

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Yikes bud lol I think you need a break from the internet, and you need to take some time to look inward and think about things.

You just want me to take a break from the internet, so you can catch up to my Honor Level in the next 50 years.

You’re not fooling me, Frey. I’m staying online.

I couldn’t care less about honor level. It takes zero skill to get.

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You’re doing what you’re meant to do… bringing up the same ‘‘issue’’ (which isn’t against TOS, by the way) over and over again - and being ignored by the people in charge.

You’re bringing change into the game.

We all appreciate that.

I didn’t make this post bud. And I am simply correcting people that are lying. I know you don’t care about the health of this game because you care about a pointless number that means nothing, but some of us do and I will continue to talk about it till it’s either fixed or the game dies.

I understand - and while I agree with your main point about premades (we actually do agree for the most part) what they are doing is NOT against TOS. It is not debatable.

If you contact a GM right now (go put in a ticket) and explain what’s going on… ask them straight out - if it’s against TOS. You will find out that it is not. They might send you a copy and paste job - because they usually do that with what should be obvious to people. You won’t have a leg to stand on… so, i doubt you will. Go do it.

Exploiting isn’t against TOS? Show me where it says exploiting is ok. Also, why would I bother trying to talk to some bot?

Let’s find out - go put in a ticket.

You are allowed to do that.

If they say it’s against TOS - I’ll never come on this forum again.

Again, why would I bother talking to a bot? The TOS clearly says exploiting isn’t allowed. What is exploiting to you?

There literally is and I’m not linking it for you for the 3000th time.

The person reading the ticket is not a BOT.

I understand why you won’t put in a ticket - because you’ll find out what you probably already know. Maybe it’s not the premade groups gaslighting us after all… maybe it’s you.

Go put in a ticket - or don’t expect change to happen.

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He doesn’t care. He’s forum trolling. Kind of wild it’s gone this long without forum mods getting involved tbh.

I could hand him the full thread, the blue post in the thread, and the annotated version that’s been linked talking about sync queuing premades and he’ll still either say it isn’t about sync queuing premades or he’ll move the goalposts about dropping queues.

I’ve linked it, Hirav has linked it, and probably seven to eight other people have linked it and his only reply is “Nuh-uh”

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There is nothing to link so idk what you are on about lol

How exactly am I trolling? Why would mods ban someone for using the forums?

Just the blue post is fine. But you keep not posting it.