Deserter buff from being kicked from a group?

Someone from the dev team should spend a couple hours queueing Gammas at min ilvl and they will very quickly see what a toxic mess they’ve created.


Mcg casts Dispel Magic (Rank 2).

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yeah its getting ridiculous, tank pulled when i was OOM after switching specs to heals and then insta kicked when i said IVE BEEN OOM BRO… this is so stupid blizzard. 30 cd… for nothin.

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nothing i joined a halls of reflection , and the group had wiped on arthas so i replaced one of their dps…waiting for the last person to make their way up to arthas to start the chase and i get kicked …so i waited 30 mins, to wait for someone to walked to the rest of the group, get kicked, then wait another 30 mins, before waiting another 30 mins. i have seen lead tanks say lets kick someone cause they don’t have high enough gear, and i vote no and they get kicked when nothing bad happened. like we roll along really fast. its annoying when q times could be 40 mins and you get a debuff because 3 people decide to be jerks

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