Derpy Dans and Try-Hard Charlie’s

Whenever I do group content within one faction I’ve noticed the alliance is full of derpy dans that have no clue what’s going on. And the horde has a ton of try-hard Charlie’s that think they know everything, but are just average at best.

I don’t know what’s worse lol

Personally the derpy dans just make you face palm your forehead with how oblivious they are. But the try hards you can just ignore for the most part

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It’s the same people on both factions.


Yes both sides have both, but each side clearly has more of one then the other

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Does that make you the judgemental-Andy?


If you place the total population on a bell curve the majority of players land in the middle, ie average skill.

OP is alliance

Is he outting himself?


You can hardly clear a +2 on time, you shouldn’t talk bad about other people. For real.


You sir must be a derpy Dan because this is the second time you’ve said that to me before and each time I tell you that the toons people post on doesn’t have to be their main. If you looked at my achievements you would see that I got keystone master before. But you do you derpy dan

I’m about to look this up, if I’m wrong then I will apologize. If you’re wrong then I expect an apology from you.

edit: here’s what I found…

Your warrior has done nothing, your DK does world quests, your shaman does world quests, and your DH does world quests. Your posting character is by far the character that you’ve done the most work on.

Congrats on obtaining (somehow) KSM at the tail end of season 2 in Legion.

Looks like I wasn’t wrong.


I’m derpy Charlie with a heavy dose of me not that kind of blood elf

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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keystone master is under feats of strength achievements under dungeon tab. it says shadowlands keystone master season 4 for the latest one.

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Homie arbitrarily judging/putting down the skill of players with nothing but a 3 digit IO to show.

Weird forum schtick but okay.


I had no idea this was even possible in such a big game, but I recently made some Alliance alts after having played Horde-only for several expansions. At least in the LFR/low-mythics type content I find this trend to be very accurate now. I also saw a lot more people being kicked from LFR on Alliance side for very little cause.

Don’t even get me started on battlegrounds…

Edit: You seem to have hurt some feelings haha! You make a generalization and people act like they were personally attacked.

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from Imgflip Meme Generator


No, he just enjoys harping on this topic for some weird reason.


Sounds pretty derpy.

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Omg I’m laughing super hard that was great.


Still not much better. Dude’s over here acting as if he’s got so much current content experience to stereotype with names and has none whatsoever.

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