Derek cinematic

True. I’m more trying to figure out Talanji’s mentality, finding Baine honorable and respectful despite returning Derek to Jaina, and how that might compare to how she feels about Bwonsamdi for abandoning her father mid fight (she was clearly upset he was in Rezan’s spot in the recruitment quest at least).

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This cinematic made me think a lot about Jaina in this expansion, it is a moment of encounter, now she appears being sad/powerful for both the Alliance and the Horde.

What do I (as a Horde player) feel about Jaina? (of course I feel revulsion, but I want to think more)

Warbringers: beware the “daughter of the sea”.

Lordaeron: look how powerful she is, beautiful in a flying arcane ship. Ah, now see her shattering your walls with arcane cannons! Oh, see her dissipating blight with a circle of ice!

Alliance Campaign: Let’s revisit Jaina’s entire life, her internal conflicts that should already be one/two decades long and how she partially solves them in the end. Ah Teldrassil? We’ll do a questline for this later, don’t worry…

Dazar’alor: look how powerful and untouchable! Only one elemental of her wins Talanji + Nathanos and look how she makes you waste time until she teleports away!

Baine and Jaina: Look how sad, beautiful, and powerful Jaina is threatening to attack Baine while receiving help from him and making references for the thousandth time of conflicts of some 5 years ago! Look how she puts him on the line and leave that meeting on her terms! Ally faction pride eee.

“But… but I just wanted to see my leaders…”

“Shhh, Look at this new beautiful and well-produced cinematic we made for Jaina!”


Oh, so they only created the circumstances that directly led to his death. That’s completely different from killing him.


“But don’t forget to feel shame and guilt for something that happened to her years ago! Oh, Sylvanas basically went through the same thing but actually lost her humanity, 90% of her people, and has to pilot around her corpse? Ya well she’s evil, not a human, and doesn’t deserve a chance for a better story. Let’s actually retcon a bunch of crap to make her look worse and make all your other leaders look like incompetent weaklings. This is what the Horde wants! MORE JAINA!”



The Zandalari with the Horde attacked Kul’Tiras and created the circumstances that directly lead to Kul’Tiras retaliating. Would that mean Rastakhan is responsible for his own death? (And that’s not even factoring that Rastakhan was the one who came to Bwonsamdi for his power in the first place.)


The summary of most Horde races’ hate on the Alliance. IMO.


“I didn’t kill him! I just threw him off the ship; I didn’t make him drown. Totally not guilty! Anyway, he shouldn’t have said that thing about my mother, or I wouldn’t have thrown him off the ship! He’s totally the guilty one.”


Two can play at this game:

… Huh?

I actually seriously don’t get the analogy here. In this version, Rastakhan is the one who said something about the Alliance’s mother.

Anyway, you seem to think I’m saying the entire Horde is blameless in everything here, and I’m not. Just that it’s reeeeeeally splitting hairs to claim that the Alliance isn’t responsible for Rastakhan’s death, even if they didn’t strike an actual killing blow on him.

I perhaps misunderstood and thought you were misrepresenting the Zandalari attacking Kul’Tiras first as the equivalent of calling someone’s mamma fat.

There’s a joke there about the Kul Tiran models, but I’m too lazy to make it.

And help establish that she is a noble Alliance good guy. (I guess all three words “noble” “good” and “Alliance” are now considered redundant.)

Blizzard has been forcing the PC to be all “FOR THE HORDE” about the pointless atrocity all along, and now, in the only story line that Blizzard seems able to write for the Horde, we are suppose to redeem ourselves to our Alliance superiors by stopping our own evil.

Well, it would be a “Horde villain moment” so that is entirely possible.


Technically Sylvanas didn’t kill anyone in Teldrassil. She never sets foot on the tree. It’s the flames of their own tree combusting that consume them in each others arms.

Glad you could clear this up!


Oh hey, it’s you. Want to give me the last word again like you always do?

Have you found a way to use it for something productive?

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Got you to respond, didn’t I?

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The Proudmoores are DONEZO!

Why else would have Sylvanas moved him to a boat in Kul Tiras? She successfully infiltrated his mind in Dazar’alor!

I’m calling it now, Derek is a new Horde allied race. He’ll successfully kill Katherine and go back to the Horde.

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I gotta use that one lol. You DONEZO son.

how would he get to katherine when she is in kul’tiras and he is not allowed to return to kul’tiras and is instead sent to calia?

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