Depth Investigation?

I just got a strange in-game message from Blizzard saying something about making sure i’m the original owner.
I’ve changed email addresses a lot over the years but i’m still the same OG.
I don’t know what i need to do to resolve this but I did send you all a copy of my drivers license awhile back.

I recently got one which claimed I violated the TOS and needed to go to an alleged Microsoft web site to plead my case. Although the message was blue text, closer examination showed that the message came from a toon named Bilzzard, so I reported the player along with my request that they frag that account. Hadn’t seen one of those ‘fake’ Blizzard tells in chat in a long time.

Edit update: I received an in-game mail allegedly from Blizzard (no reply) which thanked me for reporting a cheater. It didn’t give me specifics, but I think it was about this Bilzzard player since I don’t get a response when I report gold seller’s mail.

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This is the correct response.

If this were a legitimate GM contact, you wouldn’t be able to report them, so attempting to report such a communication is the WoW equivalent of asking to see a police officer’s badge, with the bonus of sending in a report of attempted phishing which will kill the offending account (eventually).


All bogus messages trying to get info to compromise your account and possibly more.

ANY message from blizzard will open a new chat window as well as have the blizzard logo next to it. Further, you cannot rcr a blizzard message.

Edit. And sniped by the orc.


I appreciate all of your reply’s. Because it was a blue message I didn’t even consider trying to report it. I took it as an actual Game Master informing me of something which is why I posted this.
Your post did remind me that the message wasn’t in the normal Blizzard Chat window rather it was in a whisper but with the Blizzard Blue writing.

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It isn’t hard to fake the color. You should always, 100%, check to see if the character is reportable. That’s your acid test.

Anyway, I hope you didn’t go to whatever malware website they linked.


No it said to go to Blizzardcom to get it resolved. It’s possible that it could have been misspelled and I just didn’t look close enough. I did click and try to reply to it but was unable to do so.
I’m sure someone at blizzard is seeing this post and they’ll say something if theres something I need to do to resolve any issues. Other wise I’m going to take your words for it, go back to the #1 server in the game(us-sargeras) and warn my people on both sides about this madness.

GM staff can’t be reported


Here’s a chat scam guide with screenshots that I made a few years ago.

Like the others mentioned, it wasn’t a real Bliz game master. Follow these tips to help spot whisper scams.

1) Watch for bad spelling, grammar and punctuation.

2) True GM’s will never link to websites for verification purposes.

3) True GM’s will have a special indicator that they are attempting to contact you in both the chat box and the upper right of the screen:

4) True convos with GM’s will open their own, separate, uniquely named chat window:

5) True GM’s will have a unique, blue “Blizz” graphic preceding their character names and messages:

6) True GM’s have regular, self chosen character names, not “Game Master” or “Blizzard” or “Administrator”:

7) You cannot report a true GM. If you right-click and the option to report is there, it’s a fake… so report it!


Thanks everyone for providing all this info! With the recent news, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see scammers trying to take advantage. In addition to what others have shared, I’ll link to our Spotlight on Phishing: