Demonology talent rework I would like to see to solidify playstyles, address pain points, and improve fantasy

I mean the entire line on that bottom right was ignored by the devs.

IH is doing worst damage than in DF with less core procs. Which is insane.

That 30% of your crit to felguard is pointless.

This dev team has a track record of going after talents most of the player base is picking because the rest are terrible and nerfed/removing and not updated the bad talents.

Remember bloodbound imps (they removed this talent from the demo spec tree to add it to the soul harvester hero tree -shameless devs- you never do this as a designer or the core proc talent from hand of guldan that generated core proc when you casted (which they just kept nerfing it into oblivion, and then to lastly removed, which I feel was done on purpose)

They nerfed all of the rng proc chances on most of our abilities as well. The proc to get instant dogs/umbra braze -this talent is just terrible but they found a slimy way to get people to talent into by putting it as it requirement to pact of the imp mother which again makes 0 sense design wise.

And I don’t wanna to say and i hope is not true but I have a strange feeling our instant dog procs is going to removed.


I feel like they’re placeholder to be honest.

Yep, definitely needs a substantial damage increase to make up for less procs.

Yeah, moving talents from the core spec tree to the hero talent tree is a big L in my opinion. The hero talents were all supposed to be new and different. Shouldn’t ever move them out of class trees and rebrand them lol

Yep, either do away with RNG or increase the proc chances to be reasonable. The thing I hate the most about Dread Calling specifically, is that sometimes it procs as soon as you summon dogs, so the proc actually just goes away before the dogs CD timer resets.

I don’t think it’s going to go away. I just hope they rework it to actually be reliable. Or make dogs instant cast always. OR TYRANT. PLEASE.

Since there are next to no changes for Demo in 11.0.5, I’m assuming that we’ll be seeing some changes in 11.1. Hopefully this can lead to some decent choices!

Idk I think they are just to go with “increased felguard by x damage and pets” for demo.

What they don’t get that not a lot of people are liking the clunkiness of all this casting for demo and it seems like it’s falling on deaf ears.

Sims the highest on single target but people are not liking it’s clunkiness.

The devs can give it as much damage as they think but until they decided to fix all its weird casting/random procs it’ll keep stinking like the spec is an expansion behind.

Cool fantasy sure but it doesn’t play fluid at all.

I mean the Diabolist demons fix for the fel lord should be a hot fix but it’s seems we have to wait till the Nov patch update.

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That’s why I made the post, to give more detailed feedback on what we’re asking for. It’s easy to be a cynic for sure though, feeling left behind is definitely a morale killer.

I do think it plays fluidly, it’s just bogged down by too many casts in a patch that’s really making us move a lot. I’m sure they’re aware and are planning on, if not already working on, some QoL changes.

I agree, I have noticed that the Fel Lord has been pretty consistent since one of those hotfixes awhile back.

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Also what’s with the devs wanting some casters to stick to this old play style of having to cast so much but then do not adhere all the other specs/raid/dungeons mechanics to this.


Yeah I think it’s mostly Spriest and Demo that suffers the most from this at the moment.

One of the biggest mistakes in RPG role of this game is how the master demonologist who defeated Guldan and is part of the black harvest, enslaved the demon sisters, has to cast summon a greater demon, has to cast to summon imps, has to cast to summon dreadstalkers, has to cast to summon vilefiend.

But then you go affliction/destro who just plop their own greater demons like it’s nothing. This doesn’t make any sense in a RPG/fantasy setting.

Not saying they need to have cast times but why is the MASTER Demonologist the one with cast times for all our summons!!??? :disappointed:

To this day I’m still confused about their too many core procs stance in regards to demon but then I do mythics plus or view raid videos from different specs perspective and I’m just like thinking to myself “what’s going on HERE all these specs are getting back to back procs of their special abilities” I thought these guys were against this type of play.


Exactly. Tyrant should 100% be instant cast and there’s no good objective reasoning behind why it isn’t. It also doesn’t need to be nerfed to warrant instant cast. It is just a functionality that should exist. I wouldn’t mind casting Vilefiend and Dogs if we had instant tyrant. But something’s got to give.


Wow so many good ideas here. If only a Dev could take their time to read and bring about some tuning.

Giving this a bump for visibility as I just came across this.

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Thanks! Hoping it stays alive and a dev casually runs across it for some inspiration lol

Made some edits with the newest patch notes.