Demonology PvP Going into Shadow Lands

Personally speaking I am not looking for another shard spender. What I, and many others, want is to have the issues fixed that have been identified in this thread.

-6 second pet summon back to 2 seconds
-Dead talents being revitalized so that their competitive
-Call Felhunter being a baseline spell and not this silly axe toss change
-Sustained damage being brought in line with other classes
-Instant cast demonic tyrant
-Our pvp talents updated because they haven’t been since freaking Legion (I am beyond pissed off about this one)
-Shadow bolt being a 1.5 second cast


I agree with all of those issues needing to be addressed… I think that for this specific issue of our sustained damage being low it is a mechanical problem… Demo’s actual damage mechanic is hard capped to always reset no matter how hard we play… Our wild imps are an integral part of our damage but after they case 5-6 times they vanish… I’m sure you have seen it in live where you can go from 20 imps to 0 in seconds… That means that our damage always resets back to the start of the fight…how can we have sustained damage when we have to start over every 15 sec… In BFA we have Vision of Perfection which gives us a RNG chance to increase the duration and damage of our minions… Playing with VoP actually is a huge quality of life change and a big dps gain for the spec… I think that that utility needs to somehow be included in the spec or else our sustained damage will never be right… I can’t think of any other spec in the game that has its damage reset like that… It is a truly broken design

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Lol shadowbolt. Joke of a filler with poor damage and 1.5 cast time.

What’s interesting how is it that demo spends time building shards or combo points w.e anyone wants to call them and yet when we end up spending a full 3 shards it still ends up feeling like damn filler damage spell.

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That is because demo spec is fighting against itself because of its design…if I had time I would prove this mathematically but alas I have a life outside of WOW( thank goodness )… We can ask for them to fix all of the issues listed here which of course need to be addressed but as long as the spec mechanic continues the way it is our actual damage will always be sub-par at best.


OK so have it sacrifice 1-3 imps… The devs have no problems with that design anyway… Or make it replaced Imp implosion which is a useless spell in my mind… Sure you will have those that argue that Imp implosion is our main AoE but let’s be real demo does garbage AoE damage… No one is counting on Demo to do any serious AoE so Imp implosion can go as far as AoE is concerned.

I don’t think this will happen, imp implosion should trigger explosive potential baseline. I really dislike how the legendary is only effective on trash mobs because of the 3 target stipulation, instead of 3 imps.

What a post, man. One of the best posts I’ve ever read on the WoW forums. Period. It’s direct, reasonably concise for its scope, well sourced and passionate.

I will come back to bump this eternally. I bookmarked it.


Thank you for the kind words. Thursday bump for change!

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Bumping for my homie Chameetri <3


Thanks all! Lets keep this going with the hope that some positive changes are made.

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Yeah it looks like demo pvp is an important topic to a lot of players… I wonder if the devs will use the extra time before SL release to fix this spec? Only time will tell what’s going to happen with this spec.


Bump. Buff demo pls


Demo needs a change to the tyrant. If he had instant demonfires that had a short hasted CD, he’d be 100% better. This would allow him to chase people around pillars and fire off demonfires while moving

That or give demo a melee version to summon a fel lord that just chases you with a big axe


I really hope the extra time before shadowlands is used on some balancing stuff.

I am amazed that affliction got pvp talent changes, while demon still didn’t. Hope that big pvp talents are coming for demo.

Also demo talents in general(not just pvp ones) are so dreadful. So many dead talents that saw no or few changes. I think our 25 and 50 row are particularly bad.

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My hope is still there.

Man oh man! what a time it would be if Demonology could be as good as it is fun (Aesthetically it’s my favorite, especially when I get a billion demons out of the nether portal lol).

The 6 second summon change is an actual disgrace of a change. Even at 2 seconds, fel domination would still be incredibly useful in a high pressure situation, so I’m literally lost trying to find a reason to justify the change.

Personally, I’m still heartbroken at losing my stance dance metamorphosis demo. But oh well, we can hope!


Well written and detailed.


(P.S. Glad you addressed Singed Magic as a PvP Talent. I had a VERY long thread on it at the start of expansion and it was still never addressed. It’s insane how little Warlock feedback Blizzard accepted throughout this expansion. So disappointing.)


This could be applied to almost EVERY single demo ability in this game. Way too much of demo has a hard cast time, in a game that only ever evolved into more and more interrupts and fast, movement based gameplay.

It’s frustrating how clunky it makes everything feel, and they should tune the damage if they think it’d be too strong, but imagine how actually fun demo would play if nothing had a cast time except our CC? (And even then, I still loathe their decision to make Shadowfury have a cast time)


I think this is where you and I may disagree, and that is totally ok! From my mind, I feel that casters should have to cast, but with a few exceptions. The cost of casting damage (cast time) should be rewarded with a high damage output. I don’t think its right that a 2.0 second shadow bolt does 1/3 the damage of a instant melee ability such as mortal strike. That is not balance.

Also, I still feel very strongly that Demonic Tyrant should be an instant cast ability so that demonology is on part with other dps major cooldowns in the game. Just my two cents.



Yeah I agree actually, and I may have overexaggerated by saying that nothing should have a cast time.

And you’re right, thats how it always used to be like in the past, but then they somehow felt the need to throw every single game design logic out the window.

Our SB cast does even less damage than auto-hits of some 2H wielding melee classes…