Demonology PvP Going into Shadow Lands

Even if it were just changed to summon a demon for each soul shard spent, it would be a million times better

Having to weave shadow bolt with HoG feels so freaking clunky, and it makes casting a 3 shard HoG feel like a waste because it still only summons one demon

Something that might actually make NP better because of the changes coming to Tyrant is that once you build up to full shards, pop NP, then use HoG with Soul Strike and use HoG again, then you should have no shards, cast Tyrant and boom you get 5 shards again that you can use to bring more demons out. Regardless, I agree, NP needs to make it per every shard spent


That would actually give it some really nice synergy. I didn’t even think of that

I was just annoyed at weaving shadowbolt and HoG lol

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Yea T_T That’s really the one thing I care about in Shadowlands, it’s my favorite spell in the game. Even if they made it When activated, summon a random Demon every X seconds for Y seconds.
I cri everytim

I know right! I totally feel you, I hate the fact that my favorite spec is not only not that good in terms of dps potential, but also the fact that in order to even perform sub-optimally, I have to pick a talent that I don’t find fun over a talent that I love.


Hire this man please.

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I’m a PVP moron, so if you disagree, just realize that I agree that I’m a pvp moron. If you totally agree, then you should feel emboldened that a man that identifies himself a PVP moron sees how obvious this stuff is. Anyway.

More than anything if they insist on this 6 second cast lunacy, then demons need more durability, less damage intake from Soul Link, and Health Funnel needs to be modernized like 5 expansions ago. I find this summon time especially egregious given that a mage can still summon a water elemental in 1.5 seconds, and a DK summon their ghoul instantly on a 2 minute CD. This channel to heal from your health nonsense is vanilla design, and I’m not sure how it’s still in the game. It really defies reason. Every one of my demons should also have a defensive cooldown. I’m borrowing this from the aforementioned and barely-a-pet-class Unholy DK, and the fact that their pet has better pet-class tools than a Warlock does for their Demons should set off some alarms somewhere. Do those things, and THEN put in a 6 second cast time. At least then you can say Warlocks have the tools to manage their pets correctly, but you can’t do that right now.

I want talents like Demonic Strength and Soul Strike to be made to work with whatever demon I have out. I want to be able to have out the succubus and not feel like I’m hosing myself or my build. I also want Grimoire: Felguard to make my next demon an instant cast secondary pet that uses it’s primary ability when cast. Pretty sure that used to be how it functioned.

Pet classes can be effective in PVP, just because pillar humping isn’t quite as effective. But when the pets can be obliterated and then the warlock punished with a 6 second cast time, it’s penalizing that player for leveraging an advantage of their spec in PVP. It’d be like a warrior that uses charge too many times consecutively gets winded and can’t move for 6 seconds. Imagine that for a moment. Bent over, sucking wind with an enormous axe in his hand because sorry you did the thing you’re supposed to do and were irresponsible with it. That would really be foolish.


Dude I pvp with demo lock spec and I have to say that this is very well spoken…I love your example of warrior which is spot on… The devs have to understand how many time we currently have to re-summon our active pet just to survive…if anything we really need a buff to our pet summons to make this spec make sense in any type of pvp… Add and destro both have talent options to go pet-less but demo has no such option… Also add and destro both have pvp talent to increase stamina and armor by a considerable amount while demo doesn’t have that talent based on the idea that we are too tank with soul link… I always thought that demo being very tank was supposed to offset the fact that we have to stand there and cast everything… I think that it would be nice if our fel guard had an ability that radiated a portion of the damage taken by him to nearby enemies functioning similar to thorns from druids to discourage teams from cleaving our pet down without serious consideration… Either way the 6 sec summon is senseless.


I posted this on the beta feedback. I remain hopeful yet expect nothing.

It used to be Grimoire of Service they changed it to just Felguard because Master-of-Demons spec being pigeonholed to 1 demon is good design apparently.

Bumping this to the top!

I’m happy to see a demonology thread still alive and people keep fighting to be heard.

Compared to the pvp forum,where they said demonology is fine and you are a dogsh1t player if you can’t make it work, it seems like I’m not the only one trying to get my beloved spec a better treatment =)


If they make tyrant damage unavoidable then they will Nerf consumption to the ground and we definitely don’t want that… The way tyrant functions is fine because while the target is avoiding tyrant they are also not doing damage so we are basically trading uptime… The real problem with that is demo doesn’t have any other damage that makes that trade fair… Once tyrant is LoS our damage is super garbage… In my mind this problem can be easily fixed with the right tuning which just isn’t happening for demo…

To me it is really simple: if demo is a build up spec then our damage needs to seriously ramp up as the match goes on. Comparing demo spec to BFA shadow priest spec gives us an idea of why demo is lacking as a build-up dot spec… In BFA shadow priest have a ramp up time just like demo, the difference is if you let a shadow priest free cast their damage will own anyone… Since they only have the 1 school they are easy to shut down… The point is shadow priest actually ramp up in damage exponentially which is ideally what a build up spec is supposed to do… Demo on the other hand while also being a build up spec doesn’t build up at all but instead decreases in damage as the match gets longer… Use tyrant damage is up there and tyrant is gone and damage sharply decreases… That is bad design in my mind for a spec that is a build-up/dot spec.

Demo needs damage tiers which ramp up our damage considerably as each tier is achieved similar to Sac Souls but baseline and much better tuned. If our damage would ramp up to the point that we really can’t be ignored for fear that we would overwhelm the enemy team then I would welcome a small Nerf to tyrant.

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When talking about baseline damage, it comes down to the imps. In legion we had damage amplifiers for our imps, which in turn made our sustain damage good. I definitely feel that Tyrant needs to change by becoming instant cast, but there is a plethora of issues identified in this thread that should be addressed. It’s not just 1 thing, its multiple items.


Wait who said demo was just fine?!?! All you have to do is look at every pvp tier list ever made and you will see that demo is always at the bottom, you just straight up cant make demo lock work in pvp that well with the flaws it has

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I could give you names but I don’t want any drama.

That’s basically what I told them, demo lock is trash with trash game play and if they are stupid to not even line or cs it then it’s a ‘’ them’’ problem.

There is actually only 1 demonology at r1 range or close to it in the world but apparently only demo lock see that the spec is terrible o.o

Yeah, and its not something that takes a lot of research to see if it can even make R1 among the general player base, it has been quite awful in PvP for some time now. It really does need a lot of attention in both the PvE and PvP department.

I personally play demo in pvp because I find the spec fun… I like the idea of a tanky caster… Honestly I don’t think that demo is really designed to be the competitive pvp go to spec and really that is fine… As far as I know all MMORPGs that have pvp are like that where you will have certain specs that’s not ideal for pvp so it’s cool that demo is that spec in WOW… There is however a huge difference in a spec being not ideal to being bad at what it was designed for… It’s like owing a car that you always have to push everywhere, what’s the point of having the car… Same with demo spec which should be a ramp up dps spec…problem is we have all the handicaps of a ramp up spec and none of the benefits… The spec mechanic needs to be revamped so that it fulfills what it is designed to do… To me it doesn’t need to be the next FOTM spec just fix the spec already.

Exactly, all it needs is to be viable. Because up to this point, if you wanted a tanky caster, we all know what spec can do it at the highest of any tier list :stuck_out_tongue: . But back in MoP everyone talked about class balance in pvp and how it made MoP good for that reason. Its very possible that specs such as demo could totally be viable in pvp, blizz just needs to pay them some attention

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Bumping this back to the top. Please read and respond Blizzard warlock developers.

Hey Chameetri tell me what you think if this spell was added as a baseline ability for demo spec:

New baseline spell “Fel Empowered”: cost 1-3 soul shards, instant cast, 15 sec CD: consume up to 3 soul shards to strengthen all of your current minions increasing duration by 3 seconds, and damage done by 3% for each soul shard spent.

With changes to Imp implosion which to me is a damage lose since we are losing pets to implode… I think an ability like this can help with demo ramp time and give us an edge on single target encounters… Affliction can be multi-target spec, destruction can be the cleave specialist and demo can bring the single-target… Let me know what you think about this and how it could be better.