Demonology PvP Going into Shadow Lands

Yeah it sucks when everything we cast feels like fillers ESPECIALLY when we have to build to spend 3 soulshards and still feels like fillers damage until we cast tyrant.

How is it that the spec that has all the ramp up with filler damage also has a cast time on our 1 damage CD ability.

Better yet why hasn’t nether portal been changed yet, why is it not using per amount of soulshards casted.

Nether portal has a cast time on top of it having a soul a hard cost with the rng of demons being summoned from it doesn’t even compete with our middle pick on that last tier, even with the minimal buff they gave the demon summons from it.


They should make hat instant dreadstalker pvp talent baseline.


I feel like demo needs a complete overhaul, because the only fixes that I think would work are very cheesy; I’d make summoned pets cc’able but unkillable in arena and BGs, I’d move a big chunk of damage from the Tyrant window to baseline abilities, and I’d create a pvp talent that gives the Tyrant a large PBAOE snare.


The tyrant just needs to shoot faster. too easy to LOS / CC him

I personally don’t want them to change anything with tyrant because that will end up making him far less deadly… I say they leave tyrant as is and increase our sustained damage from our pets…this gives us the same management of our pets but we have a more rewarding damage profile… That and give us the pet summon back to 2 sec… As the classes are getting nerfed/tuned demo is looking a little bit better if they iron out our issues

Make demo great again


Bumping some more.

Agree. What unpruning? I would’ve rather they spent all that wasted development time on FIXING THE CORE ISSUES THAT EXIST WITH EVERY SINGLE SPEC.

Some are much worse than others obviously, but every spec in the game needs attention at a core level.

to think, if only blizz read the class forums…

6 second demonic pet cast time should never have been implemented, and also to add to the note several things. Toss the Felguard make the Fel Lord the main demonology pet, Also why not add an assortment of other demon pets that demonology warlocks could earn through trials with unique spells that can be used for both pve and pvp.


Well guys and galls we are 1 day away from the pre patch and I thought it would be a final opportunity to post a summary of my original post, the changes that have been made, and what is still left to be desired. It’s frustrating when actually looking at it.

-6 second pet summon being reverted to 2 second cast time.

-“Dreadlash” damage profile updated to be competitive with “Bile Scourge Bombers” and “Demonic Strength.”

-“From the Shadows” updated to be applied by “Dread Bite.”

-“From the Shadows” updated to work with our Demonic Tyrant, “Inner Demon” demons, and “Nether Portal” demons that cast Shadow Flame damage.

-“Grimoire: Felguard” cool down changed back to 1.5 minutes.

-“Sacrified Souls” damage profile updated.

-“Nether Portal” updated to match each soul shard spent.

-“Nether Portal” soul shard cost and cast time removed.

-“Summon Demonic Tyrant” updated to be instant cast.

-“Call Felhunter” moved from the pvp talent tree to a baseline demonology ability.

-“Singe Magic” pvp talent fixed for glyphed imps. Now appropriately dispels a target if a fel imp is used.

-“Call Fel Lord” hit points updated to reflect Shadow Lands hit point pool.

-“Call Fel Lord” updated to remove visible swing timer for opposing players.

-“Call Fel Lord” updated to remove 10% hit points to any hostile targets within the 6 yard radius.

-“Call Observer” hit points updated to reflect Shadow Lands hit point pool.

-“Shadow Bolt” cast time reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

This will be the final bump from me.


Welp prepatch tomorrow, Blizzard, as usual, just ignored the community feedback we have been giving for years.

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Am i the only one who didnt read but instead went to comments to get a summary?

Man I couldn’t agree more… I really hope blizzard takes demo and works on them. It’s my favorite spec for locks, and they only reason I doing play lock is because demo needs so many updates

Well we did get corruption and curses back which seems to have made my life as a demo lock easier. But it’s still too early to tell.

After recently seeing a interview with a former World of Warcraft developer discussing the best way to communicate to the development team, I am bumping this post. The problems for demonology still exist and just continue to be ignored. Below is a list summing up this post and it’s content:

-6 second pet summon being reverted to 2 second cast time.

-“Dreadlash” damage profile updated to be competitive with “Bile Scourge Bombers” and “Demonic Strength.”

-“From the Shadows” updated to be applied by “Dread Bite.”

-“From the Shadows” updated to work with our Demonic Tyrant, “Inner Demon” demons, and “Nether Portal” demons that cast Shadow Flame damage.

-“Grimoire: Felguard” cool down changed back to 1.5 minutes.

-“Sacrified Souls” damage profile updated.

-“Nether Portal” updated to match each soul shard spent.

-“Nether Portal” soul shard cost and cast time removed.

-“Summon Demonic Tyrant” updated to be instant cast.

-“Call Felhunter” moved from the pvp talent tree to a baseline demonology ability.

-“Singe Magic” pvp talent fixed for glyphed imps. Now appropriately dispels a target if a fel imp is used.

-“Call Fel Lord” hit points updated to reflect Shadow Lands hit point pool.

-“Call Fel Lord” updated to remove visible swing timer for opposing players.

-“Call Fel Lord” updated to remove 10% hit points to any hostile targets within the 6 yard radius.

-“Call Observer” hit points updated to reflect Shadow Lands hit point pool.

-“Shadow Bolt” cast time reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds.