Demonology PvP Going into Shadow Lands

I have given up playing warlock almost entirely when Blizz took away Meta, so I have one question: how many times and how many players playing demo warlock have actually been able to ranked within top 100 player on the ladder since legion?

I ask this because I check out the ladder every now and then, and I have almost never seen any demo warlock being in the top 100. Of course, this does not mean demo lock is entirely unplayable, but,it surely means that it almost never been quite competitve. This led me to feel that demo desgin since legion is simply and fundementally flawed in pvp that some major changes needs to be done for demo warlocks to become competitive again in PVP.


Totally agree. I’m still considering using consumer law in my country to refund my pre-order and posting to let others know how to do the same. If we can’t m+ during the pre-patch i’m done, it’s the only decent thing in the whole game.

They haven’t listened to jack, and they even know it’s so imbalanced that Preach’s latest theory is they’ve just made everything in the new systems bad so they can fix it over time.

Another rushed expansion where, with all the current issues, they’ve given themselves a month. Joke of a company now.


Hey guys I’m getting even more tilted everyday to see 0 attention from the devs to demonology warlock.

Do you know if they reply on Twitter?

I’m actually trying to fight until we got something but they never read forums (atleast EU forums which we gave a ton of constructive feedback everyday).


Back in the day when WoW was a good game each expansion every spec got a make over. Even if the spec was OK already, its talent tree got remade the class got new and exciting spells we got new content, new dungeons and new raids. You felt like you were paying for an expansion that was bringing major changes to the game… The past few expansions have been a repackaging of the same stuff to the point that you are wondering why you just paid $60 for this game. SL looks to be the worse yet. Only a couple of specs have got reworked, and the only thing they have given us for this expansion is “unprunning”.

The idea of unprunning is so stupid that it angers me each time they are making that a selling point for this expansion. You mean to tell me that we paid for an expansion where they pruned us and now we have to pay them again just for them to give us what we already had and they call that unprunning. That is thievery. The majority of what they are giving us doesn’t even work i.e corruption for demo/destro. They made 0 effort as far as I’m concerned towards giving any of the classes/specs in the game a fresh new feel… Most classes are functioning exactly the way they were 2+ years ago and 2 expansions later nothing has changed. I am so disappointed in the development team responsible for the game that I have been playing for over 13+ years.

My wife has been trying to get me to quit this game for years and it’s so funny that the lazy game developers will do the job for her. Since I already paid for the game I will try it… But trust me if it’s as garbage as it’s looking to be I will be spending my time doing something else.


I am in the same boat with you. I am hoping that the development team corrects course, hunkers down, and resolves a lot of these problems.


It’s sad how demo and aff have been fun/performance wise the past couple of xpacs. I really wish I could come back to lock but bfa destro is :face_vomiting:


Truth be told I feel like they are trolling most of the playerbase in regards to most specs and talents.


I saw Stoopz’s latest pvp video last night about pvp gearing in Shadow Lands and the biggest take-away I got out of that video was the developer tweeting that they prefer things in writing. Bumping this so that a developer can see the original post.

Can dev really fix demo?

If they listen to the players they can…if they keep making stupid changes which make no sense while ignoring the stuff that needs to be fixed then yeah devs can do nothing and they have done nothing.


My biggest issue with demo PvP is how easily people can avoid tyrant. Having him require not only LoS but the target stay in LoS while he casts is too much in arenas

I would suggest changing his demonfires to an instant cast, with a short hasted CD. Sort of like voidbolt

This would allow him to chase people without losing all his damage


Getting that Friday bump in with a hope for Demonology changes.

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Fel lord is back boys. All is not lost!

Grim: FG into lord into axe toss into tyrant into coil into dead into free points into finally making love to a woman.

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Don’t you dare get my hopes up!

The sentiments in this thread is why i only play vanilla wow and im more interested in a classic BC option than shadowlands. The more i learn about shadowlands the more i dislike i wish i never preordered shadowlands on my main account. If you look at the direction wow took in 2015 when ion hazzikostas became assistant game director, they only care about making quick and easy money.

How many sub packages did they sell in the past year for a cool mount? How many in game store mounts did they make? Wow token was also added in 2015.

The problem with making channeled spells instant cast for casters they nerf the crap out of them.

I would rather have baseline curse of agony than 2 sec corruption.


deathcoil howl shouldn’t be talents at all. Ritual of doom on ptr is a disgrace to the vanillas version. On classic it actually had cool abilities, on ptr it had only doombolt… Doombolt was the carryover spell when doomguard was a 10 min cooldown. Its such a bad joke.

They shouldve fired holinka after wod. This guy hates us.


Bumping this thread, Demo really needs some buffs/reworks, and definitely needs some tuning on Nether Portal to make it a rewarding talent and build to go with :slight_smile:


I was excited when i heard ritual of doom was coming back because its a flavor spell. Very fun to use. This version is garbo.