Demonic in Shadowlands

Will be nice to have immo aura baseline for sure. I never run it because I don’t like having to spam bite for fury gen. Between demonic appetite and soul rending for generation and sustain, demon blades works well for me. I’m never fury starved.

Plus I use momentum to cancel out some of the rng on blades when initiating a fight. The build feels quick and fun, allowing me to use my movements as a dynamic part of my play. I’m sure demonic would probably be more value on paper but I never have issues keeping my burst windows up with momentum. Having demonic baseline would just be a huge buff to my build so I would love to see it happen

Remember when legendaries provided talents when equipped? Or when set pieces changed the way we played? thinking that an extra 20 fury is a bit much when you’ll be getting more damage out of it especially when combined with death sweep is petty considering you have double the amount of time to generate fury before using it.

Then try playing without First Blood and see how much it impacts the flow of your gameplay.

The difference between tier sets been in WoW ever since its inception is that it was not the main form of progression of your character at max level, but was a small part of it.

Legion and BfA saw 100% of the power progression of our characters through rentals, and this is the problem. When the expansion ends, you lose most of it (I say most because some are usually kept in the form of talents or very rarely made baseline).

Don’t be fooled by Eyes of Rage and Chaotic Transformation being made baseline. They were baseline traits of the artifact in Legion and transitioned to BfA as Azerite traits when they should’ve been made baseline from the beginning.

This is an understatement. It’s going to feel terrible and ST rotation is literally going to be Demon’s Bite -> Chaos Strike with the occasional Immolation Aura and Eye Beam every 30s.


Essence break would only truly work with shadowlands demonic appetite and demonic talents also picked.

Dark slash lines perfectly with the current eye beam cooldown with eyes of rage, making the downtime for pooling for fury before bursting with demonic perfectly fit, I’ve been practicing the rotation right now. I actually recieved a dps increase over firstblood and I’m sad to have never tried this. I’m even more excited for essence break now.

The downside is i’m gonna miss the sustained dps firstblood provided. I obsolutely hope that legendary powers provide the ability to use first blood and essence break at the same time.

That’s just not possible. I sim almost 10k less with Dark Slash over First Blood in the course of a 5min fight.

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Are you using eyes of rage and pooling your fury? I doubt the sim does that.

The rotation is definately boring. It’s just chaos strike chaos strike chaos strike chaos strike chaos strike

Running demon blades also allows more chaos strikes in the window.

Demon Blades, demonic appetie, dark slash, demonic, double gale force enchant, eyes of rage provide the best support for it

Can’t really tell if the sims do that, but it’s been known since the start of the expansion that Dark Slash is a DPS loss over First Blood.

If Dark Slash was an increase even by 1% you’d see tons of people using it on logs, which just doesn’t happen.

I haven’t found a spot to fit a fel rush or fel barrage in currently

It does:


If Demonic is taken and Blind Fury is not, then if the remaining CD on Eye Beam is 2 GCDs or less and the DH has less than 100 Fury, they skip casting Chaos Strike. So they’ll execute a minimum of 2 Demon’s Bites before the Eye Beam cast.

That said, the sim does not really pool as much as it could. It doesn’t appear to make any effort to pool beyond those 2 GCDs, and also won’t intentionally pool fragments until 1.4s before Eye Beam comes off CD.

That said, that pooling cannot make up for a 10k DPS deficit. Dark Slash is a dead talent. If you’re getting more out of it than First Blood, Silvanthalas, you’re not using Blade Dance on cooldown like you should be, or you’re doing something else wrong.

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demonic appetite, demon blades, dark slash, demonic

400dps increase over first blood in st
6-8k dps loss if fel barrage is in added into st rotation.

Thanks for the info, Xaedys.

This is also very correct. Dark Slash is just dead. There’s absolutely no way you are getting a DPS increase unless you are doing something severely wrong with First Blood.

Why would you use the same enchant on both weapons?

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Now that it’s been added to Vengeance too I see a lot of benefit to adding it to the class baseline. Let the talented version extend the effect. 2 seconds is a bit short for a talent but maybe it could be 2 seconds longer and some additional effect for Havoc.

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The reason to not have it baseline is not everyone likes 70% meta up time, and prefer other playstyles from legion era. But, that is purely an opinion. Demonic without the giga haste increase from antorus or furious gaze does not feel nearly as good. Lowering meta to 3 min and making first blood/immo aura fury gain baseline would go a long way. I would like those changes and a reworked bloodlet in place of cycle of hatred which is incredibly dull, ESPECIALLY when it competes with First Blood.


Thank you, let’s get the discussion back to why Demonic (and maybe also First Blood) should be baseline.

Hopefully either blizzard will see it or one of those lucky few Demon Hunters who got alpha will see it and post our thoughts to the Alpha feedback forum.

I really don’t think demonic needs to be baseline for reasons stated above, I do however support reverting the nerf.

Why wouldn’t you like being on demon form more often? It doesn’t even keep you from using your other abilities, so what would that even be an issue?

Bloodlet gotta be on the lowest priority possible on the list if even there. We already have a way better DoT in place, which is Trail of Ruin. What we need is (at least) one more button to press in our rotation, and maybe that button is Throw Glaive through some reworked talent. Bloodlet did that, but didn’t do it very well unless you had the Legendary + 3 targets to cleave.

Fury generation on Immolation Aura is a must. It’s honestly insulting that they give us the actual ability but the useful part is still a talent.

Make First Blood baseline already Blizzard, and while you’re at it, do the same for Demonic and Immolation Aura fury generation.

Eh, to each their own. /shrug.

I don’t get it either, but I also don’t get why people like Momentum, Demon Blades, or Bloodlet. I guess that’s kinda the point of them being talents.

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I’m genuinely curious though. Demonic gives only perks with no downsides: you get damage, leech, Haste and badass demon form. What is there to hate?

It’s not like Momentum with its myriad of problems or Bloodlet with its subpar damage or even Dark Slash/Essence Break trying to be what Demonic is, but way worse.

It serves as the face of the class and helps set it apart from other classes. The only downside I can think of is that we still can’t customize our demon form.

The theme. Some peeps prefer to think of their DHs as an agile melee skirmisher rather than a half-demon.

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