Demon Hunters are too strong

Well if its the gliding you like your going to like Evoker a whole lot more.

DH are sickening in pvp right now. Great job blizz. Fix this


It’s literally prepatch. Bears are running around soloing raid-sized groups of people in PvP, DHs are blasting, Affliction is blasting… like, it’s prepatch.



It’s like all these ppl complaining haven’t played during other pre patches before


I’ve been playing Demon Hunter since they came out! This stuff needs to be addressed immediately Blizard

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I mean, as long as you advocate for changes that only impact prepatch, yes, sure.

They are where they need to be in the beta but in pre patch they are too strong which is perfectly normal tbh. Just wait till Nov. 15th it will change once leggos and conduits are gone

Yea I agree.

BUFF DH @ Level 70!!


It’s not “just prepatch,” it’s the live game which is the only version of the game that matters. Just because you have lowered your standards, thus allowing Blizzard to lower theirs, doesn’t mean you should expect the same of others.

As always, nerf DH.


They are pretty disgusting. I’ve been working on getting honor lvl 30 and after every single match the top DPS is like a stack of every demon hunter in the match up top

Do people really think it isn’t like this on Beta? Haha.

It’s prepatch. They typically do this. It’s fun having your powers from the last expansion on top of new changes.

Who dropped a #2 in your wheaties?

“As always” implies an inherent bias against DH, no?

I’m not saying Havoc doesn’t potentially need nerfs on Beta. I wouldn’t give a damn if Blizzard turned off legendaries tomorrow, because that’s exactly what’s breaking things right now in prepatch.

What I’m saying is, tune what needs tuned. Let’s not go nerfing classes because of prepatch legendary interactions. Let’s nerf classes based on performance in their intended environment, which is at 70 with no other interfering systems.

Come Tuesday this thread will die. The leggos, conduits, and some broken damage will be no more.

In mythic+, I’m wondering if they will want us for our AMN AoE, or Eyebeam ST for bursting bosses. Nibiru is right. We can only be good at either or.

Because its not. You must really suck at PvP if you think that DH is the most overpowered thing in Beta they definitely arent.

It’s always funny when DH gets slightly viable in PvP it’s always some Rogue that comes crying in the forums, they can’t stand that someone can see them stealth.


the rouges that kill in one sap… ?


I don’t think they’ll be nerfing glide, so you’ll be fine.

Indirect nerf is still a nerf. Legendaries should have been disabled in the live game to prevent broken interactions.

Also “Nerf DH” is a running meme, it just so happens to be warranted in the current state of the game.

Sure, all legendaries should’ve been turned off. This isn’t just a DH thing.

And if by current state you mean Prepatch, there’s a reason nobody gives a damn.

Again, live game is the only game that matters and since you and others allow Blizzard to lower their standards by making excuses for them, you give them permission to constantly “fix it later” instead of making it a priority that the game is good to play now. Later never comes in many, arguably most, instances.