Demon Hunters Are Silly

We did. That’s why the spec is like 8 total buttons.


our specs are more Zug Zug than the Zug Zuggiest Orc Warrior


hell yeah

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They’re more figurative than literal these days, I guess.

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:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Demon Hunters were trauma survivors before they ever found their way to Black Temple, and were so desperate for revenge they agreed to risk almost certain death in order to support the only leader they believed had an effective plan for fighting back. Only 1-in-5 survived the transformation, and these tortured survivors were often horrified by what they were learning and what they were becoming. Self-destructive actions like clawing out their own eyes was only one variation: Fully half of those who survived the initial transformation either killed themselves or went postal and had to be put down. It’s all explained rather well in the novel “Illidan”, which imho is the best of the WoW novels to date.

This is why I usually push back on those suggesting there should be new Demon Hunters made today. I mean first there’s the question of whether anyone but Illidan (a master of both Arcane & Fel magics) knows how to create this particular hybrid, but beyond that there’s the established lore that the process is 90% fatal so only the mad would even apply.

And we didn’t even get the fel hooves, which is what I–I mean, they–really wanted.

[coughs awkwardly]

like your fanfics from 10 years ago would have been any better

get back in your safe space

They ritually burn them out so that they can see magic and demons better.

That’s not what the Illidumb novel says lol

Yeah like I said earlier, I always thought this was a cool piece of lore.

unfortunately the Illidan novel directly contradicts this. In the Illidan novel, it happens pretty much exactly like Luxuria said it does. Not a terribly big fan of this, I preferred the idea that it was done on purpose as part of a ritual.

Tree fiddy

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Better question is why are they still around?

The Legion cutscene directly contradicts the novel.

The novel was written by a contracted writer that may or may not be 100% familiar or make mistakes. Maybe some claw their eyes out before the ritual is done.

But in the opening cutscene for DHs in Legion, we see a DH brand their eyes out, and the game canon takes precedence over book canon.

Because the world is a bad place where bad things happen.

Demon Hunters are one of those bad things lol