Demon hunters are Overpowered

Yeah Mages aren’t very durable. Very easy to kill these guys. Also popping combust on someone in a kidney and spamming instants is like no damage.

I’m not shaming lol, there’s a reason no one wins vs rogue mage in tourneys with Dk/Dh

The best recent attempt was frost dk dh which did well in a few wargames when the rogue mages didn’t know the strat, then once they adapted they stopped losing

Kidney+hoj on healer is plenty to score kills a large majority of the time. The best rmpals will frequently do that. All you have to do is go for a defensive sheep in those situations, which vs DHDk can just mean staying spaced and far away form each other, dragging the dk back, and you can cross him/peel him on the go with either novas, db, or polymorphs and from there you just have to focus on damage on the dh. Kleptoing hots off with dh in a kidney and rdruid hojd punishes them so hard, assa rogue damage is more than enough at that point combined with pally judges and instant fire damage (but you can still get free gpyros if you’re db sheeping/rofing the Dk anyways).

Any blinks you’re making against dkdh (or any melee cleave) should be offensive and defensive at the same time and if you’re not doing that vs them you’re just making a super large error.

If you’re just running in melee range vs DkDh and sitting there eating kicks in the worst spot possible while trying to spam chase after a druid that’s losing you you’re obviously going to lose really easily lol but it’s super easy to prevent that from ever happening and you’ll never die unless you’re just letting them kill you.

There’s nothing hardcore about doing this you just play like you’re a ranged class vs dk dh which is just really durable and then all of their win conditions fall apart completely. Even if it beats an rmx making large errors it doesn’t beat one that’s playing remotely well. There’s no hardcore 3000 iq super sick CC chain you have to force to win which is the easiest mistake people make as rogue mage. Literally just sit back and don’t die while you kill the Dh lol, all you have to do. Kidney hoj is more than enough to kill as RMPal especially with wound poison and CS’s available, pushing for polymorphs just isn’t a necessary win condition because it’s difficult to top outside a go anyways.


I’ve experienced this as well, can confirm 100% except in my case it was freedom/double pony, glider and rocket boots. Been chased from the horde place at Wsg all the way back to Silverwing hold at 5% hp only for the dh to kick my hearthstone cast (yes, lol) and then kill me : c

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Are you ok? Seems you have bumped your head recently.

number of druids currently in top 100: 13
DH: 9
Mage: 15
rogue: 10
Monk: 12
warlock: 9
DK: 8

yes DH seems very strong however it appears other classes are having more success.

almost twice as many mages in the top 100.


i dunno man im honestly convinced mages might need a slight tune down before DH get one.

i guess we all have different classes that give us trouble. for me personally DH is easy to kill (at least in 1v1 they are.)

Mages are just playing well with a bunch of things. Doesnt stop dhs from being over the top a bit

well nerf them then. people will just reroll to another op class.

its not like if u nerf 1 class the game all of a sudden gets better. (at least not imo)

i would like to see the garbo classes get buffed rather just nerf everything.

lets get some more shammies and wars in the top 100.

I think the problem is, DH just have too much stuff, if Rogue mage ever got nerfed, the DH would be the only spec at the top of the bracket lol.

Dang i just noticed something.

Some humans are overpowered compared to others.

Some humans might have Higher IQ, better reaction times and hand-eye coordination.

Should we nerf the humans who play this game too? I mean a 3k player will always crush a 1500 player no matter what class they choose to duel on… is that fair??


what a concerning post

uh…baseline ? no their healing is absolute crap. it’s not until they get AP traits

This is correct.

Why did you necro this?

Threads should be automatically locked after a month of no responses, let alone nine.

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sadly this thread is still relevant

Because it was recommended to me to read by the algorithm, so I read it… and I replied. Why did you help me necro it?

Wth you talking about, there is no algorithm forums show latest post and that is it.
If you did a search for Dhs to cry, let me warn that necroing is against the ToS.

Now now…let’s not be so harsh with them. Anyone that wants demon hunters nerfed is welcome here. We are simply suggesting you create a new nerf demon hunter thread. Preferably one in general discussion as well since this place is ignored by Blizzard.

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Please stop harassing me.

You should learn what that word means. Simply telling you that you are breaking the rules.
Like Exalter said may have been harsh, but doesn’t make it haressment.