Demon hunters are Overpowered

They dont need to tune assa if they space their cd differently than everything on 30sec.

Marked for death should go back to 1min, toxic blade to 45sec. Done

DH may be the worst designed class of all time. Their main AoE damage ability is also their main single target damage ability which is also a defensive ability. A 15 yard charge as a rotational ability with a reset proc (I guess 2x roll on a 10 sec cd + disengage wasn’t enough), and their offensive CD which is also a sustain CD has gigahigh uptime. I just wanna know who designed this and why?


MOBAs were really popular a few years ago when legion development began basically

Seething Shore on the other hand is the fault of battle royales. Blizz thought the gaming world loved parachuting into things.



Blade dance is how it is because pve players really loved the Tomb of Sargeras tier set bonus and they decided to work the tier set into the spec’s default existence more or less.

Lies! Dh has spectral sight!


Which can be super easily countered

I think it’s the combo of self healing + mitigation/avoidance + mobility + ease of damage + near permanent swifty form.

A spec that has guaranteed 100% uptime on just about every spec in the game should have considerable ramp up. The moment a DH touches you at the start of the game you’re taking max damage. Even if he want to target swap (lol swapping), everything in the game is a single fel rush away and first button press you’re taking max damage.

On top of that the baseline mobility is 3x what should ever exist in the game. To give an idea, I can literally get in a BG, conc shot a DH, disengage, rocket boots, then goblin glider off a cliff, and he’s still on me without any of the extra things I had to use. Now put that in an Arena where you’re severely limited to how far you can kite and you can never get away. Coupled with mitigation/Avoidance built into the rotation, near permanent demon form causing self healing they can even chase you behind a pillar when it would be suicide for normal specs to do so making it an idiot proof spec.

You can make 5 major mistakes in a row against normal specs, and a win condition still won’t be present for your victim, I mean opponent.

Like Dilly said, the only reason DHs haven’t flooded the ladder due to it’s insanely overtuned designed is because more broken RMX keeps it in check.


dont forget about the range CC and purge and mana drain


its weird i wonder why the 3k+ streamers i watch never complain about DH, they just beat them instead.


Why do RMX that only face other RMX and destrodorks not talk about DHs?
Because the DHs are being gatekept 500 CR lower by lesser RMX, you dork.

I WoNdEr WhY

A spec doesn’t have to be top of the ladder to be demonstrably toxic to the feel of the game. If you’d read the thread before chiming in about tHe 3K StReAmErS yOu WaTcH, you’d have noticed there’s an R1 streamer in this thread discussing why nobody likes DHs.


How does Rmx counter dk dh rdruid ? Dks have 4 stops for mages grip,kick, stun, pet kick amz. DH has reverse magic kick an stuns , teamed up with a rdruid a mage will never get apoly not to mention if he does dk will steal it. Dillion you say rmx is so op but this comp is designed to stop a mage in rmx at high ratings . These matchups you state primarily depend on the map as well

There because you can’t read it seems.

It takes one go to win as rmx.
So even if they stopped every poly, gpie, clone whatever it takes only one to slip through and win.

And of course you go on dh, it’s the easiest target to kill while stunned

Because RMPal getting a kill vs DKDH just needs the kidney hoj and they can spam instant damage with just getting a klepto off, they don’t need the full CC chain to score a kill on a DH for example - same with killing the druid the mage doesn’t need to get any casts off

Grip/kick/stun/petkick are still finite CDs compared to spammable polymorph and gpy (if RMPal) or just poly/clone (if RMD). You’re just never going to stop everything, you can stop them for a while and be annoying but Rogue Mage is also tanky enough that having to wait and being delayed doesn’t hurt you

In the past disruptive comps could hurt you way more because you’d fall behind considerably from free damage when you couldn’t get a set up, but you can sit there and cycle through kicks and it’s a non issue OR you can like I said just go for goes with instant damage. There’s nothing to kick if they’re spamming instants lol

Also stuff like dark transform petkick can be stopped from rooting the pet for example


DH so easy!!! to kill.

KICK them in the nuts, cheap shot when they transform then
keep them locked down.

when DH jumps to the sky i just 1 shot them with CHAOS BOLT with my warlock.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

5 man warlock in arenas is the most OP comp i seen in my life.

1 shot everyone right at the start.

ok So I’m going to record a game of me only spamming instants on dk/dh rdruid an we will see if your shaming is correct

Every time a mage blinks in for cc he is punished mages aren’t that tanks as you claim pallys took kit is just nice