Demon Hunters and Life [Spoilers]

Fel and Life are a strange, but really interesting combination. As Odin himself says, life is chaos. Life by all forces is the best at adapting, able to find its place literally anywhere. We see Life in the hierarchy of Order and Death. We see how Void can mix with nature to create a nightmare, a completely new energy, instead of exploding when it touch another force like Void and light.

Life beings themselves are quite capable of controlling other powers. Dryads are completely immune to all types of magic, Faerie dragons can consume any alien energy without side effects, Qonzu himself embraces dragonflame and later then throws it off like a jacket he was bored with. Elune herself plays with other powers without much consequence

,Nature always finds a way."

So I’m not surprised that Fel also managed to reach an agreement with LIfe

Because the night elven people have their own prejudices?
Because being accepted and being seen as an equal are not the same?
Because Elune doesn’t speak directly to her people, nor does she directly intervene in their society (except for rare scenarios) ?

Take your pick.

Tyrande, being her high priestess, herself has often acted more in favour of the demon hunters, even wishing that freeing Illidan was the right choice to Elune. Contradictorily, Maiev sealed them up, but later released them, so maybe Elune decided to take advantage of them, if nothing else.

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For some companies, the mantra is “mistakes were made; others will be blamed”.

Maybe Elune changed her opinion since the Demon Hunters were first founded? As far as we can tell, Elune isn’t omnipotent and even if she was, she doesn’t directly speak to the Night Elves very often anyway.

Malfurion was the one who banished Illidan after being aghast that Illidan had altered his own soul to become part demon. It was not Elune who ever decried Demon Hunters, and while Malfurion was still weary of the Illidari when they returned in Legion if was Tyrande who vouches for the Demon Hunters instead.

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Night elves are “her favoured children”, so this goddess might just be cool with demon hunters.

Lets not forget nelf racials are almost all of them elune’s blessings, so there is a gameplay idea that in lore DKs and DHs are still under her “blessing”.


It would have been more interesting had Q’onzu been Dreadlord than the whole lot of filler nothing we actually got.

Even better if he was a life infused dreadlord who just liked to sit back and see how everyone’s actions changed the world around him but he himself didn’t care to actually force any change himself unless he felt like it

*The only time we see Q’onzu actually change anything is with the shadow flame stuff, which he quickly grows bored of and than abandons soon after

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Apparantly, not that many of them are around any more having succumbed to attrition in the wars that have happened since. Night Elves have clearly been having children again before the start of the MMORG.

Like most Loa, Guardians, Prophets, and dieties, They leave it to mortals to do the heavy lifting.

He imprisoned him for creating the Second Well of Eternity after Malfurion had banned the use of arcane magic.

Both are true.

Amadis was mentioning wc3 events, you were mentioning post wota events.

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I was talking about Chapter 6 of the Warcraft III Night Elf Campaign, “A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow”, which was also reenacted in the Felwood questing:


Ironically I’ve been told otherwise that Night Elves can’t have children because theyre so old, same with Draenei.

Yet in Legion you spend time rescuing Draenei children in the Exodar.

I always find funny how Illidan says that the nature would heal over time… and we still have felwood full of… fel wood.

The Satyr and Dreadlords were constantly setting up new fel corruption rituals there, which have had to be dealt with in Vanilla to Cataclysm to the Night Elf Heritage Armor questline. Potentially clearing the Skull of Gul’dan’s corruptive ritual could have been the end of it if the demons didn’t come back to set up shop over and over again.

At least some progress has finally been made through Whisperwind Grove, though.

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In Vanilla one of the questlines in Astranaar revolves around a sick child.

Thats just headcanons.


Nevermind the fact it’s fantasy and elves don’t follow the same biological rules that we mere mortals do

I was told for three years that it was canon cause Metzen or someone wrote about it.

And I’m like “doubt”. Anrld took a line out of a book out of context.