Demon Hunters and Life [Spoilers]


Ooh, I love little things like this. I like seeing these glimpses of what made a Demon Hunter character choose to be a Demon Hunter, and I like the unclear mysticism around it.


I not only love the lore of this, but I also love that my demon hunter is gonna be my next capped character and that is one less piece of gear to pray for randomly dropping for me!!

Thank you Amadis!!


I think this is interesting, I wonder what are the implications behind Elune presumably condoning the use of Fel


This might line up with how Elune seems to of gone at least a bit rogue from her Progenitor mandated role in their cosmos. She is the only being on her cosmic tier known to actively encourage worship, and as we know from BFA worship can be turned into power. She has a finger in most the cosmic pies, even crossing the law-chaos axis to meddle with arcane energies.

It could also hint that what is consumed by Fel is not truly lost, merely recycled back into its fundamental essence. Chaos is basically the cosmic incinerator keeping the closed energy loop that powers everything in motion.


As a reminder, Alara’shinu was first referenced by Rensar Greathoof in the Dreamgrove and means “beauty in imperfection”. It directly draws from the Shinto/ Japanese concept of Wabi-sabi.
The same philosophy started the practice of Kintsugi, to use gold lacquer to bind broken objects (and make beautiful imperfection), so i guess its an apt way to describe the binding (or acceptance) of fel by life.


Interesting a demon hunter that sees the “hipocrisy” of their motto of sacrificing everything.

Really like the whole story behind this as well, I want to level my DH now.


This explains why Terokkar Forest is Fel-Corrupted(as shown by having the same trees as the Fel-corrupted parts of Talador) yet filled with Life. The Fel in the place was sated with enough Life to sustain the Disorder.

Life is Chaos so raw Disorder needs Life to function and can be rendered safe by supercharging it with Life while Void(as Xal’atath states) needs Souls and therefore makes the Disorder’s hunger worse.

Arcane Order therefore needs Death to stabilize it when it goes out of control and Light to destabilize it.

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I don’t like it.

Night Elf society has been so watered down over the years - male priests, accepting mages, accepting undead and now… Elune and the Dream are cool with Fel? What’s next, are they going to start cutting down trees?

They’ve sanded off every single rough edge, ground away any trace of texture or detail. Rejecting literally anything from your society, even the magic that eats life, is apparently too mean for the new, nice Night Elves.


Makes me think back on one of the legion druid artifact called Impeccable Fel Essence, the flavor text is “The druids of the Emerald Circle manipulated the fel energy within this stone to enhance their attunement with the wild.”.

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Somehow Elune made it so that the Magic now starts spreading Life(not eating it) just like Red Dragonfire does.

I don’t think they are cool with fel… it’s just a matter of accepting what cannot be changed, so long as they act in favor of life.

The demon hunter is now acting in the defense of life, and Elune was always considered to be a forgiving goddess by her own followers.

The night elves themselves still clearly see the demon hunters as outcasts, but even in warcraft 3 were employing their abilities (both in the orc campaign and with Illidan).


I honestly really hate this whole storyline. Like maybe it’s cool for night elves that were potentially born when the Long Vigil ended after the end of the Third War. (I think potentially they would have to be in their 20’s right now) But for those who have been alive since the War of the Ancients and know the kind of void that was felt when Illidan betrayed them. Yeah. Hard pass on that.

Again, it’s going to take time to forgive and forget and while Blizzard might want to try and say “oh yeah they’re allowed to do this” the indiviual might be so welcoming to the idea of having the highborne, undead and demon hunters amongst them.

And I call bs on Elune not being able to purify the fel.

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She’s purified a Satyr once and turned them back into a kaldorei, so she clearly is quite capable of it when she chooses to be


Yup. She could purify the demon hunters that wish to be purified. She could even purify all of Felwood if she wished to. I don’t know why Blizzard is taking the easy way out and limiting her.

The writing for the night elves has been bad as of late.


Yeah, it’s been really disheartening because while I’m not really a Fan of them, they do have a lot of cool lore and aesthetics that a lot of the other races lack.

On top of a very rich history spanning a very long time but Blizzard’s writing as of late makes them seem more of purple humans. Which for rpers is hard to even get away from. That’s been at least the growing criticism on Moon Guard when you rp a night elf but at this point its not the fault of the night elf rpers.

Which is why for my night elves they’re going to be how they were during WCIII. Giving mages, demon hunters and the undead a very very cautious look.

A few Kaldorei RPers on Moonguard I met ignore a lot of the new lore because that’s how bad it’s been. Outside of humans and Orcs, blizz really is incapable of writing the other races in a meaningful matter.

Worgen, Tauren, Night Elves, etc. All these cool races that they did a awesome twist with and turned a lot of the old tropes on their heads and now the last couple years they been backsliding and undoing everything people grew to love about WoW


And Forsaken…and the Blood elf heritage quest was really good.

Wish Night Elves got something similar to Blood Elves…

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The Night Elf heritage quest was way worse than the worgen one, and that one was the biggest slap in the face to an entire community about how being a worgen actually sucks and humans are superior.

I really do think blizz has a thing against the Night Elf and Worgen community sometimes with how petty they are with some of the things they add to the game that they know will anger people

And it sucks because the NE heritage armor itself is actually beautifully done, but the questline itself was so cringe and had nothing to do with Night elven heritage