So i’ve looked it up and im new to the game, i bought battle for azeroth and boosted a warlock to 110 so i could play demon hunter, however on my demon hunter which is level 104 i can only que for legion and lich king dungeons and its been more than 24 of me creating the character. Can i never do legacy on my DH?, or whats the deal with that? do i need to be 110?
Can you enter the dungeons? Not just queue for them, but actually enter into the dungeon at the dungeon entrance?
There might be a bit of confusion, Sidearmed. The Dungeon Finder tool can only be used to find level appropriate dungeon groups. The Wrath of the Lich King dungeons are likely for Timewalking, which adjusts your level when you run them, they aren’t technically legacy dungeons.
If you want to do those older dungeons you have to manually visit them. If you want to get up a group to run those dungeons you can use the Group Finder tool.
So i cant use the group finder for anything other than my level appropiate dungeons? Like i can que for legion and lich king dungeons but no just like regular dungeons from base game.
Queueing for random group is always limited to dungeons appropriate for your level: generally, your current expansion, so in your case Legion. And not all of Legion, either; some dungeons have a higher minimum level for queuing, so at 104 you’re seeing a subset of Legion dungeons, and you won’t see Heroic available for LFG until 110 and a minimum item level.
Wrath dungeons are also available for Timewalking, which allows almost anyone to queue for. Your character is scaled down or up to be a character of maximum level of that expansion (and your gear is scaled accordingly) and you run the Heroic versions of a selection of the 5-player dungeons of that expansion. Timewalking is a weeklong event every few week, so most of the time you won’t see it.
To see other dungeons, you’ll have to go into them manually, rather than grouping up using the LFG matchmaker. You probably outlevel the earlier dungeons sufficiently that you could probably solo them, rather than grouping up.
So basically i need to level up to level 110 before having 20minute ques? And if i wanted run dungeons with my friends that are lower level am i able to? Or am i too far past the level req, the group finder only finds dungeons around 104? I have a death knight i play with my friends on around level 70ish and ques are basically instant, but i wasnt sure if i was missing content like base game dungeons just because im playing DH
Not sure, the queue times are based on how many players are in the content at the time, if less players, or less roles like tanking and healing, then queue times go up.
You can go to the dungeon entrances and enter with out queing.
If you look at the list of specific dungeons, those are the dungeons you can queue for via the random group finder.
You can visit any dugeon, at any time though, by actually travelling there.
You’re missing that content because you’re level 104. Your class is irrelevant.
And “missing out” only in the sense of “automatic group formation and being teleported into the dungeon.” Nothing extrinsic prevents you from forming your own group with your own hypothetical friends and walking into the dungeon yourself. If there’s any limitations, it’s entirely within you.
Let’s clarify the terms a bit, because I believe that is causing some of the confusion. There is the Looking for Dungeon/Raid tool, which allows you to queue for a dungeon/raid that is level appropriate. Dungeon/Raid availability is based on your level/ilevel.
You can use the Looking for Group tool at any point to create your own group and run whatever lower level content you wish.