652 Demon Hunter looking for a home. Can dps or tank depending on what is needed. Looking for a guild that is at least pushing for AOTC and possibly mythic. Also doing keys as a guild is a big bonus as pugging them is starting to make me question my sanity.
Hello Fuzzy!
I am the guild leader of Everlasting Vengeance on Illidan. We are a mythic+ and AOTC+ focused guild that raids on Wednesday and Saturday from 8:30PM to 10:30PM EST. We mostly focus on AOTC with casual mythic raid progression. This past season we went 8/8H and 4/8M. So far in this current season we are 8/8N and 4/8H.
We were hit by the roster boss at the end of last season and looking to add more players into the group. We are a very friendly, helpful guild comprised of veteran wow players. The core group has played together for multiple seasons/years now, always achieving AOTC. We also have a mythic+ key night on Fridays to help guildies fill vault. We are a friends first type of guild meaning we actually try to get to know our members, talk to them, help each other out, and talk on discord throughout the day.
Having DPS players who offspec as tank are extremely helpful! If you are looking for a long term home where you can make some longer lasting friends please reach out to me. I would love to talk to you more. Preferred method of contact is by discord but i can be reached through Bnet as well.
Discord - Crassix
Bnet - JTMack#1968
Hey Fuzzyaxe! The Gathering Hall is newly formed, only a month old and already up to 65 members. Our sole run on Heroic Palace went 6/8, and we’re 8/8 normal and 1/8 heroic in Season 2. We do weekly Mythic+ runs on Mondays and our open raid times are Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 8-11 pm EST. These are open signups with no weekly obligation or expectation. Come when you can.
In addition to these we are starting a separate invite-only progression team on Saturday nights. This group will run simultaneously with our Saturday open night. This is a harder more advanced progression team but open signups are always available as well.
We believe in a positive community without toxicity or cliquish behavior. We regularly run lower key nights to help gear members, and will often put together matching armor weights for groups to gear up individuals. We’re open and accepting to players who are experienced in TWW content, returning, new, or considering raiding for the first time!
If interested feel free to reach out here, on battlenet at wideninggyre#11619, or on discord: wideninggyre. (the . at the end is part of the name, won’t work without it)
Hey Fuzzyaxe!
Sick Society is looking for DPS. Our raid nights are Sun/Mon 9pm est to 1130 pm est and our current progression is 3/8H 8/8N. We are also recruiting M+/social PVP/leveling players. Add my btag for more info or an invite Barbiedoll#11882 or my discord barbiedoll6809
Hey! We are going to start heroic raid soon (as we have already cleared normal), but we probably wont do Mythic raiding. Though we do run a bunch of keys, of all levels. We normally have people in our Mythic+ VC channel on discord when they form groups.
Hello there! Wipes to Rats is a raiding guild on Area 52. We’re a rebuilding guild that has played together since the beginning of Shadowlands. We have achieved multiple AOTCs and are looking for more, and to push as far as we can each tier.
About Us
We’re a highly active and social raiding guild on Area 52. We pride ourselves on building our community around like minded people who are here to have fun, and push content at a steady pace. Our first focus every tier is to get AOTC as a guild, for our members to get KSM and KSH. Later in the season we typically like to dabble in mythic, but as of now CE is not our goal.
Outside of endgame content we have mog/mount runs, some PVP groups, and are highly active in discord as we play other games together, and post memes and hang out in discord.
Raid times are Tue/Wed 8:00pm-10:30 EST
What We’re Looking For
We’re primarily looking for like minded people who want to push content, who are competent, patient, and willing to learn. We accept new players and new raiders and are willing to teach you the ropes in a low stress environment. We don’t believe in yelling or screaming at our members. We will coach as requested/required.
Our biggest ask in recruitment is you come to enjoy the game, have fun, and be a team player.
Roles we’re looking for
All roles currently open as we build and expand for TWW Season 2!
Tanks: Open
Healers: Open
DPS: Open
All exceptional or like minded player, including new players, are welcome to apply!
To join or ask any questions you may:
The Club is a casual mythic raiding guild, that was formed by 3 long time WoW friends with collective achievements of CE and multiple m+ seasonal titles. Our guild is NOT CE focused, but a “50% mythic clear” focus. Meaning, we do not intend to push for CE but have a goal each tier to kill 4-5 mythic bosses. We will be pushing 2 times a week until we’ve achieved 4-5 mythic kills per tier. Outside of our “raid season” we plan to push mythic+ and focus on building our community doing other fun guild things. We provide a competitive environment that allows any new trial an opportunity to earn a place in our raid team, while our current raiders are constantly striving to improve. Outside of raiding you will find our raiders in M+ mostly as we have players who have experience pushing season title.
Times/days: THUR & FRI 8:30pm-11:30pm PST!
8/8N/6/8H in Liberation of Undermine
Needs of raid team: warrior/dh dps/strong healers/warlock
What we provide for our raiders:
-All raid consumables (Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes) are funded by BoE raid drops.
-M+ is a big focus for some of our players with some even having multiple season titles. Therefore forming groups and m+ support from the guild will provide plenty of opportunities to fill vault and gain experience.
-One month(4 weeks) of 3 raid days allows us to achieve most of our guilds raid progress so that we can then drop to once a week casual mythic raiding.
Raider expectations:
-Research fights or ask an officer for help
-Have your character prepared for the fight we are progressing
-Have any consumables that are not provided
-Have addons updated.
-Update the attendance channel if you are unable to make raid.
BNET: Jonpocalypse#11293 Hadek#11645 Greatsten#1596
Who We Are:
Big Facts is making a triumphant return! Originally formed during Shadowlands, our guild is coming back strong for Season 2 of The War Within, and we’re looking for adventurers to help rebuild our community.
We’ve already met some incredible people along the way, but we need more heroes to fill our ranks! Rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, but we’re in it for the long haul. If you’re looking for a place to grow, learn, and have fun, we’d love to have you on board!
What We’re About:
Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we’re also pushing for AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids—with the potential to dip into Mythic bosses as we progress.
What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community for both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members ready to help with Mythic+, gearing, and mechanics
Who We’re Looking For:
Healers – Keep us alive, and we’ll love you forever!
Ranged DPS – Rain destruction from afar? Join the fun!
Melee DPS – Smash, cleave, and wreck? We’re here for it!
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, team-oriented players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere
Raid Schedule:
Nights: Friday & Saturday
Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Bonus: Mythic raid progression if numbers allow
How to Join:
Interested? Have questions? We’d love to hear from you!
Big Facts is back—be part of something great!!
what’s the name of the DH as we currently need one for our mythic team. guild name is jump off and we are 6/8H atm. raid times are tues/thurs 8-11pm est.
my btag is jrzo#1414 if you want to have a chat.
Hey Fuzzyaxe, I’m the recruitment officer for our guild Ctrl Alt Defeat. We’re recruiting and would love to have you!
[Ctrl Alt Defeat]
is a cross realm/cross faction guild looking for more DPS players for Heroic LoU and potential Mythic raid progression! Hopefully looking to find some warrior, monk, and/or demon hunter players, but anyone is welcome!
Who we are:
We’re a small and tight-knit group of players who broke away from a guild held back by raid-only logins and lack of progression drive. We value teamwork, strategy, and pushing each other to improve. Beyond raids, we actively run Mythic+ dungeons, chase achievements like Keystone Master, and enjoy tackling content together. If you’re looking for a guild that’s dedicated, supportive, and always up for a challenge, we’d love to have you join us.
Nerub-ar AoTC achieved 2/12/25
Currently 8/8 N // 2/8 H Liberation of Undermine
Our Raid Schedule:
Wednesday: 9 PM CST (7 PM PST) - 11(ish) PM CST (9 PM PST)
Thursday: 9 PM CST (7 PM PST) - 11(ish) PM CST (9 PM PST)
After AoTC we also run various events including raid/dungeon achievement runs and “fun raids” where we bring alts to clear content we’ve completed on our main characters while chatting, sharing music, etc.
Whether you’re a keystone pusher or a mount farmer or anything in between, there’s a place for you with us! We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
How to Apply:
Reach out to maxi_lock or karate2201 on Discord
Hey Fuzzyaxe, Do It Live is looking for a Havoc DH to as part of our mythic progression raid team. Not sure what schedule you are looking for by your post, but we raid Tuesdays and Thursdays 8pm to 11pm EST. If you are interested please reach out to @Haloshen via discord.
Hi Fuzzyaxe : ) If our schedule works for you, would luv to chat more!
Guild: Syzygy
Server: Zul’jin (Horde)
Time Zone: Eastern (server time)
Current Progression : Liberation of Undemine : 3/8 H 8/8 N
We are a semi-casual, mid-core, adult friendly AoTC / early Mythic focused guild and we strive to maintain an inclusive culture that is inviting from a social aspect while also being productive with our raids and key runs.
We are currently looking to grow our community of raiders, M+ runners, transmog & achievement chasers and casual players. Whether you are a veteran player or new to the game or somewhere in between, we welcome you to join us!
Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)
Raiding Current Needs:
Tank - closed
Healer - closed
RDPS - open - preference for Mage
MDPS - open - preference for Rogue, Warrior, Demon Hunter
A bit about us …
As mature adults, we have jobs, kids, and commitments outside of WoW – we understand that this is a game and we work hard to enjoy our free time with our friends. To that end we aren’t looking for people that bring drama, discrimination or hatefulness to our guild.
We are a community made up of different religions, races, sexual orientations, political beliefs and are LGBTQIA+ friendly. If you don’t have manners and decorum, or can’t have a discussion where parties agree to disagree respectfully, we aren’t your tribe. If you are open to meeting new people, sharing and experiencing new perspectives and having a great time then hit us up.
Interested or have any questions? Contact one of us:
Discord Contact(s):
Cat: crazy_catz
Uri: uri5963
BNet Contact(s):
Cat: quirk#1650
Uri: uri#11265
Hey Momoring!
Welcome back to WoW! You sound like a great fit for The Killer Bunnies! We’re a relaxed AOTC-focused guild that raids Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 8:15 PM - 10:30 PM EST. We’re currently 7/8N and 1/8H in Liberation of Undermine and looking for more DPS to round out our roster.
We also have a strong Mythic+ community, with groups running throughout the week and scheduled through Discord. Plus, many of us enjoy hopping into other games together.
Your past experience is awesome, and we love having players who know how to raid but want a more laid-back, progression-focused environment. If our slightly earlier raid times work for you, we’d love to chat and see if we’d be a good match!
BNet: Anaranae#1516
Discord: Anaranae#3307
Looking forward to hearing from you!
GM of The Killer Bunnies
Hey Fuzzy, we have an immediate opening for a Havoc DH on our team. Vitae Rising is an adult only AOTC guild on Thrall that raids Tues and Thurs 10pm-1am EST (7-10pm PST). Currently 3/8H, 8/8N and outside of raiding, many of our members enjoy pushing keys and playing alts. I’ll leave a link to our spam for you to check out, but hope to hear from you. Add me on disc: Fenrirulv or btag: Rawrabear#1450.
Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild, but we also have a separate run for those who only want AOTC. Our Mythic raids are Fri & Sat 7pst to 10pst. Our Heroic runs will be on Sundays 7pst to 10pst. We’re looking to recruit new members! We run weekly key nights and guild event nights (includes tmog runs, PvP nights, and more) as well as our scheduled raiding nights, so there is always something to do!
Our current progression is:
- 8/8 N LoU
- 5/8 H LoU
- 4/8 M NP
- 8/8 H NP
Our progression in Dragonflight was:
- 5/8 M VOTI
- 5/9 M ATSC
- 6/9 M ATDH
If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information! You can reach me at Raevenhart#1561 or our raid leader vcronwen#1282 (best to contact him if you’re interested in mythic raid) anytime!
We are looking for a second tank maybe we could be a fit.
No Turning Back 8/8N 3/8H has made a return to WoW and is looking for raiders to round out our roster. We are a group of returning mythic players aiming to push content on a 6 hour schedule. We are looking for like minded players who are interested in achieving AotC and pushing into mythic content. Our raid times are Thursday and Friday 8pm-11pm EST.
If you have any questions or think we may be the right fit for you please message me at as Ash#11430
Bunny Slippers Cult is a group of friendly misfit toys, looking to add to our AOTC focused raid team and Mythic+ teams. We raid Wed. 7-9 pm and Sat. 7-10 pm Est time. We are looking for DPS to fill out our raid team. We are currently 8/8N and 2/8H for this season.
What can we offer, you ask? We got the auras that make the girls cry and our feasts taste like despair. We got mogs for days. What we expect from our raiders: attendance and willingness to improve. Not looking for perfection, but kindly giving each other tips is on our list. Most importantly, don’t be that guy, no one likes that guy.
This message has been censored approved.
If you are interested in trying us out, please contact Slippersocks at: Slippersocks#11591 or discord: slippersocks, Nix would also love to hear from you at btag Gimmicks#1671, or myself at: Interfector#2377.