And if they’re going to take away damage so drastically, since we lose chaos damage and the additional 30-40% boost it gave us, they should actually buff or improve the class meaningfully.
They’re forcing us to play Aldrachi with these changes. Now that Blade Dance throws the glaive, it makes us stick to that build.
And nerfing Demon Surge with an 8-target AoE cap on top of our already terrible AoE just keeps killing DH.
Every patch, they keep nerfing our AoE while disguising the changes as improvements, but they’re pure nerfs."
Because all these changes are more nerfs than buffs.
At first i thought it wasn’t bad, but then i actually looked more into it.
New cycle is some weird garbage, you’d think it would work like raddon, but instead the way it works is that you have to cast eye beams 4 times before you get the full benefit, so it’s some objectively badly designed trash.
It would have been better if they had done nothing at all, or put cycle on 20 sec flat, that would have been more acceptable that whatever the hell this is.
Reaver glaive does not work with the “new” talent that used to be a tier set, so one of the issues about aldrachi was not solved at it will feel just about as awful to play as before.
So ultimately what this means is that this new talent is little more than do x % more damage, see if i care. It doesn’t matter, there are no interactions other than “launch a glaive that does some damage at the enemy” Wohoo, how intriguing! What are you gonna do next? Oh the glaive does x more damage on the enemy, WOW! THE SHEER GENIUS!
The attempt at QoL is nice, and I give them an “A” for effort on that. You’re “technically” right that it provides a choice now. However, in practice it’s not going to work well. 1. VR into FB is inconsistent, and it’s likely to not get you back into melee more often than not. You’re better off just FRing back into the boss. 2. FB is a fury (or whatever our resource is called) builder. So what? Now I may have to massively over cap on fury if I need to use FB for the buff over FR for whatever reason?
I can’t say if the new talent will matter. I didn’t play in DF. It throws some glaives that adds a little damage to BD. Yahoo. They must have watched the YouTube from ole boy and said “yeah, let’s do that.”
These changes aren’t good. They do not get after what the issue is with Havoc. It’s pretty disheartening when you have numerous specs getting head-to-toe reqorks and this is what Havoc gets. Some piece meal crap and some tinkering with spectral sight…the most useless ability in our talent tree.
are you just ragebaiting? They didnt listen in any way, what so ever. They doubled down on the stuff people have been complaining about, tried to appease us with “lol use felblade” an ability that is buggy more than half the time and doesn’t actually animation cancel VR, and then gutted the reason mastery is good for us finally, and then ON TOP OF ALL THAT. They made the only hero tree we have, worse.
No it doesn’t work reliably. More than half the time, it doesn’t work at all. You know how many times I’ve fallen off into the void because I was relying on FB?
Honestly I just dont even bother pressing it anymore unless I need fury. It doesn’t work well. Probably exactly because it isn’t supposed to move you if you are inside the hitbox.
It thinks you are still in the bosses hit box. And actually you aren’t, you are now so far away from the boss you cant couldn’t even cast the ability if it wasn’t already on CD. Because it just didn’t do anything when you pressed it.
Or you feel off the platform.
Or you launched yourself into a pack of enemies because it failed to fire.
You see the inherrent problem here. If you like it, fine I dont want you stop doing it.
What I want is for the class to still work without it, because its objectively flawed gameplay.
All the DPS tier sets are hot garbage that look like they were designed by a 20yo college Intern who had never even heard of WoW and was too busy playing forknife on his smartphone to learn anything about his project, so he used chat gpt while he was eating a soup sandwich in the cafeteria to come up with ideas.
You can attempt to be as mean as you want. I just had this discussion with you in discord (obviously). I’m aware of how it works. It doesn’t change what I said. It’s unreliable. Full stop. There are so many variables that can cause it to not register properly. I don’t want to hear crap about WA’s for distance and all that. That in and of itself demonstrates how unreliable it is at an intuitive level. I can keep going about the other variables here, but I’m not going to bother. My second point about FB still stands.
Regardless of all that though, it doesn’t “hurt” anything. It just doesn’t fix anything, and that’s the problem.
changes are mid at best, but the fact that essence break is not gone or gutted so hard that we are no longer railroaded is what makes these chances not good. Stacking inertia and essence break is bad design. essence break needs to go.
fix this by removing our colossal smash clone mechanics (aka essence break) and compensate by increasing our normal ability damage.
oh and with AMN gone, know your enemy needs to just be a passive or a super early middle point in the tree as you will never not take it in any pve setting, period.
The problem with cycle of hatred is that, if I understand it correctly, every eye beam will give us a stacking buff that reduces the CD of eye beam.
That will be fine for raids I guess but for M+ it will be extremely toxic. Basically to maximize damage we will have to be constantly on our tank to keep us in combat or keep pulls very shortly spaced.
I’ve played a lot of Assassination rogue throughout the expansions and they had the exact opposite issue. I don’t know if they still do, but the point remains that some classes really want constant combat and other classes really want breaks between pulls. DH has hithertofore been agnostic, but this would make us firmly in the constant combat camp.
This is extremely toxic and a terrible, needless change.