Demon form customization(we are all Illidan)

I can see where you’re coming from in wanting meta to feel better and more fun, but I don’t think just turning meta into a druid shapeshift form is the answer. The whole point of meta is to make a mechanic that feels like you’re going super saiyan, empowering all of your abilities. It’s what separates us from say a feral druid. If we turn meta into something that you’re in all the time without any effort at all, we just become druids. Boring :zzz:

I do like your idea of making meta feel more powerful better though. Making chaos strike/blade dance actually have different mechanics in meta would be a lot of fun, and would make going into meta feel better because you’re getting something more than just more haste, leech, and higher damage. They would probably have to make it harder to go into/stay in meta to balance it, but I’d be fine with that if it felt like going into meta turns me into an absolute killing machine.

There is no coping. The ‘evidence’ you posted itself proves you wrong, as it doesn’t say anything about Illidan and admits that it’s incomplete. Your evidence literally proves me right.

No one else knows how to create Demon Hunters, and the fact that you still think Demon Hunters are trained and not created proves your ignorance of the lore once again.

And of course, in all your endless coping because I’ve proved you wrong at every turn you simply turn to insults because you have nothing left.

You definitely think you know anything about this game, and the reverse is definitely true. It’s absolutely hilarious that you’ve deluded yourself to thinking that classes such as death knight and warlock who have generic animations is the same level of effort as making the custom animations involved with adding races as to the Demon Hunter list.

Have fun being wrong about absolutely everything. I hope you are better at being correct IRL than here.

You proved me correct. Your quote admits that they don’t have the knowledge to make Demon Hunters.

You didn’t provide anything that actually supports your claims. The only thing toxic here is your inability to objectively look at information and that you pander to your own childish emotions so violently. It’s to the point where you will say that words mean the opposite of what they say if they make you happy.

Having a rational and well thought out argument is your idea of a child like temper tantrum, and it just goes to show how emotional and childish you are. There will not me more DH races, as I’ve explained multiple times now, and you have been unable to refute anything I’ve said.

You can either keep crying about it and calling me a child while kicking and screaming like one, or accept reality.

There is no point in arguing with you. WoW has a long history of allowing more race + class combos. Blizz will not let DH’s only have 2 choices for the rest of WoW’s history, they will definitely add more. We’ll be lucky if they add quests to explain it but whatever, I’ll just be happy to have more than 2 choices.

There will be more DH’s one day when Sargeras, the Burning Legion, and Illidan eventually return. One way or the other, there will be more playable demon hunters someday.

Given the accessibility to allow warlocks to customize their own summoned demons is a step in the right direction to expand on that for DH. But because we’re talking about just an ability and not an actual manageable aspect of gameplay. I think glyphs are the best place to start and expand from there.

DF - Draconoid glyphs (red, green, bronze, black, blue, fel [b/c yeah])
SL - Stoneborn glyph, Fornsworn/Ascended glyphs, Blight monstrosity(maybe lich)
BFA - Drust/Void(mindflayer) glyphs
Legion - Felguard/Fel lord type glyph, Val’kyr (fel) glyph,

As far as other races, I don’t see the problem gameplay wise, I could kind of understand the difficult reasons story wise. Blizz could allow some races with their meta being more centralized similar to that of the nathrezim with just some subtle differences depending on the race while in Meta.


There was potentially a lot of time between cata and legion, it’s entirely possible that Illidan could have taught others on the process to make demon hunters in that time, especially cause the legion was still a threat then, and Illidan is only 1 person, having select others that can do it in his stead to help bolster numbers does make sense, at least to me.

And demons could still be a threat. The dreadlords were loyal to the jailer, it stands to reason there are other demons that didn’t belong the legion that could still prove a big threat.

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Except Illidan’s soul was separated from his body at the time, and his body was locked in the Vault of the Wardens. The same with the rest of the demon hunters; they only emerged after Maiev released them in an emergency. Illidan’s soul only returned to his body at the end of the Nighthold, where he proceeded to disenchant Gul’dan’s entire body.


Yea, the point was to do something like that.

Y’know how there’s competing talents where one gives passive increase in output while another provides more output through a burst of sorts? The “Meta form” would simply be that passive option. So, even without the meaningful changes, with specific spells like Carrion Swarm or whatever, no one would have to play unless they wanted to.

And, truth be told, if you’re already keeping Meta up for nearly 90% of the time, while Meta gives nothing but numbers, what I suggested seem to be already in-game. :laughing:

Ahh yeah, I forgot about that.

Though, it’s also possible he taught people we don’t know about prior to getting beaten in the black temple. I think, if Blizzard wants to make it possible in the future, they will something that kinda makes sense at least.

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There are demon hunters who remember and know the trials and rituals to becoming a demon hunter. Look up Telarius Voidstrider and the quest he drops in Darkshore called “Writings of the Dark Herald”. He had scrolls detailing how to become a DH. No demon hunter would magically forget the hell they went through to become one. So it is entirely plausible they can guide others.

Then there is Feronas Sindweller who is in Felwood, and did not get imprisoned by the wardens and Maiev after the Black Temple and Outland.

It isn’t “if”, but “when”, Blizzard will add more playable DHs. They’ve retconned the lore to make way for blood elf playable demon hunters before, and they will again when they want to add more race options. Can’t wait!


Lesser Illidan. Can’t change it because it’s ICONIC Jazz hands

Disclaimer: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Why don’t we let the paid writers and developers at blizzard worry about lore and animations, shall we? Allied raced DK’s and Lightforged Draenei locks are a thing now, so yeah, it is not totally impossible.

Furthermore, if you look at Demon Hunter’s lore in wowpedia page, under “Races and Initiation” topic, it clearly states that:

"Other races can become demon hunters, but such individuals are unheard of.

Humans can also be demon hunters. Some of these demon hunters can be found guarding Mount Hyjal with the help of fellow night elf demon hunters. Demon hunters in other races are rare, but some exist."

You don’t work at blizzard nor has blizzard openly stated anywhere that there will never be more races for demon hunters.
You are just being toxic towards others based on your own random speculation, who do you even think you are? How entitled are you?? Let people post about what they think would be fun to have in the game they play.


Sargeras is dead. There will be no more.

Incorrect about everything basically. Try being better.

Talk about a necro, replying to stuff that is over a year old.

Also Sargeras isn’t dead, he’s just imprisoned with Illidan and the Titans. Go watch a lore video or cinematic if you don’t believe me. The red star in the sky on Azeroth is where he’s being held captive. Eventually he will return, eventually Illidan will return, and when they’re back in the story, the other elves will likely become DH’s.

A disturbing trend - opening all races to all classes. Classic had the right idea.

I’d just really love to see an option to just make it looks like a more demonic version of my character, with the wings out and such, instead of just some generic form everyone shares, the form doesn’t even look like my character! I spend so much time making and designing my character to be how I like it, it’s always weird to me to have them take it away, even if its just for a bit

Blizzard was really lazy with DH/ Evoker, imo. Like, why can’t DH fly using their wings? Just so silly.


That’s not what’s being discussed. Currently there is no lore justification.

You said Sargeras is dead, so I corrected you. And everyone else is correct. When Illidan or the Legion are a focal point of a future expansion, there will be more playable DH’s. Buckle up.