Demon form customization(we are all Illidan)

Hey all!

I love DH’s movement based gameplay a lot but I’m so tired of seing every DH in metamorphosis looking exactly like me. It’s time that we get true character creation like option to make our demon form look truly unique. Illidan is everywhere…

ALSO, can we get new races open for DH? Why can’t the lore evolve this way?


Nightborne and void elf DH’s.

No excuse not to with new warlock races now, and them able to be death knights counter any argument against lore. Because if that’s the case then we should’nt have death knights as nightborne.


Definitely agree! We should have as much variation in metamorphosis as there are demons. I always wanted something more infernal themed, like a Skyrim atronarch…


I’d just be happy with our tattoos in Meta form being the same color as when we’re not. I’m not hard to please.


I would LOVE to have Demon Spikes permanently on my back because I think it looks cool. I’d love more horn options (satyr horns anyone?!) and to fully customize our demon form for sure. I’d also like to be able to have hooved feet out of Meta form. Or like claws, tails, and the list goes on. There are so many demons in WoW and lore wise, DH’s take on characteristics of the demon they bond to so there should be tons of customizations.


And to add on to this…

I think velf and n-borne should be able to be DHs. I think orcs and draenei could too (since they were on Outland when Illidan was there). Draenei makes a lot of sense since Kil’jaeden already looks like a draenei in Meta form, and there are female draenei in Antorus that look the same. The models already exist in game. It wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to include them with a simple retcon.

And if not that…then…

Do something similar to the allied race DK starting experience. You walk up the stairs of the Frozen Throne, talk to Bolvar the Lich King and then go on your merry way to Orgrimmar or Stormwind. Short, sweet, simple. Why can’t DH’s have something like this for velf and n-borne?

Bring back Liam O’brien to voice Illidan, set the starting zone any time between the end of Night Hold and before the end of Antorus. It could be on Argus even, with the plethora of demons there. Have Illidan greet the new DHs after they completed their training and trials and rituals. Then just click a portal to your faction capital. The end.


thx guys for your comments. I just saw the new Warlock pet option models and OMG they are nice. I wonder how long warlocks had to ask for it before it happenned. Lets hope we are next! I would love a 4 legged demon form like manaroth would be AMAZING.


I’ll take this a step further and I think it would be pretty cool if our equipped xmog stretched to fit in demonic form…kinda like the zarbon transformation in DBZ.

We already have toys that shrink and increase size while keeping the same xmog, heck we even have an toy that changes us to any race by simply walking over it.

Would absolutely love this to be a thing


I’d like 3 things for Meta:

1- Dreadlord customization, like Kin’tessa.

2- Abilities being truly changed instead of a mere haste boost and more dmg on two skills.

3- A playstyle where you stay on Meta at all times. If a 3rd spec never gets added, that would be a way to create an alternative to the current Havoc.


The animations for Warlocks are not as involved as DH by any stretch.

There is a current Lich King that can make Death Knights. There is not a current Illidan who can make Demon Hunters.

Plus, the success rate of creating a Demon Hunter is about 1 in 10, as per the Illidan novel. Couple this with the fact that there’s literally no reason to make more Demon Hunter’s even if we could, because Demons are no longer an existential threat, there is no lore justification.

This just shows that you have no idea how painful and terrible becoming a DH actually is. Illidan had to babysit and kill off more than a few of the litter of current DH’s, on top of it taking months to years to do. There was never any time for him to make new Demon Hunter’s, nor a real reason.

they could literally bring back the old warlock skins for meta… warlocks would lose their mind though.

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You’re lesser Illidan because its ICONIC.

This class will always live in the shadow of an NPC and never really be its own thing because it HAS to have the abilities he has.

There are many demons out there so why can’t they have more assorted powers they can use. But you can’t because its ICONIC.

make me a shivarra and ill be happy


I like how you try to thump your chest about your knowledge and experience in the game (I’ve been playing since release btw, so you can put that card back in the deck) yet make absolutely asinine comments that fly in the face of any published lore.

Try backing up what you’re saying with something actual objective, not "Hurr durr I lol @ you’

There is no reason to expand races for DH from a lore perspective, and you can’t provide any evidence that there is. The demons are not a threat any longer, no one is as fanatical against the demons as they were, there is no one to make them, and they are too big of a risk.

If you actually read the lore you would know this, but based on your opinion it’s obvious you either don’t care about the lore or are lying about knowing it.

Personally I’d like just to see my character’s body turn black with a black aura, my eyes glowing and my wings out instead of this 12 foot tall roided out devil trigger wannabe.

Then gimme a transformation more like his instead of making me look like him directly.


Getting to choose your demon form when you morph would be pretty sweet. open it up to any humanoid shaped demon. maybe they could do this with glyphs

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I don’t think major customization should be used for glyphs. DH (and druids and their forms) deserve to have a customization page to rival dracthyr. I hope so someday.


#3 is the norm, the current meta ST spec uses shattered destiny + cycle of hatred + haste/crit stacking. After checking logs, meta uptime with all of this combined is usually about 80%+ if you don’t have to be off the boss for too long.

IF they were to make another spec for havoc (which they won’t, lul), I think it would most likely be a momentum based spec vs a demonic based spec.

edit: Here’s my warcraft log from last night’s H magmorax (target dummy) boss encounter. 81.57% meta uptime, 98 parse:


Except they haven’t retconned anything in a way that has had the impact that you’re claiming it’s had. All the retcons so far have been extremely minor in a way that actually impacts player choice. Titans becoming titan keepers, old gods not actually being peak void, haven’t really impacted player choices. You can keep coping sure, but you’ve just shown your ignorance.

You’ll keep playing a DH and the game regardless if they actually add more DH races, which means that investing time, money, and resources to make the animations and lore justifications for expanded races is a giant waste of time that they very likely wont do because there is quite literally no incentive. They have an actual important class to develop, the Evokers, that don’t need massive retcons and overhauls to add things to.

Hell, I bet Shamans get a tank spec before DH races are advanced, because that actually makes sense and would add to the game. Cope harder.

That’s a pretty long time. Not even sure long I can keep it.

But what I meant involved Meta being actually different. Like, if you go into Meta, you do different things, have access to new spells, etc. Right now, Meta is “literally the same but with more damage on 2 skills”. Purely aesthetic buff.

It would require first to stabilish some consistent difference between Meta and out-of-Meta playstyle, then, even a passive making Meta have no cooldown, basically turning it into a “druid form”, would do the trick.

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