De+Modernizing the Worgen - Customization and Trait Suggestions

I just want a tail for my Worgen. Give us tails already!!!

Bullcrap. Night elves who used Arcane magic were physically changed into high elves which were different from Night Elves in the original lore. They went back later and reconned it to be that a sect split off and were another Night elf form of High Elves.

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They were not. Only those who traveled across the seas diminished. I’d suggest learning the lore of the Shen’dralar.

What part of old lore didn’t you understand they changed it later on but the old lore was if a night elf used arcane magic they were changed. I know it don’t fit your little narrative but it’s the cold hard facts before Blizzard started all the recons that have changed the lore into what it is now.

The Highborne were always Night Elves. Nothing was changed.

“Old Lore” Dude lore before those recons that Blizzard put into WoW. This is lore from the old Roleplaying games when WoW was new and Warcraft 3 was what was on everyones mind when you said I play Warcraft.

Circa 2003. Enjoy!


The roleplaying game has never been canon lore. Nowhere in WC3 did anyone claim that Highborne were anything but Highborne.

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You have lost already. The RPG was cannon till Blizzard reconned it. Nothing you say will change that. You can be mad all you want but that will not change the written past. It was a fun battle but you were doomed from the get go.


Blizzard never followed the RPG in their games. There’s nothing to “lose.” Unless you can show me where in the games Queen Azshara was a Helf.

Here’s what the Ask CDev interview said back then:

 why would I be mad? You seem to be the only one here having an emotional response. I’m simply giving you the information that actually exists.

Although the funny part is how you’re trying to use “but they retconned it!!!” as some form of argument as if I’m wrong, when regardless
 this is how things are and how they’ve been since at least 2004, if not longer.


You are cute when you’re mad. The RPG has Blizzards seal on it at one point it was cannon but they changed it later on cause the story evolved and you know that’s fine. Change is a wonderful thing. I gave us class combo’s that we never would have has had the story stayed the old way. Change will be how they prevent WoW from dying. I’ve been playing WoW since its inception and have always enjoyed seeing the ways the races have changed over the years.

But the moment Worgen ask for change people freak out and lose there minds demanding that Worgen can’t get any opinions the Worgen players have been requesting for over 13 years. If we haven’t stopped asking for it after this long what makes you think we are going to stop any time soon. Your demands that we be given nothing just strengthen our resolve and we will one day yet see the fruits of our labor.

Except I’m not mad. There’s no reason to be upset over anything. :dracthyr_shrug:

The interview I gave you just proved that incorrect. And it’s still irrelevant, as the lore that you’re claiming is wrong hasn’t been wrong since at least 2004 or prior. Thus
 Shen’dralar are Highborne are Night Elves and that lore that’s existed since that point in time has been relayed to you. I’m not sure why that’s being contested or why you chose to get so oddly snarky. Very confusing conversation, to say the least. :dracthyr_shrug:

I don’t see anyone in here freaking out, losing their minds or claiming that Worgen can’t have any opinions. All I see is people sharing their opinions— just like I did. And had a very productive conversation with the OP on the subject, as well.

I have no demands nor said you should be given nothing.

You may wish to go back and reread this topic a bit further when you’re in a less upset mindset. Something seems to be interfering with your views of what’s been said.

Since this conversation has gone a tad sideways into things that haven’t happened, I’m just going to say have a good evening and I’m sorry that you dislike people who have different opinions than yours. Please try to keep in mind for the future that your opinion is just as valid as mine and no one is oppressing you.

Yes, and introduce them to a certain Robert Oppenheimer.

I would really like to understand why you believe that giving Worgen a tail would make them less ferocious. Is a tail considered cute? I have always seen it as a blessing from Goldrinn to allow them to better commune with the primary form of Druidism, which is the true wolf.

Oh, and I would love to finally see a selection of jewelry for them. We don’t talk about it enough, but they’re the only race that doesn’t have this option, and no, the human form doesn’t count

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I like the idea of it being a leap of sorts fits in with the worgen race.

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Worgen race and gilenan theme has always been my favorite. I’ve completed the worgen starting zone at least 5 times now just to level the characters through the story. Looking back at the alpha model, it’s a model that would be so accepted and appreciated by many. Right now the hunch doesn’t bode well with the race. There are quite a few interesting ideas that have been shown here. Hopefully something cool happens with the reclaiming of gilneas, hopefully we reclaim our upright position too.

im into it.
this thread needs more pictures tho.

Darkflight could be modified in inspo of that trinket from nathria where you leap at a target. Doesn’t need a damage modifier but something like reactivating darkflight with an enemy target causes you to leap within melee range, only useable once per cooldown.

Claw colours would be a nice addition.

Give them the ability to remove appearance of weapons in worgen form. If a tg warrior wants to look like they’re attacking with their claws let them.

how would that work though? so mortal strike and everything else is going to use one single animation?

Stop asking for tails.

Worgen don’t have tails. They never did. Why would they suddenly have tails?

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what difference does it make to you if people ask for tails or not?