De+Modernizing the Worgen - Customization and Trait Suggestions

Oh no never thought about that what the hell :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Thank you for sharing the incredible artwork, the kind of to which I was referencing earlier.
For anyone on PC trying to view the links, cursor-left all the way in the URL and remove the apostrophe after the h.

So, I think the biggest conundrum that might be slightly problematic to implement, but make many Worgen players very happy is more humanoid, or at least more elaborate hair styles. In my opinion, this especially made the Cata-Alpha female model unique and interesting. Not human, but not a worg either… A Worgen cross in between. Adding hairstyles and hair colours would allow for much more variety, and importantly, they already existed in the earliest version of the Worgen on the Cataclysm testing servers. I would love to see them re-added some-day with the current fidelity, De+Modernizing the models as per the title.

As for how to actually implement the other options associated with the old models, eye types already exist for Nightborne, and snouts for Vulpera, and postures for Orc, so the precedents are there to make full use of.

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Feel like even just adding the more humanoid-esque hairstyles adds the option of having a more feral or ‘domestic’ worgen, which I like as an option because it shows some Worgen as embracing that ‘feral’ side while others still cling to their human stylings and habits just within a new form.

I also think that having a better variety of facial options that actually change facial geometry would be nice. Rn, the Worgen face options mostly dictate fur pattern and scarring rather than feeling like entirely different faces.

Biggest one is for Worgen females imo. Like, they need a more lupine like face, their current one is far too humanoid I feel. Same with male worgen to a certain extent, but for them I’d just like a variety of facial options that feel sufficiently different from one another (also upright ear placement like actual wolves as an option).

Also yeah, sorry about the links needing to have the apostrophe removed, but because the forum system is dumb I can’t post links until Trust Level 3 lol.

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Your comment accurately describes my thought process on esp. the female models. The big fallout over the unreleased female model was due to them looking too ‘human, furry and feminine’ to paraphrase, but I actually thought the opposite was the case. The release model looked far worse and incongruent with the male counterpart, in my personal opinion. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t have options, so players can use whichever they prefer.

The release Worgen model with its hunch and mane is more like the Tauren, whereas the original cata alpha version was more humanoid. I think the hair styles were borrowed from Blood Elves, but IMO whoever worked on them deserves an apology prize. I’ve seen some great, ferocious looks with the models on photoshopped images on Google, and wish they had made it live with these unique features.

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Pretty much sums up my philosophy with all customization in this game.
More options are just a good thing, regardless…
And this game is in dire need of more options.

I see why they ended up changing it, my biggest problem with it at the time was how I really liked how there seemed like a variety of different facial options which felt ‘different’ to me, whereas the new model had faces which felt very same-y.

I also think the permasnarl was a mistake to have, but I think that was largely a product of the technological limitations of the time. What they did to fem Worgen though was insane and I have no idea who thought it was a good idea to change it from the original.

I also feel like the change between the two models was a complete and radical change that gave two entirely different vibes. Like you said, the original was more ‘humanoid’ in appearance and gave off that idea that the playable Worgen were beastly but still ‘human’ on the inside. They gave off a bit of that ‘heroic’ quality that was signature of the Alliance at the time which made them fit better alongside the other playable races in the Alliance (as seen in the first reference image). That ‘heroic’ quality was largely lost in the beta/alpha model update, which isn’t a bad thing just different.

Feel like adding options to portray both themes for the Worgen would be incredibly neat, though and give them much needed flexibility in how you can portray your Worgen character.


Tails being optional wouldn’t hurt anyone. If Blizzard had spent the same time on Worgen as they did Goblins we already might have tails as they were in the original concept art for the race only reason we don’t is Blizzard screwed up and didn’t have a proper model ready and haphazardly slapped out the abomination less than a month before Cataclysm dropped after scapping the alpha Worgen model cause some cry babies said they weren’t vicious enough looking. Turning the model into a permanent snarling chihuahua with some of the worst animated flaws in WoWs history didn’t help the race any and we got sorely neglected thanks to Blizzard own shoddy work.


The alpha models, esp. for female were actually better technologically… they had differently coloured eyes that compete with today’s glows, incredible hairstyles, more fur colours and patterns, facial feature variance, better ear positions and snouts that made them look like werewolves rather than “snarling grey :3 bat chiwawa hybrids”, and they had a head that did not fall apart when animated… Looking at it again, I am actually astounded and also agree with Asheru - scrapping these models WAS one of the greatest visual design mistakes ever made in this game’s history. It’s like the release models were made to spite the negative feedback for the original… “you want less human and more vicious? There. It looks nothing like the original that people were excited for, nor the concept art, and it dilutes the werewolf fantasy” and to be honest, Blizz tends to do that even with class balancing, overbuffing/nerfing, swinging too far in either direction based on feedback. Now, that we have the tech, we could have these original options with high graphical fidelity, and I think they’d look awesome. For those doubting or not understanding the support for the alpha models, I highly suggest you google them, look at the articles, images and old videos at your own leisure. I think the current models look okay, but still have some issues and the Shadowlands update basically doubled down on and entrenched the fact that female worgen don’t look like they could have, which was more wolf-like. IMO ear type, eye type, snout, hairstyle/colour and posture options would be relatively easy fixes and would end that decade-long debate.


It would to me. Because I’m still seeing it and it would just throw things off for the Worgen I “grew up with,” per se.

Worgen haven’t had tails since before game original launch. It wasn’t anything to do with Cataclysm.


So… make your own thread? o_O

Nobody is saying Vulpera shouldn’t get customization options, this is just worgen players asking for something since it’s their turn to get the story spotlight.

Be honest your one of the tails would make them furrys group aren’t you?

It don’t matter the curse is magical in nature, it can be altered, changed, blessed whatever. Just because it didn’t at the start don’t mean it can be something changed to allow the players to express themselves in a way they want to see thier characters. I’m looking at you Night Elf mages and Draenei warlocks. Two things that are contradictions of the lore and are now cannon that no one blinks an eye at. If you want a lore explanation it’s simple Goldrinn blesses the Worgen.

We already know the Worgen model has tail bones built into the model so it’s not like it would be a full rebuild of the skeleton to give the option to the players and those asking want it to be optional so no one is forced to have a look they don’t want for thier character.

if they don’t get tails now then idk if they will ever lol

bah. I read this as Demodernizing the Worgen.

I thought this was an Anti-give-Worgen-tails thread and I wanted to pop in to show my support.

I also figured while I had the ears of a bunch of Worgen haters I would motion to get more dog catchers to catch and fix strays. Maybe even put a few of them down if they appear to be problematic.

I should probably again clarify, that by “De+Modernizing” I meant to suggest that the Worgen could have options more reminiscent of their initial models, updated to fit the current graphical fidelity in the game. This would reinforce the werewolf fantasy, some people feel was somewhat lost with the last-minute-to-release changes. I thought the title was playful and intriguing, and did not intend to cause too much contention with it. On the contrary, I would be happy if more people see that going back and forward between concepts does not necessarily mean abandoning one idea or the other. Things have been added, changed, added in subversion or even retconned previous lore or status quos within the game. This, I think, especially poses no real harm when the cosmetic aspect is the one in question, say, rather than the racial abilities where game balancing can be affected… Generally, the more variance there is, the more players are likely to find a combination that suits their desires.

As someone who mostly plays for PvP, I wouldn’t take much issue if Worgen suddenly received tails, nor would I probably use that option… but if, say ~40% of them want that ability, why not introduce it? It’s merely cosmetic. Plus, there already are races in the game that have them: Draenei, Tauren, Pandaren and Dracthyr…

Eventually, I think ‘latching’ onto one suggestion that is a part of a symbolic compilation of ideas that could expand upon Worgen immersion and Dev attention misses the larger point: That at this juncture, where Worgen finally receive long-due lore and immersive attention, it would be wise and beneficial to add to their cosmetic options, some of which many people have been asking for, for over a decade… and which, again, which you do not have to use if you don’t like. :slight_smile:

Edit: I recommend watching “Hearthstone: The Witchwood Trailer” on YouTube. It’s one of the more recent official depictions of Worgen closer to their alpha model versions. It doubles down on the Gilnean vibe… At least we’re finally getting to go back there as a proper city after 13 years, that was long overdue and already had lore precedent. Whatever customization or racial trait attention we may ever receive in the future would be seen as a huge plus, but we’re already on the right track. It’s better than nothing for sure.

The biggest change I’ve wanted with Worgens since the start was to have their “Running Wild” be able to be activated indoors. As it is, shamans can activate their ghost wolf ability indoors. It makes no sense why a worgen would not be able to drop to all fours and run around indoors as if they are mounted. Worgen should be fast. This should be represented in-game.


i always envision darkflight should be a toggle on a 10 second cd, thats like shaman ghost wolf.

  1. it serves as a human/worgen choice, usable both incombat.
  2. worgen form should just inherently provide a 15% movement boost.
  3. going in worgen form can either give a temporary speed boost or a leap.

What does this sentence even mean?

Night Elf Mages were never a contradiction. The Shen’dralar always existed.

This isn’t about lore with Worgen, although Blizzard specifically did make sure any mention of tails was removed from the book that accidentally had it in there.

It’s about the aesthetics and how I dislike how it would look and remove their ferocious nature for me. They already changed the models to look worse. Tails just don’t keep the dark, ferocious nature to me.

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Other customization? Sure.
Tails? No.

Worgen have never had tails in the entire history of the WoW Canon.
Hearthstone isn’t canon, and all the instance of Worgen being given tails in the WoW canon were a mistake that were swiftly corrected.

“But I want it” isn’t a valid excuse to ask for the biology of a race to be adjusted.

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Give me the Kharazan waltz dance, you fiends.
Dance studio was supposed to be a thing in Wrath, it’s been almost twenty years in the oven.

Why be against customization requested by a majority of worgen players? Will it really change anything in history to see some worgen walking around with a tail? I think adding such a thing is far less problematic than adding the Eredar to the Draenei, age-old enemies of many races and factions, but yes, it’s much more logical…

We have not been asked to change past history, but to take into consideration the future of the race by incorporating new features desired by players.


You don’t play a Worgen, you don’t pay for our accounts, you have 0 say in what we want for our characters. It’s a magic effect it can be changed at any time just like the other retcons. Have a nice day.